DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v151 staff on November 17, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
wedgaz profile image

Hi. My name is Eric; I'm interested in learning to code and hopefully make a career out of it. I have learned how to make a basic website with html and css (more or less)and now trying to learn javascript.
Thanks to everyone who build this platform and thanks for all support.
Everyone here is Awesome!👍👍

immuslim profile image

Hey, I'm Muslim from Indonesia. It looks like we share the same interest. I hope we're both successful in accomplishing our goal. Best of luck! :-)

wedgaz profile image

Yes I hope we are. Good luck too.
Thanks ✌

blangkon_angga profile image
angga blangkon

Hay muslim,

Thread Thread
immuslim profile image

Oy, salam kenal bro! 🙏

pius71145358 profile image
Pius bassey


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

wedgaz profile image


syncodes profile image

Hey... Me too! 😂 I've started with app development instead cause I had apps in mind that I wanted 🤣 I like to explore different fields in tech so I'll definitely swing around the JavaScript jungle soon!

rahulkar profile image

Yeah bro same here I love to to code and build cool websites with React and firebase✌️✌️

snigdha667 profile image
Snigdha Singh


ganeshs_kumar profile image
Ganesh Kumar

Good luck Eric!

baaysoose profile image
Socé Ndiaye

bonne chance

angydev profile image
Angela Busato


nftcryptomix profile image

Hi My Name is Steve, I am from New Zealand and I am learning code to hopefully build P2E games. As I am researching and trying to understand the mechanics your site came up and Ithought the article was great and signed up. I hope to meet like minded people and meet some Dev's who might be able to direct me on the right path. Anyway Hi DEV community :):):).

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

nftcryptomix profile image

Thanks Nick and I am here to learn.

portalsandcake profile image
Michael Volckmann • Edited

If Wall-E came out of hiding.

syncodes profile image

Hi 👋 Had to Google what P2E is and sounds very cool. What got you into them?

nftcryptomix profile image

I have been a gamer all my life, played since Atari and Commodore 64 and most the game since. I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars over the years in the gaming industry. Earlier this year I joined Splinterlands a P2E blockchain gaming platform which cost me $20 for spell card and I brought about $400 worth of cards not expecting much back in return but a good game to play. Those cards are now valued at over 10K and I recently sold a few of my Splinterlands cards and got into other P2E games like Dcrop and Star Rising on the Hive Blockchain. After thinking about it, I thought why not build my own game, as I have over 30 years playing in the gaming culture. I know so many special features that I can add that would revolutionize the ecosystem, the only way I can do that is if I build it myself. Slow process but I can see the rewards. Thank you for you question SynCodes.

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syncodes profile image

That's awesome! It's cool that you know exactly what you want to achieve from the get go! As for me, I'm still exploring different interests like app development, machine learning and VR stuff which I've got really excited about since I got an Oculus Quest... But I can only do one or two things at a time 😒

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nftcryptomix profile image
nftcryptomix • Edited

I will probably head into dapp's, VR and machine learning. I see so much potential with machine learning in security in essence it could understand the virus through a virtual machine and build layers on the virus to make it null. My mind likes to go all over place lol as I am learning the basics I am trying to tune into the built stuff too so I can see similarities in learning and building to give me a better understanding on how things tick.

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syncodes profile image

That's a very interesting application of machine learning!

erduoliveira profile image
Eduardo Oliveira

Hello Steve. Good luck!!

johanpereyra profile image
Dr. Johan Fitzgerald P. Sasso

Interested in machine learning, A.I, Cloud computing, Health-Tech, ethical hacking, virtualization, hardware, electronics, social engineering, researcher and developer of electronics tools and software for pentesting and ethical hacking. PhD in Medical Sciences.

d3toxg profile image
Aiyejumo Gbenga

We share similar interests but I don't know how long it would take me to learn this under one hood. 🤔

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

welcome animation

evanskwofie5 profile image

Hi there, my name is Kojo, from Ghana. I have been rooting around React for the last two months and although I am yet to grasp the concepts completely, I must admit it is a fun thing. Webdev has become the first and last love these past few months and I am happy to be here to share my journey with you and also learn from you. Thanks for having me.

syncodes profile image

I know how you feel. I've been addicted to coding since I started 😂 Good luck on your journey 👍

yasirahtech profile image

Hello my name is Yasirah, I am from New York and I have been interested in tech for most of my High School career. I am currently a software engineering fellow and so far I have made a website with two of my classmates using CSS and HTML. I am currently testing out the fundamentals that I have learned for JavaScript and have been writing and playing around with JS code. I want to start studying Python, C++, and React.js by March 2022. Stay in touch if you are a new developer as well and would love to create code challenges and then we share them with each other :P

syncodes profile image

Hi Yasirah, new developer here 😁
I'm learning Python right now and I'd love to do code challenges! Also, I'm interested in dabbling with web development in a few months, so we could help each other on our journey!

yasirahtech profile image

Omg Hey Syn!!! 😆 I would love to help with and be apart of your web development journey and I look forward to chatting about what you've learned in Python so far! Also, what type of developing are you doing right now? And about code challenges... I'll follow you on GitHub, and we can use that as the space for sending code challenges to each-other!! 😁

mahadev_k profile image
Mahadev K

Hey everyone I am Mahadev,
I saw great articles from dev in my google recommendations and so I joined this wonderful community to contribute and support the dev.. Google knows people better nowadays 😅.

svetlanajoker_58fba960a4 profile image
Svetlana Joker

I work on the Internet and hope for new knowledge and experience.
Thank you.

d3toxg profile image
Aiyejumo Gbenga

Hi, I am Gbenga from Nigeria. I am a web developer, and a bit of a network enthusiast.
I have written codes in python and I would love to learn alot more about python's fastAPi and also alot about web3 development.
I usually code only when the need arises but I would like to code every day that's why I decided to join this community.
I believe I can learn more daily and hopefully make career in DevOp.
I am sincerely looking forward to sharing and learning a lot from this community.

syncodes profile image

Hiya, I'm learning Python at the moment. I'm curious, what type of projects did you work on so far?

d3toxg profile image
Aiyejumo Gbenga

Machine learning project to predict an outcome.

slinky_dev profile image

Hello, Andrew here. I got my start in web design way back with a no-code website builder and have since learned HTML and CSS. Currently studying advanced CSS and Javascript. I am excited to be here and looking forward to this journey.

tourmaline profile image

Hi. My name is Dariel, I'm studying computer science and learning web development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js. I'm latino from one of those islands in the Caribbean Sea. I'm very interesting in learning more and more about programming and discussing technology topics, sharing my thoughts and learning from other more experienced developers.

I'm searching for active programming communities to join and this seems a nice one, I hope to integrate well with the community.

syncodes profile image

Hey, nice to meet you 😊 My name is Syndra and I would also love to make lots of friends in the community to learn from each other and have fun 😄

kaiseler profile image

Hi my name is Luis. I have 37 years and I am learning html and css for now.. I want to change my life I work in a factory and I want to achieve a front end developer career and I want to give my best regards for this paltform thank you very much

syncodes profile image

I feel you... I'm also trying to change my circumstances and reach my full potential! Best of luck on your journey... You got this!!! 💪

kaiseler profile image

Thanks, you to I wish you the best, and that you reach your goals

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syncodes profile image

Thanks 👊

taromi profile image

Hi! My name is Taromi(nickname) and i am from south korea. nice to meet you. I'm working as a web developer. i love php language and laravel framework. recently i studying flutter framework. Anyway Hi Everyone in DEV community! :)

syncodes profile image

Yay, a Flutter buddy! I'm also learning and trying to level up my Flutter skills. Let's keep in touch!

drewk profile image
Drew K

Hey all, been a semi-regular reader for some time, looking forward to joining the community officially. I'm a full stack web dev primarily working with Java & React, looking to broaden my skillset. Looking forward to engaging more with this community!

necolanch profile image
Nicholas Cruz

I look forward to seeing any knowledge you might share from your current experience!

hardikjain0101 profile image
Hardik Jain

Hi My Name is Hardik, I am from India and I am learning code to hopefully build website using MERN Stack. I was exploring and one of my friend suggested about your site and I thought to visit once and it was great and I signed up. I like to make ne friends and meet some Dev's who might be able to direct me on the right path. And Hello DEV community....!!!!

krygore profile image

Welcome to the community!! I started learning front-end development in February. I'm about the same level of education as you and working on learning JavaScript and bootstrap. Good luck on your endeavours!

iamaamunir profile image
Munir Abdullahi

Hi everyone. I am Munir. I am an engineering student and also a lead ambassador for Ingressive for good on my campus. Ingressive for good is a tech company that is interested in building a tech community for the youths.
I am tech-savvy, a data scientist, and an aspiring web developer. It's nice to be here

kushagra487 profile image

Hi dev community! My name is Kushagra, I am from India and interested in Webdev, I am currently learning express.js and mongoDB, I must admit it is fun thing even though I am yet to grasp the concepts completely. I hope to learn and grow along with the dev community.

rahulkar profile image

Hey All I just join this wonderful community and I can see everyone is full of learning spirit. Web dev is my hobby..making cool websites and clones with React js and firebase is so smooth. Hopefully I can learn some new skills here and can contribute something to the community as well✌️✌️

mosfresh profile image

Hey, my name is Sinclair.
Programming has been another world of its own to me.
I am a frontend developer and a God-fearing boy, by the way am 19. Please I must say this here, I am always inspired by pastor Steven furtick of Elevation church.
Since I got rid of my pornography addiction, God has given me great opportunities to learn Html, css and Javascript.

remainhumble profile image
Thiflan Silmi Kaffah

Hi. I am genuinely interested in learning to code and hopefully make the most of it. I have personally learn the foundations of web development, although I would like to refresh my skills and knowledge about it.
Thank you everyone.

nergiz2301 profile image

Hi, I am Nergiz. Currently, I am a full time English teacher and a principal in a public school but I want to change my career. So, I enrolled into a course in a bootcamp and I have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git & Github and React. I am learning SASS and Wordpress right now. I just love learning new things and in tech there are more. I am here to learn from real developers. Thanks everyone!

young1874988 profile image

hi .My name is Yougn,I am from China.I am a front end developer and I want to improve my front end skills. Vue,React and other front end skills are what I am very interested! Nice to meet all friends!

agon_osmani_7bd22f4444a15 profile image
Agon Osmani • Edited

Hi, my name is Agon. I'm a computer science student and I'm interested into stepping into the world of Web Development and Data Science. I have been using Angular mostly and I'm trying to learn more about it, but also have touched a little on using ML models in Python.
I'm eager to learn together with the people in this platform, and I'm pleased to be here.

tomseth007 profile image

Hi. This is Seth; I'm interested in learning to code and hopefully make a career out of it. I have learned how to make a basic website with html and css (more or less)and now trying to learn javascript.
Thanks to everyone who build this platform and thanks for all support.

deoxygen24 profile image

Hello, I am Peter.
It's nice meeting you guys here,I look forward to sharing my deepest knowledge about technology most especially the AI and machine learning areas , tho I have to start up with development and programming. 🤗

wendreof profile image
Wendreo Fernandes

Hello guys!
I'm a Software Developer and I have been working with .NET and Dart/Flutter and building financial applications since 2019 like payment methods and stuff like that.

I'll start publishing here soon.

May the force be with all of us!

syncodes profile image

Hi! I'm a fledgeling Flutter developer thirsty for knowledge! I'll be sure to follow you! 👍

rolxmeh profile image

Hi. I'm Roland, an upcoming web developer and programmer lol. Learnt how to make basic website using HTML and CSS and currently working on projects to perfect my skill, and would continue with JavaScript once I'm done with some few projects. Hopefully I'd enjoy my stay here and kickstart a career in web dev.

mawaryagitza profile image

Hello everyone, I hope you are all in a good condition. Recently, I am trying to learn some python especially ML/DL but for DL the hardware requirement is very demanding so yeah i am pretty much doing some basic EDA and basic ANN. webdev is another thing intriguing to my interest and reactjs is an awesome framework I'd love to learn.
Hopefully, i can learn something from this community and also contribute to others.

imadesara profile image
Imasha De Saram

Hello, my name is Imasha. I'm very interested in coding and I'm learning Software Engineering as an undergraduate in order to acquire a successful career out of it.
I have learned Html, css and currently learning xml, Json, Java at my University and hoping to make myself more familiar with programming. I wish to meet developers through this community. And, Best of Luck for all !!!

necolanch profile image
Nicholas Cruz

Hey all. I'm Nicholas from Tennessee, United States and currently am studying in Full Sail's online Web Design & Development degree program. Trying to make this my career upon graduating. There's more advanced things for me to learn in HTML and CSS but I am currently trying to get a grasp on JavaScript. This platform seems like a great tool for all levels of devs and I am also looking to grow my connections of those willing to help each other within our abilities, bounce ideas off one another, maybe even work together on a side project, etc.

njeimartin profile image

Hey 👋 everyone I'm martinez an upcoming software engineer form Cameroon south west in particular it's a great 👍 deal to be among my fellows dev around the Nations I pray for much co-operation an understanding here

thatsoftwaredude profile image

Howdy. My name is Walter. I'm a software engineer from Los Angeles and I own and operate I'm a programmer that enjoys writing, and I hope to get the chance to do so here on this great platform as I have found it very helpful throughout my career. ✌

twalee profile image
Suraj Gokul

Hi I'm Suraj from South Africa. Have been trying to code for a few years just getting the basics right, then moving onto something totally different. Trying to concentrate on Python now to get at least to intermediate level. Hope to learn from you guys, thanks...

reegancodemaster profile image

Hi , my name is Reegan read plety good articles here.I have bben coding for 5 years now and I would like to help make the world a better place with this skill.I love python , and javascript if you want you can check my StackOverflow:

starskyhganing profile image
Starsky Herling Ganing

Hi there, my name is Starsky, i've been working with UI/UX Design for a year, now i'm interested in learning Front-End Web Dev, i've learned how to make a basic front-end using HTML,CSS and Javascript + Bootstrap as the framework, nice to meet ya'll

aakash_codes profile image
Aakash Rao

Howdy!! This is Aakash, I am a frontend developer & I can't live without CSS. I love frontend and UI designing especially creating designs and then then guttering with CSS. Love to interact with new developers and designers here.❤️

ganeshs_kumar profile image
Ganesh Kumar

Hello there, I'm Ganesh from Chennai, India. Came here through an article I was reading and glad that I joined like minded people here. I'm quite obsessed in problem solving and finding solutions / fixing the issues and my day job doesn't cater this need to my martian brain. Anyways enough of me, Hope we'll meet and greet some time/day and learn and grow together. Hopeful of becoming developer one day and contribute to this wonderful community!

angydev profile image
Angela Busato

Hi! My name is Angela. I'm making a web application as a full stack developer and it is not very easy 😅 I'm studying React, three.js, docker and postgresa lot of things. I found many tutorials and articles helpful in this platform.Thanks to all I want to try to write something to help other people and give back what I learnt here. 🙏

mscoderpatel profile image
Ms. Gujju Coder

Hello All,
I am Krival Patel
Sr. Fullstack Developer
5+ years experienced in Asp .Net | C# | Oracle

Here to enhance my coding knowledge :)

"Without Error your Code is Nothing !"



unesadiku profile image

Hi, My name is Ken. I want to start to learn JavaScript so I can develop Websites with React. Till now I haven't found a easy way to understand the basics and the logic how JavaScript works. Hope in this Community I'll learn and understand it well so I can move on to learn more complex and advanced programming.

Thank you!

anjovanov profile image

Hi all. My name is Angel and I am learning web development by following Colt Steele's Udemy courses. I am also very interested in Vue which is on my todo list right after I am done with the course I am currently following.

fiddeou profile image
Esteban Fiddeou

Hi, I'm fiddeou. I normally define myself as a composer, but, apart from music, I like graphic design a lot, and I would like develop some neat games.

I'm currently trying to design a website to promote myself. It's not going very well.

syncodes profile image

Cool stuff! What are you having trouble with? If it's the design side of things, you should check out this website:
The free course in the newsletter is super helpful!

loserrajnish profile image
Rajnish • Edited

Hi, Rajnish from India; my interest to learn code. I have well knowledge about C language and have some knowledge about web dev. Currently I'm learning DSA.
Also Thanks to everyone who make this platform and always supporting all of you!🎉🎉

betikobizi profile image

Good evening everyone. I am Bizi. I have been coding a little but now have started to keep track of my journey to see my progress but also to hold myself accountable for my learning. I hope all is well with everyone and look forward to learning with everyone.

Have a nice weekend.

syncodes profile image

Hi, nice to meet u 😄 what language are you learning in rn?

victory33404 profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Victory, I'm a php and Laravel developer, and I also use Vuejs. I love this community alot cause I always come here to read post that mostly solves problems I encounter during development or when I want to learn new stuff. Thank you guys for your wonderful post ☺️.

lykosglws profile image

Hey, I'm Rudy I signed up cause I have this great idea that can potentially change the lives of many. I just need a team to start putting it into works. I want to build a strong, long lasting community that’s honest, transparent and puts the supporter first. Looking for a developer and graphic designer. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to find them? or if you’re interested just message me.

kevinszuchet profile image
Kevin Szuchet

Hi DEV Community,
I'm Kevin from Buenos Aires.

I finished the university on 2020 and I've been working as a Full Stack Developer for the last 6 years.

I love technology and how we can use it to solve real problems.
Hope to keep learning a lot of all of you 🤓!

rajua_24 profile image
Rajesh Singh

Hi, My name is Rajesh and I am 66 yrs old and I love coding in Java front end and back end SQL . I have learnt above with my job in 2003 and now I want to learn latest developments in above coding and that's Why I want to get advantages of DEV forum. Please guide me. Thanks.

foxcoding1006 profile image

Hello! my name is Sameer, I'm working on an architectural website now and hopefully you guys can help me .
Mind checking my Github account here on the link bellow ↧

m_k profile image

Hi, my name is Mariia. I study computer sience and also how to code well in different languages. I would like to become a great programmer. I know C#, a bit C++, Python and now I'm discovering Kotlin. Drawing is my hobby and learning UI/UX dev is interesting for me too)

karimaboelazm profile image

Hi. My name is Karim Mohammed Aboelazm . I'm in terested in learning machine learning and AI , I study python and want to develop my knowlege in it , Thanks to everyone who build this platform and thanks for all support.
Everyone here is Awesome!

syncodes profile image

Hiya, looks like we've got a lot of common interests 🙂 Also working on my Python (though I'm just a beginner rn) so one day I can work on super cool stuff like machine learning and AI 😍

dapiced profile image
Dominic D'Apice

Hi, i'm a devops sysadmin for a private cloud especially VMware vrealize suite and linux sysadmin aka rhel 7 and 8 and also Redhat Satellite specialist. i use JavaScript, Python, Ansible and sometimes PowerShell to automate everything... im a also a Raspberry pi and microcontroller lover... ciao!

lawndoc profile image
C.J. May

Hey everyone!

My name is C.J., and I am very passionate about writing code! I work in information security, so my more popular projects are tailored for other infosec professionals or are security-related. If you check out my GitHub, you might find something you think is cool :)

abhinavkr_2108 profile image

Hello Everyone I am Abhinav Kumar a B-Tech (Information Technology) student at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Dwarka, New Delhi, India. Field related to Computers and IT, like Web and App Development, Cyber Security has always fascinated me a lot.

I will be writing blog posts on Flutter and Java App Development , Web Development. I am just a beginner in the field of Information Technology, who is trying to explore various domains :)

iamrahulshaw profile image
Rahul Shaw

Hi, I am Rahul Shaw. I am a MERN stack developer. I live in Kolkata, India. I searched for developer community, so I came here. I am really fond of new technologies and I hope that I can learn many things from here and I want to contribute.

shawlaw profile image

Hi, My name is Biswajit Shaw from India. I am quite fond of terminal apps. I love YouTube videos of ASCII graphics. I am new to these terminal apps and can only build beginner apps using c/cpp. Loves Linux and open source

fidalmathew profile image
Fidal Mathew

Hi, I am Fidal Mathew. I am from India, I love web development and currently learning to become a full-stack MERN developer. I like to contribute to open source and would love to make friends.
I hope to learn and grow along with the DEV community, thanks for reading :)

amroabdalla00 profile image
Amro • Edited

Hey everyone, I'm Amro, computer science student in Germany and work as programmer as well. I'm willing to write about best practices and architectures in software development in general and specially in web backend.
What I'm currently learning is software engineering and improving my clean code skills

yian profile image
Yian Kim • Edited

Hi. I'm Yian Kim from Korea, Republic of.
Please call me YIAN.

I'm a Web Backend Developer and mainly use Java and Spring Boot.

Fun fact, I was a Marketer and Business PM with a double major in Advertising & Public Relations and Computer Science.

I came all the way here because I was curious about the overseas development culture.
Great to meet you! 🥳

epipenposse profile image
Zachary Wallace

Hey everyone, it is a pleasure to be here!

I'm Zach, and I currently work at Nearpod, an ed-tech company. I just found out about this community at WeAreDevelopers World Congress. I like to build cool things, which range from feature production to internal tooling. There are a ton of things that I don't have time for, but a ton more that I get to thoroughly enjoy.

My goal in this community is to learn from you all. I tend to follow the idea of: "Strong opinions, loosely held". I got that from a Sr Engineer when I was a Jr, and it stuck with me. As long as I can rationally hold my stance on a topic, I shouldn't change it. But, as soon as the fundamental truth of that argument is no longer valid, then your thoughts and opinions shall change.

I hope to make the world a better place someday. Who knows if I will, but that's my pursuit of happiness.

kaiseler profile image

Hi all..all ok? My name is Luis i have 37 years old and i am trying to learn front end development by my own, got some videos, but every help is welcome, i found this website because of my researchs, cookies point me the way!!! And it you guys all ready helped me trough some articles to define my path in reaching my goals. thank you very much

spragginsdesigns profile image
Austin Spraggins

Hey everyone. My name is Austin. I start a new job soon fully remote doing Web Design, Development and Mobile app Development. I still love to learn and would like to learn Angular, and more if anyone would like to join me.
I am also a YouTuber at
Although I hardly game anymore unfortunately.
Message me if you want to work together on a project, especially before I start mobile app training and this new job. Thanks.

cassiusrsa profile image
Sean Brookstein

Hey guys, my name is Sean. I am from South Africa. Just started my Web Dev journey so fairly new still. Busy mastering HTML, CSS and JS. After this I will be moving to React. Always looking to make new friends and learn coding along the way.

Hit me up if you want to collaborate on a project or study together...

danyalbani profile image

Hello World!!!

fajarsiddiq profile image
Fajar Siddiq

Hey I'm Fajar Siddiq from Singapore 👋

syncodes profile image

Hey there 👋 Syndra here from London.
I started my journey with Flutter and I'm working on improving my skills while learning Python and I'm absolutely loving it! I'm very interested in AI and XR, as well as #techforgood. Hoping to connect with many lovely people in this amazing community to support each other on our journeys and grow together 👊

shyam2002 profile image
Shyam Sundar Goyal

Hi myself Shyam Sundar Goyal. Don't worry you can call me shyam. I have interest in learning different types of tech currently developing in the field of computer science. Currently I am working in MERN stack as a backend developer.
Hopefully I will be able to make most out of this community and together we can enjoy our paths.

abbasroholamin profile image
Abbas roholamin

Hi 👋
I am abbas 😊
I am from Afghanistan and I am currently a second-year student at Herat University, in Front-end, I know (Html, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, and JavaScript)
and in the back-end, I have worked with (PHP and Larvavel)
And I'm familiar with MySql and SQL
I also worked with Git 😅
Before I forget, let me also say that I am currently learning about REACT and related technologies. 😁

akarshgopal profile image
Akarsh Gopal

Hi fellow Devs! I'm Akarsh. I recently started learning web-development to build out prototypes for my startup as well as some fun projects I have in mind :D I'm generally interested in software development and recently got into reading up on Computer Science as well. Anyway, awesome to be a part of the community, looking forward to learning and sharing!! :-)

ishivbhadrasinh profile image
Shivbhadrasinh Gohil

I am Shivbhadrasinh Gohil, Wizard of Light Bulb Moments at Meetanshi. I am Digital Marketer and started optimizing Magento stores since 2010. I founded 2 successful Magento Agencies since 2014. When not working, you can find me reading books or spending time with my daughter & son.

alexiskeepcoding profile image

Hi. My name is Alexis, I'm from Ecuador and I'm interested in coding I hope to improve on my career on this and learn the most possible knowledge on different languages in the whole Computer Science specializations. Thanks to the plataform to support everyone.

adhirkirtikar profile image
Adhir Kirtikar

Hi, I am Adhir. Here out of curiosity for the 2021 GitHub Actions Hackathon on DEV.

og_bosscat profile image

Hi, everyone !😺My name is BOSSCAT. I am a indie game dev/biz dev/translator/social media manager. I am learning C++ and C# for work and for my side projects on my free time. I hope we all manage to achieve our goals and continue to make our dreams come true !!

eddiejazz profile image
Eddie Cheng

Hi everyone, this is Eddie from Shanghai! Thought I am not a dev profession at all but I do have a strong interest and curiorsity to learn CS and coding from scratch. Since coding made a huge impact to most of industries and I would like to understand the mystery of coding!

jagem96 profile image

Hello .My name is Derrick ,i'm completely fresh with zero knowledge on coding .Looking forward to learning code from this pool of assorted nerds and embracing the developers culture.Ready to learn and hopefully get a career out of it,teach me something new every time..

heejeong profile image

Hi guys :) My name is Heejeong, from seoul korea! Currently working as web server developer. Id like to be full-stack dev someday for sure :) Also, Im open to work abroad! Most of all i'd like to learn a lot of things idk ! ! ! I wish I can get help and give help ppl who need, thx!

angydev profile image
Angela Busato

Hi! My name is Angela. I'm studying React and three.js awesome, but it is not so easy, for a web application I'm developing. 😅 Thanks for your works on this platform I found a lot of helpful tutorials and articles and I want to write something to help other people and to give back suggestions that I found here. 🙏

pabloferrari013 profile image
Pablo Ferrari

Olá. Meu nome é Pablo, sou estudante de programação a mais de um ano. Nessa caminhada utilizei e aprendi tecnologias voltadas tanto ao desenvolvimento back-end, quanto ao front-end, tais como: Node js, Javascript, Api, RESTfull, ES6+, Express, JSON, HTTP, POO, FIREBASE, Ejs, TypeSrcipt, HTML, VUE JS, REACT JS, Bootstrap, CSS, SASS, NoSQL, SQL, MongoDB, MySQL, PRISMA, TypeORM, Knex, SQLite, e Git

sebastiansm profile image

Hi! I'm Sebastián from Chile. I'm a Data Scientist looking to share my knowledge and experience and also learn from everyone here! :D

angydev profile image
Angela Busato

Hi! My name is Angela. I'm studying React and three.js awesome, but it is not so easy, for a web application I'm developing. 😅 Thanks for yours works in this platform I found a lot of helpful tutorials and articles and I want to write something to help others people and to give back suggestions that I found here. 🙏

dwivedialind profile image

Hi, My name is Alind. I have done my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering but I found myself interested in coding, in general, and web development also fascinating for me. I am learning daily while doing job in IT firm.

shubhangisinha959 profile image

Hi, my name is shubhangi, ia m interested in learning code and make a carrier as developer.
This website is really helpful to learn new things in creative mode.
I learned basic Linux and python but I want to goo in deep .soo let's ride into it.
Thank you for making this website to learn code in a very intresting manner.

izzydotexe profile image
Israel Aristide • Edited

Hey! I'm Israel, a Canadian student studying in computer science. I love games, music, and storytelling. My goal is to be able to tell impactful stories through various forms of media.

I want to make a living off my own ideas and creations and hopefully leave a meaningful mark on this world.

I joined dev after reading a post on here about how stackoverflow is toxic, i hope to find a more welcoming community here, work on my skills as developer, and share that with you all! Happy to be here, if you're reading this have a great day.

sam_kakade_25 profile image
Sameer Kakade

Hii my name is Sam and I am new to programming . I like to networking with new people and learn from them...

sauravkoduvalli profile image
Saurav k

Hi, My name is Saurav, I'm a flutter developer with few months of experience. I'm here to expand my knowledge and to know the latest trends in programming and software development field.😊

Hopefully I'll get best support here.🤩

0_0nd profile image
Why you make me do this📈

Hi, My name is Nimish. I am interested in learning Javascript, ReactJS, VueJS.

denizyoldas profile image
Deniz Aksu

Hello, My name is Deniz; I love codding and learning. I'm Frontend Developer.

muidjan4 profile image
Muid Jan

Hy my name is A.Muid I'm interested to learning code

rduggan profile image
Robert Duggan

What up? I'm Robbie. I'm trying to jumping careers and finally chase my dream of being a software developer! I'm currently enrolled in the computer science program at SNHU with a focus on software development (I start in January!), but I'm also working my way through Codecademy's computer science career path.

Anyone here got a job through using Codecademy? I'm curious about everyone's results.

ekhinox profile image
Camille F

Hello ! My name is Camille, I am a french student in Paris and i'm studying code for my future work hopefully.
I'm just starting but i learn some basic languages like HTML, CSS, JS but also Lua and C.
I hope i can improve my skills here and lear about this awesome community :)
Have a good day everyone !!!

kkondru profile image

Hey, My name is Kiran and am interested in functional programming in elixir... Currently pursuing PhD in India in Distributed Consensus...

schz_js profile image
Sarah Schilz

Hello Dev community! 👋 I’m Sarah and I’ve been self teaching myself how to code for over a year now. I am currently working on understanding JavaScript more and building out projects with frontend mentor. I am on the journey of finding my first front end web developer job so if you would like to collab on a project let me know🤓

jeromedevillers profile image
Jerome Devillers

Hi I'm Jerome. I am from Canada.
I'm a curious person so I coming here to keep me up to date and discover news technologies and learn lots of new things !
I love Javascript and try to learn more about backend ( Laravel for now ). I'm also a fan of music and synthesizer.

leo_zamudio profile image
Leonardo Zamudio López

Hallo, my name is Leo. I'm 17 years old, I'm currently studying programming at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. My favorite languages are Python and Javascript. I hope to have a good experience right here and, why not? Make some friends.

gbolagade1 profile image

Hello, I am Agbaje from Nigeria am graphics designer I joined this Wonder community......

sharmarishabh54 profile image

Hey, I'm Rishabh; I'm interested in learning and discussing flutter and react

abelardodv profile image

Hi I'm a python developer working remotly for Nokia-USA. I'm kind of isolated worker from Peru, wanting to share experience and find developers who love to learn too.

moneybrownskin9 profile image
moneybrownskin9 profile image



pulcova profile image
Priyanshu Sharma

Hello Dev's, please help a undergraduate.

shaddam profile image

Thank you

qpauldraw profile image
Paul K • Edited

Hello Everyone!
Glad to be here, I love to learn and problem solve - here looking to get more involved with the dev community, always looking for some good discussions and insight!

warvox profile image
warvox tattoos

Hello All, my name is Alex

apc518 profile image
Andy Chamberlain

Hello! I've definitely gotten help from reading articles on many times, so I figured I'd join and contribute some of my own stuff

tvrao123 profile image
T V Rao

Hi I am T V Rao

glanshima profile image
Gande Jethlans Lanshima

Hey everyone! I am Gande for short, I am interested in learning to code esp PHP and JavaScript. I hope it's never too late to follow your passion.

superseoplus profile image

Hi My name is Youssef. I am interested in learning new codes and learn from great experts. Thank you everyone!

villamga profile image
Garry V.

Greetings! To everyone!

tshidisocool profile image
Tshidiso David

Hi. My name is Tshidiso David; I'm interested in learning to code and hopefully make a career out of it.

noe profile image
Noe C. Michel • Edited

Hi I am Noé. I just posted a new publication about verified badge for email (extremely rare). Check it out :

freitasmp profile image

I am Matondo Pedro, nice to be in comunity,i like node js tech stack

manavs1 profile image
Manav S


smpnjn profile image
Johnny Simpson


manavs1 profile image
Manav S


moisesb12 profile image
Moises Betancor

Saludos comunidad, espero sea de provecho compartir con uds.

krishshah920 profile image


mlb302 profile image
Mindi Brown

I love this community and I read all your post thru my google feed I'm new at all of this I'm learning python and a few others so finally I joined hi guys!

cd_bara profile image
Cris • Edited

Hi I'm Cris - passionate about web development, architecture and innovation. I'm here to learn and share knowledge about building software for the web. I'm building a no-code SaaS in my free time.

ericamponsah profile image

Hi my name is Eric and interested in learning k8s and other devops tools

victorjnr01 profile image
Victor Daniel

Hi am victorjnr. I'm interested in learning how to code

johnnymendes570 profile image
johnnymendes570 • Edited

Hey guys! My name is João Vinícius and I want to learn code. Any tips for beginners?

horlaitanbalog3 profile image

I'm a easy going guy and also a slow learner 😁😁😁

arshaqhameed profile image

Hi All, Hope you are doing well.
My self Arshaq Hameed
I'm ineterested in learning new technologies and try to implement in my project.
Thanks in advance for all your support.

extinctsion profile image

Hello everyone......

arvi18 profile image

Hi, my name is Arvind and I am from pune, Maharashtra, India. I am currently learning good practices to follow being Full stack developer.

flavdev profile image

Hi, I'm Flavia, I'm french.
Started learning coding almost a year now. It's so much fun when you find the right code and when that worked.
So I'm looking forward to learn more and have fun.

givemore_matengambiri_8e5 profile image
Givemore Matengambiri

Hey My name is Givemore Matengambiri I live in Paris but from Zimbabwe. I have dreams and one of them is to be a software engineer.I hope I am in the right office.

emmanydev profile image

HELLO. I'm Tolu from Nigeria. I'm in love with front-end development and this is a step closer to people of like minds. Feels great to join the community

amir_khezri_5040121880ca0 profile image
Amir Khezri

hey guys is the new apple m1 pro good for cyber security?

senzo1144 profile image

Hi all my name is Sibongimpilo, From South Africa in Johannesburg, still new to the Software development platform willing to learn more.

yusuf27 profile image
Yusuf Salih

HI, im yusuf , im a behinner level programmer who learns to code. 2nd year student as at 2021 November.
i have leaned how to make website using html,css,JS and php.
currently learning oop in java

sujith0408 profile image

Hi everybody, This is Sujith and i am a DevOps Engineer.

seltamouni profile image
DJEDDI Abdessalam

hello,I love coding.

gustavoortizcamargo profile image
Gustavo Camargo

Hello 👋👋👋

cosmoseed profile image

Hi, I'm Bahadır from Turkey. Im studying web development for now.

cocodelacueva profile image

hi, i'm coco from Buenos Aires. i've been a web developer since 2014. Now i'm trying to be a good leader :) and not forgetting how to code.

hilalahmad32 profile image
Hilal ahmad

my name is hilal ahmad i am full stack webdeveloper
useing php and node

vinxt profile image


codymonk profile image
Shivtej Mishra

Hi my self Shivtej Mishra, I want to enhance my development skill.

hafij profile image
Md. Hafijur Rahman

Hi everyone,
I am a new developer. I need resources for my it career. Hoping your help.

diler_omar profile image

welcome to dev.

mahidarapro profile image

Hai. Saya mahidara, saya adalah sebuah website yang menyediakan semua berita terpopuler dan terpercaya

akshaykumar01 profile image
Akshay Kumar Singh

Hii! I'm Akshay, a web devleopment enthusiast and like to learn about new tech stacks an create different websites. Also, I'm a poem writer and sometimes a guitarist. :)

dhiliphen profile image

Hi, I am Dhiliphen. Started programming dozen years ago but still feel like a novice.

baaysoose profile image
Socé Ndiaye

Salut les devs, je suis nouveau, passionné au développement des applications. J'apprends du jour au jour pour être un bon développeur.
Souhait moi la bienvenue.

gokayburuc profile image

I am an industrial engineer and also programmer. Living in Hell quite well ( I am living in Turkey ). My main topics are ML / DL , NLP, Computer Vision

fauzii1465 profile image

Hi my name is fauzi.
I just learned HTML and CSS and will learn JavaScript next.
Hello all dev community 👏👏.

pearldere profile image
Pearl 🧚🏾‍♂️

Hi, I am Pearl. I’m interested in learning from everyone here and getting to know people as well.

sirkator profile image

Ronald here. Started programing 5 years ago, left, now am back. I enjoy creating websites. Hope to learn a lot from you guys, thanks in advance.

zimutochirasha profile image
Arnold Tinashe Nzira • Edited

Let's talk about React.JS using Sass and Bootstrap.

discuss #cleanCoee #scss #boostrap #reactJS #Front-end #WebDev

samshanmukh profile image

Hi, I'm Shanmukh; I'm a Professional Software Developer insterested in reading technical blogs and as well start writing some blogs about new or old technologies that interests me the most.

mpal15 profile image

Hi developer,I am curious to learn new technologies

hanamantk profile image
hanamant k

My name is Hanamant, am a software engineer working on some cool apps using react, angular and node I want to explore more in front end and devops so I joined this dev community
I am very excited !!

zykson profile image

Hi, my name is zyk and I'm about to start my journey into coding with an aim to become a web3 developer. I'm here to learn and meet people, hopefully a Mentor.

xttrust profile image

Hi. I am Florin from Romania, living in Ireland, I am a freelancer who knows PHP, CSS, SQL, Javascript. I have worked with CodeIgniter and Bootstrap. Looking forward to learn new skills.

luckybiscotti profile image
Lucky Biscotti

Yo! new guy in the neigborhood~! :)

e2chan profile image
E2Chan • Edited

Hello everybody.
My name is Aleksei.
I am learning Swift, TypeScript & Node.js.
Something incomprehensible to me attracted the atmosphere of this resource.
Interesting to look around.
All good.

peraba profile image

currently a student with flatiron hoping to come out way more comfy with coding and land a job as a software engineer. #week1

inaciosacataria profile image

Hello , I am Inacio Sacataria, from Mozambique iam really exciting about being part of this community, I hope learn from experienced people.

ritvikbithub profile image
Ritvik Github


mehdisaid profile image

Hello, World!

najibelaz profile image

hello every one finally found you after a long months
thank you all

felixclaude3 profile image
Félix NGWE

Bonjour je suis felix.
J'aimerai apprendre le langage php et javascript

pammus profile image

Hi. Pammus here , I am always open to learning anything new in coding and other tech. Looking forward to exciting stuff from the community here....

erduoliveira profile image
Eduardo Oliveira

Hey. My name is Eduardo and I've been a web developer for 2 years. I'm interested in new tech solutions and how to use them in my life. Fun fact: eu sou brasileiro.

shark_visuals_fe4284f4e13 profile image
Shark Visuals

Hi my name is dare
I’m interested in learning new languages so as to help develop myself
I’m a full stack JavaScript web developer

suenodesign2015 profile image
suenodesign2015 • Edited

Hello everybody,
I'm Suen, a hobbiest developper
I'm glade to be here.
Trying to learn new tricks.
Asking and giving some help.

ptomsu profile image

Hi I am Peter living in Austria. Interested in learning all things about Linux, Coding, OpenSource etc.

orkpo profile image
Shah Shabbir Ahmmed

Hey Guys! I'm Shabbir. Learning JavaScript because I want to be a web developer.

sarojvrc profile image

Hey developers, this is Saroj from India. I'm excited to join your great community. My tech skills are JavaScript, React, Node, MongoDB, AWS Lambda, S3, Cognito, MySql etc. Yeah!!!

lukastomasek profile image
Lukas Tomasek

Hello my name is Lukas, I'm game developer currently working on mobile games. I've been using Unity and C# for about 3 years. I'm also learning front end development, I'm currently learning React.

pius_ambe_406ec087cc17de6 profile image
Pius Ambe

My name is Pius Ambe a newbie.
I'm glad to be here and I hope to receive full cooperation.

mandeep profile image

Hey there! Great to be here and I'm pumped to share my knowledge and experiences here. I'm a frontend developer & an undergrad student. Currently exploring React. Taking one step at a time.

abderrahimalougane profile image

hi my name abderrahim, and i am a front-end -dev

cardosource profile image
jeff cardoso

hello friends

jessicaagorye profile image

Hello, my name is Jessica, and I am learning to code.
I am also interested in sharing information about what I have learned or what I am currently learning.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

rajat_dodwadkar profile image
Rajat Dodwadkar

Hello everyone, I am Rajat !! I am a passionate Machine learning engineer. I look forward to learn ,explore and fun with tech.

faceles1234 profile image


faceles1234 profile image


sma_nahian profile image
S.M.A Nahian

Heyyyy. I'm new here

ojara profile image

Hi guys, My name is Ojara, I'm a Nigerian.. I'm kind of
a beginner in front end. I'm open to learning and connecting with like minded people. I'm currently learning JavaScript.
Thanks for having me

adarshpatel profile image
Adarsh Patel

My name is Adarsh. I'm interested in frontend development. I love to code in javascript. I'm looking to learn something new with DEV community.

yomex_baba profile image

I want to experience more fantastic on Dev

naveenmamillapalli profile image


thatal profile image
Sunil Thatal

Hi, My Name is Sunil Thatal, I am a software developer from India. I worked in PHP, Laravel, HTML, ReactJS. Content of brings me here. Always wanted to learn more hungry about knowledge. :D

immuslim profile image

Hi, I'm Muslim from Indonesia. After discovering so many awesome articles, I decided I wanna to be part of this amazing platform and it's wonderful community. Thank you.

syncodes profile image

I'd love to 😄 still trying to figure out if this site allows DM 🤣

hkumar profile image
Harish Kumar

Hello! I'm Harish. I'm interested in Python Development, given how easy the learning curve is, and I heard great things about Looking forward to wonderful time with the DEV community.

anthonymarkreynolds profile image

Hello Everyone, I'm Anthony.

ayoteju profile image

Good to be here

dmio64 profile image
Divine Imienfan Ogieva

Hey guys. I'm Divine Ogieva. Still learning HTML and CSS. Would love to go into JavaScript, many as I can. Grateful for this platform. 😁😁

syedsohel22 profile image

Hello everyone, my name is sohel, right now I'm learning web development, happy to have a developer community.

priyanshuvarma profile image

Hii I am new to coding..and would like to enhance my skill with the help of you guys in this community

ravindramore04 profile image
Ravindra S More

Hi, I am Ravindra from India , always learning to code new things.

al_codexx profile image

Hi, I'm AL and I'm just starting out with JS... Well, its nice to ccc u all eheh. The reason I came here bcos I might have questions to ask in the future...

viyasa profile image

Hi I am Vijay and I here to learn python and java script to make my career and I develop tool on VBA

shaheerk profile image
shaheer khan

Hi 👋🏼 I'm shahir.
Just getting started with this wonderful platform.
Feel free to checkout my works and drop some love.

shahariarhamid7 profile image

Hi everybody. My name is Ar-Rafe. :P

amitdaware profile image

hii, Iam Amit Daware, Iam intrested in learning javascript ,MERN course.

nahid940 profile image
Nahid Islam

Hello awesome peoples
I am Nahid, Software Engineer
Eager to share and grab knowledge with this great community.

rakeshsingh21793 profile image
Rakesh Kumar Singh

Hi, I'm Rakesh from India. I'm a full stack developer. I'm here to grow with the community. Thanks for this wonderful place.

hudakhalil profile image
Huda Khalil

Hi I am Huda, I love to learn coding and practice new features.
Thanks for all DEV community admins

nutcraftdev profile image

Hi, I am a React developer. want to learn Unity with JavaScript. please suggest some resources.

naitik_1781 profile image
Naitik Soni

Hi my name is Naitik. I am currently learning web development and I have learned many things from Dev community

tayyabtahir143 profile image

Hi, Its Tayyab. I recently passed RHCSA exam and now studying RHCE and i am learning Devops nowadays.
Thanks for this platform.

taraivaldi17 profile image

Hi. My name is Gabriel, I'm interested in learning to simple code and like to learn many programming language.
I like this platform and also I'm not robot

vizagre profile image
Leonardo Vizagre

Hi, I'm Leonardo from Brazil.
Thanks for having me!

pvinicius profile image
Pedro Correia

Hello, my name is Pedro and i’m here to share my studies

syncodes profile image

Wow, that's such an awesome goal 😍
I'm looking to make friends and hang out with people that love tech as well... So let's be friends 😄

0xff profile image
Try64 • Edited

Hi there! I am a mobile app developer.

samoudiaymen profile image
aymen samoudi

Hi My Name is aymen, I am from morocco 🇲🇦 and I am learning code to hopefully build b2b business hi everyone 😊

rpereira15 profile image
Rômulo Pereira

Hey, there!
I'm Rômulo.
32yo, from Brazil.
Nowadays I've working as Software Engineer Specialist at Experian Consumer Services.
I hope here, not only learn but help beginners on their paths as well.

leylamo21 profile image

Hi I'm Leyla. I've just started my coding journey. Starting off with HTML and hopefully I can soon starting building basic websites. Excited to learn and grow my knowledge. Hope to meet more people!

omarmahdif profile image

print(' hellow world '). # ^_^

sudhandhakshneswaran profile image

Hi, am Sudhan. Working as a software developer. Looking forward to meet lot of new people with diverse talent to explore and share knowledge. Open for discussion on IoT and Other techs.