DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v197 staff on October 26, 2022

Welcome to DEV! 🎃 Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or jus...
telcoder profile image
Tel-coder • Edited

Hi all,

My name is Terry.

I have recently enrolled into a front-end web development bootcamp and am currently trying to get my head around command-line fundamentals, Git, GitHub, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Third-party APIs (such as jQuery and Bootstrap). Server-side APIs, AJAX, and JSON and agile software development methodology.

I am enjoying the journey and am keen to connect with like-minded people.



ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro

Trilogy boot camp too??

telcoder profile image

Hi Ugo, well spotted!! You must have recognised the syllabus. Looking forward to getting started. Are you on the day or evening classes?

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richard_brain_06845d29c62 profile image
Richard Brain

Haha, me too!!

Software telemarker transitioning to WebDev via a Trilogy Bootcamp!!

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ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro

Looking forward to getting started but still trying to get through the pre-work, I’m on the day classes 2-5pm. You?

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ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro

Day classes 2-5pm! I think we (on the Trilogy bootcamp) should create our own little community on WhatsApp or Telegram to help each other with tasks and stay motivated. Or has anyone else done this already?

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telcoder profile image

Hi Ugo, I will be doing the evening classes - the WhatsApp group sounds like a great idea. If anyone has set one up, then please let me know. Thanks

richard_brain_06845d29c62 profile image
Richard Brain • Edited

I’m doing evenings, just started this week. Yeah I enjoyed the pre work, but there is quite a bit to get through!

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ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro

I think we (on the Trilogy bootcamp) should create our own little community on WhatsApp or Telegram to help each other with tasks and stay motivated. Or has anyone else done this already?

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telcoder profile image

Hi Ugo, that's a great idea... please let me know if know if you set one up or if you know of one, we can join. Thanks.

victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

Hello Everyone!!
My name is Victoria and Im from London
So nice to meet you all!!
completely new to coding..... Decided to be brave and go for a complete career change from marketing!!
I have just enrolled on a front end web dev bootcamp course!! so lets see how this goes !

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here Victoria!

rjshiva profile image

i am from iit bhu, i reached from a fest called hectoberfest22.
currently i am making some projects in web d. im intrested in java, html, css.
i would like to collab with dev community, and i like to make friends with developers

souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

SOURAV RAJPUT this side. I'm also a web d enthusiast. I'm interested in c++, pyhton, and currently learning sql and express.

myankpraksh profile image
Mayank Prakash

Hello Rahul, Hello Saurav

Mayank here, similar interests. Would you guys like to make a group or something and talk?

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souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

Ya sure , why not.
*sourav#1575 * this is my discord.
Come over there....

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souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

If it doesn't work, kindly use my email (

rjshiva profile image


_akash_5 profile image
Akash Pandey

Hey rahul i am also a beginner and started as frontend developer want to learn new things from u guys ..

vladencode profile image

Hey and hi!
I am Vlad, nice to meet you all! I have 3 months of web dev journey under my belt, so look out, I`m dangerous! Lately been dabbling with the secret art of JS. If you feel you have the power, don't hesitate to shed some light on me, I promise I won't bite.

benjistealth profile image

Hey dudes,
I am new here, just signed up yesterday. Done some low level programming before, but am super rusty, just starting a web front end course to help me brighten up my web projects :-)
Looks like a nice place to be 👍

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Hello everyone,
My name is Muhammad Saim, I have +3 years of experience as a Software Engineer.
I am currently learning complex concepts of React Native and Javascript.
You can hire me for Full/Part time job or for a project.
Contact me @

rahulchandra195 profile image
Rahul kumar


Hey ☺
I'm Rahul Kumar. I'm front-end developer.
I'm freelancer in web development, and i am doing my full-stack course from
i have lots of passion to learn codes and execute_ them,
i love to make friends and work with them


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome to new members, don't be shy and don't be afraid to introduce yourself 🎃🍬

niladityacoder01 profile image

Hi Everyone 👋,
Myself NILADITYA KAR, a 1st Year IT Student from Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata.
I love Coding and exploring things that the world of tech has to offer.
As for the Fun Fact- I am just an Ordinary Guy, with Extraordinary Dreams :)

adityamore7000 profile image
Aditya More

Hello all, I am glad to be a part of this community!! :)

mickeymaruf profile image

Hello there,
My name is Maruf, and I'm a developer,
Lerning new stuff daily, new tech new stack :)
Currently i'm moving forward to Node and Mongo, and I was reading a blog about React Dyanmic Title that brings me up here :)
Fun Fact: I am a full stack developer who knows a little bit of html :)

watkins_corry profile image
corry watkins

Hi all!
I'm attempting a career change at 43! This will be an interesting ride!

loedolff profile image
Hans Loedolff

Corry, good luck! I'm super interested in the journeys people take to learn new things. Would you be willing to share your journey as you embark on this change?

crwainstock profile image
Crystal Rose-Wainstock

You got this! It's never too late to learn something new and move in a new direction. I wish you the best!

irecatyl profile image
irecatyl • Edited

Omg.... I'm cursed 🤣 I keep typing things and then I touch my phone somehow and everything disappears.... my life. 😅
Ok...OK.... so let's try this again.🤔
To sum it up... new, classes start soon, dev recommended by school, learning everything. 🤪The curse lives on.... I deal with this regularly and actually feel the need to copy my texts as I go sometimes. Lol oh wow... well let's see how this goes. Excited to learn! 🤓

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha! Glad ya were able to get your message posted and welcome to DEV! 🙌

mohsen-khodabakhshi profile image


I'm Mohsen and a Geek developer :)

I started programming from 2016, but I have more than 3 years of advanced experience.

My stacks are Python and Go.
You can find me in social networks with mohsen-khodabakhshi or pygopher.


sophiejaynehowell profile image

Hi I'm Sophie I'm 23 years old and just starting out. I have enrolled onto a coding course with Birmingham univercity. I'd like to make friends with other developers and hope to get guidance off people with experience and knowledge.

spiralforge profile image
Abhay Parihar

Hello Dev Community,
I am Abhay Parihar. I am a back-end developer. I develop REST APIs. I use Nodejs, MongoDB and Express as my tech stack for building API's. I also have front-end knowledge and can build responsive websites. I use HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-end. Additionally I know bootstrap which helps in faster web development. Other than this, I know C++, Python, SQL, Reactjs and Typescript.

Visit my GitHub profile for more: GitHub
Let's connect and talk: LinkedIn

urmilasc profile image
Urmila Choudhary

Myself Urmila Choudhary.
A BCA student.

I am very new to all this stuff like open -source contribution and community and all .
Currently I am learning web development and I believe that quotation strongly "Your network is your Networth". Soo looking forward to connect more and more techies to gain more knowledge from the community.

ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro • Edited

Hi, I’m Ugo. Just joined today. I’m starting to learn coding again for the 5th time. Hopefully I stick with it this time. I wrote about my journey here:

gustavo404 profile image
Gustavo Muniz dos Anjos


I'm Gustavo, and I teenager who wants to be a web developer. Actually I like low-level language, and with WebAssembly, i can develop low-level code in web. But in the moment, I just learning HTML/CSS/JS, to build basic websites.

In the future, I want to learn React, Rust, WebAssembly and Go.

if gustavo.CoffeLevel == 0 {
    happy := false
} else {
    happy := true
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vohizy profile image

Je m'appelle Vohizy, je suis débutant en programmation java, j'ai aussi déjà une expérience sur language de programmation java script et react,

J'aimerais avoir beaucoup d'amis avec d'autre développer

Merci a tous

okiki43 profile image


I'm, okiki , still a newbie in webdev, but everything that I'm learning seems quite not easy to me. I'm here , because I'd like to make friends with other developers and also learn more

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome Okiki!

sjt_t_a305b81a37e277f531c profile image

My name is Satya, I am testing professional and trying hard to learn coding so that i can venture out on different path than just testing.


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here!

mickeymaruf profile image
Maruf • Edited

I don't see any fun fact about learning C++ as first programming language. But people refer to start with c++, in the matter of time things will become much easier if you struggle with something harder in the beginning. And also it clears up the fundamentals such as time complexity, memory allocation, garbage collection I don't know much about it but heard. I myself stared with Python, bcz i was facsinating about it's one of framework and also for the hype :), but it really matters to me is to focus on learning things not the programming language.

richard_brain_06845d29c62 profile image
Richard Brain

I was very surprised about how much pre-work there was, it's very comprehensive! That said, I thought it was well-organised and all the materials were excellent and it will all make more sense once you get through it. Things like understanding git makes your head hurt for a short time, but then you use it a few times and it clicks. In terms of the first week... honestly it's been weird, because not everyone did the prework, so the teaching is starting from zero (again), which is very frustrating, BUT the challenges etc aren't - I've just finished Day 3, and I am BUSY. Do not fall into the trap of thinking you don't need to do the prework. The content is super faced-paced, you NEED to do the prework before you start and make sure you can hit the ground running. No particular resources I have used outside the course, apart from Google obvs!

victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

Did u set ur email address on the terminal ( the same way u did ur name) to the same email your using for GitHub ?

I set my email on the terminal to and the same email for GitHub

Send me the link to your public ssh key and let’s see what it says

Because I’m not sure it should say git@github in the address

muqsitadam profile image
Abdulmuqsit Adam

I am Abdulmuqsit Adam, an aspiring full-stack developer. developing competence in frontend, for now, backend in a bit.
Looking forward to meeting new friends to grow and develop our careers together.

You can find me on Twitter as muqsitadam. Join me and lets become world-class together

chiragagg5k profile image
Chirag Aggarwal

Hello Everyone,

My name is Chirag Aggarwal. I am a Computer Science Engineering student from India studying at Bennett University.

I am currently following a free course on Udemy that teaches basics of Dart and Flutter.

I hope to interact more with the dev community and learn new things in the process.

rtstreamingapps profile image
Fred Patton

Good %{your_time_of_day}, Everyone!

Look forward to sharing ideas, making discoveries, and making new friends. Of special interest for me is the topic of streaming data at scale and the emerging area of Streaming Data Applications, including enabling technologies like HTTP/3, HTTP/2, and WebSockets. Always happy to talk programming languages, some of my favorites are Rust, Scala, Erlang, Python, Typescript, and Java. Talk you all soon!

Warm registers,

abhijitsarker profile image
Abhijit Sarker

Hello everyone,

My name is Abhijit Sarker. I am from Bangladesh.

I have been learning code for more than 1 year. my main focus for now is on PHP and MySQL.
I did not about this platform until now. anyway I am here now. I want to make dev friends and grow my network.

Please wish me luck on my code journey. :)


black_purple profile image
Abderrahman DAKIR ALLAH

Hi there, I've been reading a lot of posts from this amazing website and yesterday I thought why not make an account and start posting myself. Thanks to all content creators who try their best to gather the best osintel on the web in order to make it easy to find, access and benefit from for every reader/developer out there.

vulcandthgrip profile image
Luis A • Edited

Hello all,
I'm Luis and I recently started a full-stack web bootcamp that will run for 6 months. I'm excited to learn and build API's as I work in a position where I need to understand APIs. I decided that becoming a developer will help me better understand. I look forward to sharing this journey and draw knowledge and encouragement from this amazing community.

devshirt_club profile image • Edited


My name name is Mike, I'm working as a golang software architect.
But in my spare time I build site for Developers Tees

I'm here to connect, learn and occasionally advertise a little bit

Thank you
Mike Hyden

24johnwoo profile image

Hiii, My name in Jamal. Im a student of the university of Lagos, Nigeria.
Im here to learn a great deal about programming and web dev. Im hoping to make friends who i can assist and who can show me the way around as well.

shannonnix profile image


Newbie here looking to learn front end development. I'm currently working through the freeCodeCamps newest course. And I just successfully completed Hacktoberfest! I look forward to interacting with others and learning a lot more!

1dlzenvio profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Igor. I am from Kyiv, Ukraine.
I create websites for fun and training my skills. In same time after my main work i try to learning a something new in javascript and css preparing to interview at junior front end developer.

I am open to good conversation and shearing a knowledge)))

srice profile image

Hi Katie, yes I am, starting 15 Nov. I work in QA for a contract manufacturing company, so it's will be a departure for me work-wise. I taught myself Ruby programming (not Rails) just for fun in 2014. But let that slide. I have been reading about the growth mindset - it will be a leap for a miserablist like myself - but onwards and upwards :o)

anshoocodec profile image

I am Anshuman , a final year college student in Electrical and Electronics branch. An enthusiast in data science field and big data. Currently working on skills to become data engineer. I came to this platform to find similar interest enthusiasts.
Anshuman Maurya

priyansh61 profile image
Priyansh Mehta

Hello Everyone ,

I am Priyansh, someone who is learning how to focus one thing at a time.

I have been coding for a year now and love to get my hands on different things whenever possible.

I am right now trying to achieve some effieciency in full stack web development, and really have huge interest in backend development.

Love to connect with people, here's my Twittter handle always open for feedback.

jameelali703 profile image
Jameel Ali

Hello Guys!

This is Jameel Ali, Student of Software Engineering and Also Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and currently I'm learning Flutter development .

I'm Here looking for good friends and colleagues 😍

Here is my LinkedIn profile:

hackswitch profile image
Sailing SV Ondine ∴

Hi, Currently working on a new project (WITH EXISTING B2B USECASE) on XRPL-NFT structure with Web3. Looking to build and integrate some DAP's and will probably be full of questions.

Background is large business & Multi-Site Networking, Linux, IoT, LTE, 5G, SatCom, Failover networks.

Looking forward to getting to know the community!
Thanks for being a part of this everyone!!

mattbandoo profile image


My name is MattBandoo,

I am on a Web Developer Course and I have just joined this community.

I look forward to learning from one another and being a good friend and asset.

Have an amazing end of year. Party at mine.! lol


zekasdev profile image
Daniel Dourado Calife

Hello! I am a brazilian police officer, studying and developing a new career as fullstack dev. I started to study about 2 months ago and have few projects done under Udemy course - you can find them at I'll be very gratefull to find friendly people that can help me to change career. Its very hard and dangerous to be a honest cop in Brazil. Im a little afraid about my situation in this very moment, so, every little help (teaching, advising, studying) is very welcome and can save my life. Thank you all!

souvik2024 profile image
Souvik Sarkar

Hello everyone, this is Souvik Sarkar.

Being Passionate about technology and having a desire to learn and explore more makes me what I am. I am Management Team Co-lead at Google Developer Student Clubs - IEM, campus superhero at Coding Blocks, postman student expert, chapter lead at hack2skill, AngelHack Student Ambassador

My passion for Hackathon is immense and I have been part of 20+ Hackathons with different roles. I am a community guy. Additionally traveling, music and food are what I like the most.

Feel free to reach out to me, I would love to talk and help you in any way I can!

epicweb profile image

I'm Elliot and a content creator. I am hoping to widespread what i know throug my content. Here is my youtube channel :) be my first subscribe let's grow togather :)

betiniakarandut profile image
Betini Akarandut

Hi. I'm Betini Akarandut. I am interested in software development and Machine Learning Engineering. Currently awaiting the AWS Machine Learning Engineering nanodegree scholarship after successful completion of the foundation phase. I love to mingle with any person interested in software development and Machine Learning. I am a web developer newbie and looking for a paid remote internship or opportunity in frontend development to build up my skills. Thank you as I look forward to having fun with everyone here.

franciellekfq profile image

Hello everyone,

My name is Francielle. I'm a 30 year old woman from Brazil.

I graduated in Journalism 6 years ago but I have been working with data since 2012. Started as a social media monitor, now I'm a Strategy Coordinator for an agency with multiples branches in Latin America, developing desk research and social listening for several companies.

Before, I was a heavy user of SaaS platforms (because I needed to extract data from social media and build visualizations). Today, I recognize that the companies value ​​professionals with solid knowledge of ETL. So, I started to learn Python and R.

I'm also finishing my second graduation (Big Data & Analytical Intelligence) and looking foward to build my own algorithms.

I'm very good at Gephi, Data Studio, Tableau, Power BI and Excel (also VBA).
Learning R and Python, specially seaborn, pandas and matplotlib.

I met this amazing community on Twitter and decided to participate to learn everything I can from you, and also contribute with my knowledge if needed.

Best regards,

mujisatullahi profile image

Hello 👋 devs,

My name's Mujisatullahi. 15 years old practical GenZ techie.
I just started learning web development, I'm done with HTML.

I hope to network and be friends with other developers here.

Best regards,
Bakare Mujisatullahi.

zadazini profile image

Hey hey.
My name is Zada. I am a technical writer looking to get familiar with programming. I'm starting off with PHP and HTML.
I believe this will be an interesting journey.🥺

jakinyang profile image
Jakin Bacon

An interesting journey for us all! Have you read this article?

kosmanvictor1 profile image

Welcome and Goodluck.

kosmanvictor1 profile image

We hope to see interesting works from you now and in the future.

victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

on the GitHub docs

Setting your get username for every repository on your computer section.

Under section 2, set a username:
There is a piece of code which starts with a $I actually found using the $was getting the same error message as yourself, so try entering the code without the $.

git config --global "choose your username"

Then press enter
Do the same for step 3

Does that work now for u ?
If that doesn’t work, try watching this YouTube video, but ignore where he put the $I don’t add that

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victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

The video also explains how
To edit the email

Then find the .pub file to copy to add to GitHub to create the ssh
I found this whole section very challenging so don’t worry ! u will be completely fine

Msg back if still no luck !!

kalpitshah72 profile image
Kalpit Shah

Hello Community!👋

I pride myself on being able to jump into a project quickly and creatively solve problems.

Working Stack:

Backend: GraphQL, Node.js, REST API's, Databases.
Frontend: Javascript, React, Antd

Git too!

General Skills:
Adaptability, Time Management, Team Work

Too curious to learn new framework and diligently work on it.

I recently participated in Hacktoberfest event and was rewarded with the badge on this platform and this is how I landed here. Excited to be here and know more about tech in general from this amazing community!

Feel free to reach out or just say Hello 👋

dhruvjos profile image

Hello.. Myself Dhruv, I'm here because of Hacktober fest 2022 and am loving to contribute to open source.
Also I would like to have suggestions about Cyber security domain as I wish to pursue career in that domain.

jc_shankar80 profile image
JC Shankar

I am from GCETTB, I reached from a fest called hectoberfest22.
currently I am making some projects in web d. im intrested in java, html, css.
I would like to collab with dev community, and I like to make friends with developers

Umika Kondo

syamsarosa profile image
Syam Sarosa

Hi folks,

I'm Syam. Full stack web dev from Indonesia. This past few months, I've been learning security. If you have good learning materials, please share it. Thanks.

I also want to build a habit of 1 commit per days. No matter how small it is. Wish me luck folks.

Have a good days,

Syam Sarosa

alireza1214 profile image


I am high on ADHD, loved programming, unfortunately jumped into networking, 20 years later as a 44 year old, I want to jump back into coding which is more my passion.

I feel frontend dev with html/css/js will be my path maybe.

Let's see where this takes me.

ope079 profile image
Opeoluwa Orekoya

Hi I'm Ope. Im a software developer. Im currently using java and do python and javascript on the side. Im trying to improve my dev work and learn front eand at the mo. Would love to meet other developers and exchange ideas, learn from them, make friends...

professorbombay profile image
Sameer Bhattacharya


My name is Sameer and I'm a professional musician that is in the home stretch of a Full Stack Web Dev program at UCSD. To say I am green is an understatement, but I'm excited to learn more from others and sharpen my skills.

mehedihroni profile image
Mehedi H Roni

My name is Mehedi. I am feeling very happy to become a member of this community. I am very interested in web development. Recently I have completed HTML and CSS. Now I am going to learn JavaScript.

lakhwinderr profile image
Lakhwinder Singh

Hi 👋, I am Lakhwinder, I am learning full stack development myself. I need some pair programmers to guide and mentor me throughout the journey. If anyone wants to help, please contact me. I have graduated in geology degree but aimed for starting career in coding and development.

hitzhangjie profile image

My name's Zhang Jie. I'm a 32-year-old boy :)
I learned this community from twitter.
I have been working for 6 years at Tencent.
No specific purpose, just want to say hello to everyone here.
If I have time, I would introduce more interesting things I'm working on.
Good night :)

acanyasodor profile image
Augustine C. Anyasodor

Hey, world. I'm AC. Im currently undergoing a diploma in Software Engineering at Altschool Africa. I also have a background in back-end engineering. I also recently just discovered open source. Looking forward to developing my skills with you all.

artemiosdev profile image
Artem Androsenko

Hello everyone👋🥳
Glad to see you here! 🤩
My name is Artem and I'm a junior iOS developer🍏.
I'm currently working on 🔭 building Mobile Apps on iOS using Swift (UIKit + SwiftUI)
I like programming, design, photography. I love to explore and learn about new things

peterceph profile image

Hi my name is Peter. Just started learning Javascript. Thank you 😊

jayeshjain profile image
Jayesh Jain

Hello Everyone,

This is Jayesh Jain,
Currently Pursuing My BTech Degree
From BVP Pune, India.

Connect: LinkedIn , Twitter

chanukagayantha profile image
Chanuka Gayantha

I am Chanuka from Sri Lanka and I reached from hacktoberfest 2022.
I am a passionate app developer and interested in flutter and dart. I love coding, watching tv shows and playing cricket.

mohammadazzuz profile image
Mohammad Azzuz
👋 Hi, I’m Mohammad Azzuz
👀 I’m interested in Web development ...
🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack Web Development at Mystro GmbH in Germany
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aryamananarora profile image
Aryan Arora


I'm Aryan Arora, a student of engineering currently

I've been learning various CS concepts and testing out my programming skills.

Glad to be here, hope I can learn and pick certain thing from here :)

aakritimalla profile image
Aakriti Malla


I am Aakriti Malla, a Master's student and an aspiring Software engineer!

I hold my interest in Frontend and Mobile Dev. My Moto is keep learning and giving back to the Community. Here's to new learnings from the Dev Community. 😊🙌✨

sidharthpradhan07 profile image
Sidharth Pradhan

Hello everyone,
I am Sidharth Pradhan, college student currently pursuing my computer science.
I am very friendly type person and like to make new friends. I have learned c language and now learning dsa, Oops and python .
I'm here to learn more and meet developer who r also passionate about software .

rajusaha0106 profile image
Raju Saha

Hello everyone,
Myself Raju,I am working as Full Stack Web Developer with skills like, PHP,HTML, Javascript, React, Codeigniter, MySQL,PgSQL etc.

I am here to learn new things and also share my skill with others

martin2tank profile image
승민 이

My name's Martin. I have done various developments for over 20 years.

I'm currently developing a platform that translate figma design into automation code.
We hope to get the attention and advice of many of the mobile or web developers here.

Martin Lee.

adityaseth777 profile image
Aditya Seth • Edited

Hello everyone.

I'm Aditya Seth from Kolkata, West Bengal.
I'm currently pursuing my BTech degree in CSE from Techno Main Salt Lake, Kolkata. I'm from the 2021-2025 batch.

Here is my LinkedIn .
Also, here's my GitHub
I have made some projects and I am currently learning Flutter.
I'm always up for any general tech discussion or projects :)

Thank you.

swiftglitxh profile image

Hey all,

People know me as swiftglitxh, I’m currently learning on TryHackMe,PicoCTF and hackthebox.
I’m interested in InfoSec, CTFs and more.
I’m wanting to learn more about InfoSec, CTFs, Exploits and GitHub.
I have got my diploma in Ethical Hacking.

Thanks :)

shaileshsahu profile image
Shailesh kumar sahu

Hi everyone,
I am happy to join a dev community, hoping to learn new things with the peers.
Currently I am learning js and react.
I know c, c++, html, CSS, tailwind CSS, sass.
Apart from this I like helping others and solving problems.
I hope that I will contribute positively in this community.😃

lazylearner profile image
Babar Shaikh


My name's Babar, I'm just starting to learn the programming language Python and i joined Dev Community for tips and help from other developers and make friends too.

my goal is to get into the cybersecurity, mainly ethical hacking, and I'm an absolute noob when it comes to cybersecurity or details about cybersecurity. still learning a lot about the field, kinda nervous but that's why I joined this community.

loedolff profile image
Hans Loedolff

Enough google searches have let me to articles that I realize it's time to sign up! :-)

I've been in the industry for several decades, have worked as a manager and more recently am focussing on development again.

devmousa profile image
Mousa Aboubaker


My name is Mousa Aboubaker, 16 years old and full stack developer, technical writer and youtuber

I try to learn web3 and blockchain technologies

write articles about django and react
follow me 😊

Good Luck to everyone ✨🌹
best regards,
Mousa Aboubaker

myankpraksh profile image
Mayank Prakash

Hello all,
I am Mayank. I just completed Hacktoberfest 2022 which led me here.

I love taking to people and making new friends, from all across the globe, it never seizes to amaze me how varied everyone's experiences and stories are. Feel free to reach out to me.

I am learning web development, I started ReactJs just a while ago. I am interested in blockchain and decentralized web. I wanna learn decentralized web development.

lytraxe profile image
Morvin • Edited

Ey Hey,

I'm Morvin. A guy in his twenties obsessed with tech, physics and games.
Started out as a wannabe game dev, and tried Unity. but decided it was a bit too much and gave up on that. But hey, at least I got into programming thanks to that.

I've quite some experience working with Linux and Git. and been using C# and Java for quite a long time.
Currently learning Web Dev JS, Node and whatnot. And surprisingly I'm kind of starting to like JavaScript a bit.

But hey, I'm open to any kind of discussion on these topics, so feel free to contact me.

souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

Hey Morvin,
Sourav this side, can I get your discord, gmail or something so that i can connect with you.

crwainstock profile image
Crystal Rose-Wainstock

Hey everyone!

I'm Crystal, and I started my coding journey about a month ago. I'm doing a full stack development bootcamp currently along with self-study.

In my previous career, I was an English instructor for international students at the university level (in the US and Japan). I have dabbled in tech from the leaning technologies and learning analytics side of things, but I'm hoping to expand my expertise and see what else is out there!

Happy to be here! 👋

souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

It's really inspiring to see how people are so enthusiastic towards learning new technologies.
I'm a student in computer science major, and I'm looking for some company of web dev enthusiasts. So that i can share my new learning with them. And learn from them.
Ma'am how can i connect with you? <-- This is my gmail.
There are lot of questions that i want to ask you.
Kindly respond to this comment ma'am.

obianujuakuu profile image


My name is Obianujuaku, a biochemist by profession but looking to switch career to become a software developer . I’m already on the path using the Odin project .

I’m really excited about this journey..have walked my way through html and css. On the way to crush JavaScript

I will love to make friends with others from a different career who got into tech and other developers..Cheers

dejadev profile image

Hey everyone 👋🏿🙂

I'm Deja. I'm a curious and creative tech enthusiast. I mostly code for fun personal projects but I would like to start freelancing one day!

I'm relearning web development right now because I want to build and deploy my own blog for NaNoWriMo: Bookish Hooligan.

I never took comp sci and never truly finished one of those free dev courses so here I am! I want to make some friends, ask questions and learn from people smarter than me 🤗

cchinchoy profile image
Colin B. Chin Choy


My Name is Colin Chin Choy, I am an Enterprise Architect from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. I love coding and developing new ideas and apps, and would like to one day earning an income from coding. I am not physically a spring chicken, but the mind and heart is young and strong!!!!!

ericbond profile image

Hi There,

My name is Eric and currently am working on APIs and API platforms.

I hope I can learn and contribute here with all my friends.

Welcome all to try our new API workspace:

All the best!

adidevil3133 profile image


My name's Aditya. I'm a young-but-disciplined Boy.

I just started learning to code with the C programming language today:

I'm here with you, because I'd like to make friends with other developers.

Aditya Kumar Tiwari

jt_817 profile image
Josh Thompson

Hey all I am Josh,

I’ve been coding for about 4 months now, I’m currently in Nucamps front end coding bootcamp. Currently all my focus is front end related but in the future I plan on learning and working with Rust.

krutik0204 profile image
Krutik Parmar

Hello there,
My name is Krutik, and I'm a developer,
Lerning new stuff daily, new tech new stack :)
Currently i'm moving forward to Node and Mongo, and I was reading a blog about React Dyanmic Title that brings me up here :)
I am a full stack developer and I'm looking for an intern or full time role.

enigma6174 profile image


Just joined in! Learning the ropes of blogging because it's high time I started giving back to the community that has helped me so much in my professional and personal projects.

Looking forward towards making my first contributions, which will happen very soon!

danibwuoy02 profile image
Daniel Yunus

My name is Daniel Yunus. I am a Data Analyst and Game Developer.

I am here to make friends to learn more and sharpen my development skills and also to share my learning journey.


zoeophalfens profile image
Zoë Ophalfens

Hi! 👋

I'm Zoë, a tech recruitment specialist and super passionate about matching talents to their dream jobs!

I code as well (super mediocre python matplotlib, pandas) though if I may say so myself, I'm a better analyst and strategist! 🤗

I love making people happy that's why I do what I do! Let's get to know each other!

sjk777 profile image

trying to step into the world of coding and all it has to offer :).

pravin17 profile image
Pravin Kumar

I'm in my 1st year of college

interested in blockchain technology, web3.
I didn't know about this site
so, i was browsing about BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPER ROADMAP
read a post > >signed up

deedeecee profile image
Debankar Dutta Chowdhury

Hey everyone!

I am Debankar, a Computer Science and Engineering student.

I have recently tried my hands on contributing to Open Source and it has been great so far. Hacktoberfest'22 led me to this awesome website.

Looking forward to broaden my network with other developers here.

My Socials

Debankar Dutta Chowdhury

zeca profile image
José Oliveira


Meu nome é Zeca, sou profissional de Infraestrutura em Cloud (Devops).

Quero colaborar com o fórum trocando conhecimento e enriquecendo minha carreira.

Muito obrigado por compartilharem seu conhecimento.

wickedwanged profile image
Ashish Kumar Mohan

Hello all, my name is Ashish Kumar M. I am glad to be a part of the community. I am pushing through and learning the Web Development and rekindling my passion to grow up and create beautiful and efficient websites.

qcandag profile image
Bünyamin Can Dağ


My name is Bünyamin Can. I am a backend developer.

I am currently learning and working with NodeJs(NestJs-AdonisJs)

I really connect with developers and make sometihng.

Have a great one,
Bünyamin Can Dağ

stellarach profile image
Rachel Rascona

Hi everyone!!! SUPER new to this world... starting classes in a few weeks and this community was recommended. so excited to start my coding journey. I'm sure ill be utilizing this board 24/7 as I have **no **idea what im doing yet. yay! xx

dhirajmishra98 profile image
Dhiraj Mishra

Hi, Just here through Hactoberfest..Experiencing new world😂

aleksflorez profile image
Ales Florez

Hello everybody,
I'm glad to be here to keep learning and share my knowledge

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have y’all!

black_purple profile image
Abderrahman DAKIR ALLAH

Hi there @Umika, welcome to the gang. If you ever need any pointers or help don't hesitate to ask me or other developers on this great community. We'll be happy to help if we can.

telcoder profile image

Hi Katie, apologies for the delay in responding to you... I have literally just seen this.

Unfortunately, I haven't got any advice to share on this ;( Did you manage to set your username?

ayushisingh73448 profile image
Ayushi Singh

Hello everyone,
I'm glad to be here to keep learning, explore new things and to create a huge network.

t0rbik profile image

Good luck with your studies!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

No worries 😄 I dnt really no what I’m doing tbh but just pushing through !!

mickeymaruf profile image

mmmm..... So you'd like to make friends? wanna be friends?

souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

Ummmm...... I've recently learned python in my holidays. Python is fun. But c++ will be my first love.

itzmeaditya profile image
Aditya Singh

Hi Am Aditya,
Am a Full Stack (MERN) developer and am here to gain more knowledge from experts in this domain. Also am interested in Blockchain development but not yet started to learn.

telcoder profile image

Welcome Katie.

akshayg14 profile image

Hello, My name is Akshay. I'm an ambitious, attentive and cooperative Angular Developer. Looking forward to having fun and learning along the way.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Welcome to DEV Akshay! Really hope ya enjoy it.

krishnaagarwal profile image
Krishna Agarwal


srice profile image

I have commenced a front-end web course - the couse suggested i intrduce myself to you all - i llok forward to being part of the community.

tentraicion profile image

Hello, It's TenTraicion.
A beginner in the programming world willing to make some contribution and be part of a great team. and Hello to the Community!

mbonnema2022 profile image

My name is Marisia and i am in a trainee in html,css,js and python .soon learning python as well

vygandas profile image
Vygandas Pliasas

Hello there everyone! My name is Vygandas. I'm in software engineering for like 13+ years already. Joined so I could share some open-source stuff and experiences we are building. ✌️😊🎢

autoswipe_right profile image
Autoswipe Right • Edited

Visit to know more about me. Nuff Said.

tannineo profile image
Chao Chen

Hello everyone!
New to here and happy to be in the community!

snehpr966 profile image
Sneh Prabha Raj

Sneh here
Well I came here to learn more about tech from fellow software developers.
Currently, learning web development. Also, excited to learn from the community.

abhisumant2371 profile image

Hi, I m Abhisumant. Trying to deep dive into the web development. I have completed my mern stack alongwith javascript and typescript.
I m here to make good developer friends.

Thanks , Abhisumant

nutnick profile image
Rajesh Kumar Singh

Hello, everyone I'm Rajesh, an enthusiastic react developer. I want to enhance my skills and get into the Web 3 space.

connoroneill3589 profile image
Connor McDermott

Brand new to all this, start my coding bootcamp in two weeks.

telcoder profile image

Hi Katie, I'm based in Romford, London/Essex.

How are you finding the pre-work assignments?

lakhwinderr profile image
Lakhwinder Singh • Edited

Angela yu udemy course full stack, it covers everything for a beginner. Would you like to learn together? We can pair up. Also it will improve my conversational skills.

aurahands profile image

hello, Aura is my name, recently starting my process of learning code, pursuing a career in being a full stack developer. any advice on the route i should take would be greatly appreciated.

souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput

Hey there,
Just learn new stuffs and technologies as much as you can.
Wishing you the best.

davidwsteitz profile image
David Steitz

I am new to JavaScript and hoping to learn the fundamentals of full stack development. Discovered quickly that I'll be reviewing my rusty HTML and CSS skills as a starting point.

ugopreneur profile image
Ugo Nwokoro

Also in the Trilogy boot camp! 😊

richard_brain_06845d29c62 profile image
Richard Brain


Been in IT business development for years, now finally transitioning to web development via a coding bootcamp (just started)! I'm well-excited to be joining the developer community!


pdemeu profile image
Pedro Demeu

Hey guys, My name is Pedro Demeu. I'm frontend engineer.

sidney13 profile image
Akabuogu Jane

My name is Jane.
Currently learning frontend development

dezmin_chance_64c8befbc5f profile image
Major Chance • Edited

Top of the morning everyone. My name is Chance.. I’m a huge gamer and I want to make the shift from healthcare into coding….I’m so ready for this new endeavor. 😁

klmii profile image

In search of developer community, etc for info and solutions to coding and related :)

mallamty profile image
Temitayo Sosanya

Hello everyone,

I'm an intermediate Nodejs developer looking to meet people and grow together

glorifier profile image
John Paul Villamarin Arlos

Hello I'm from Philippines.
New in Coding

shortcipher5 profile image

Hey DEV community,

Looking forward to reading more throughout this community, engaging with other and staying up-to-date with the latest technology.

harrisonejuwede profile image
Ejuwede Harrison


dev2d profile image

All the best for your journey. By the way what about your status? Newbe or skilled?.
I want to start Laravel.

paulgann profile image

Greetings! Found this during the Great Twitter Exodus. I am learning #Python and #WebDev, then maybe #Ruby. Interested in information security and love #Linux.

gasecki profile image

Hi there
I am Tomasz.
On daily basis programming in VBA. Years ago html + php3 + mysql. Now coming back to the game. Interested both in front- and back-end.
Greetings from Poland!

educator_hustle profile image

Hello! Middle school teacher from Houston.

akhrorvaliev profile image

Hello everyone!

richard_brain_06845d29c62 profile image
Richard Brain

Hello! I'm just in my first week - I'm loving it, although it's a lot of work! hbu?

mwakokelvin1 profile image
kelvin mwako

Hello everyone one! I am glad to be part of this big community, ready to collaborate with everyone to achieve big.

viet_nv profile image
Nguyen Van Viet

Hi all,

I'm Viet. Currently, I'm Senior Frontend Engineer at KyberNetwork.
Hope to learn and share knowledge with all of you.


souravrjpt profile image
Sourav Rajput • Edited


Sourav rajput this side. I've recently completed my 4PR's in HACKTOBER FEST. And I've recently joined the DEV community.


utpal02 profile image
Utpal Tiwari

Hey everyone,
Its Utpal this side.
I have made some minor projects in flutter and kotlin, and eager to learn more.

jakinyang profile image
Jakin Bacon

Howdy! I'm a recent grad trying to beef up my skills with web development based skills and technologies! I also love electronics and hardware implementations of software systems!

sainarayana profile image


This is SAI. I'm from India.

I just started learning to code with the java programming language today.

Let's help each other to gain more knowledge about coding.

Sai Narayana

stepankukharskiy profile image
Stepan Kukharskiy

Hi everyone!

lakhwinderr profile image
Lakhwinder Singh

I am also learning frontend.

jay100125 profile image

Hello everyone!!!

yusufazizmustofa profile image
Yusuf Aziz

hello, im yusuf happy nice day all

vamctweets_ profile image
vamC singamshetty

heyyy devs lets chill

roronoazoro1 profile image

i'm zoro.
new to programing.
don't know nothing about programming

valeroman profile image

Starting to learn frontend again)

itsmehrishi profile image
Hrishitosh Thakur

Hello community, a #webdev learner landed here!

kaieslamiri profile image

Hey !
My name is Kaies and am a Team Leader in a French Bank.

We are building our own AI Platform ! Hope to grab some useful tricks here and that I also could share mine.

Cheers ✌️

payallenka profile image

Hi !
I am Payal Lenka. I got here through hacktoberfest reward. I am programmer at beginner level. I know python and am learning java (as of now). Nice to meet you all!!

victoriashapiro profile image
victoria shapiro

Hi Katie !!
North london
I’m slowly working my way through
Currently on 2.3.1 😄😄
What about u ??

meghnakanade profile image
Meghna Kanade

I am Meghna. I am a budding backend developer.
I am here to connect with enthusiastic techies and be a part of interesting conversations!


mickeymaruf profile image

that's good, well then what are learning now? Did you finish python and what are u gonna learning after it.

noobscience123 profile image
Noob Science


NoobScience Here! Check out my work!

aakritimalla profile image
Aakriti Malla

Hey! All the best and hope to learn from one another. :)

kassim_keita_580dbe06eee0 profile image
Kassim KEITA

Hello there,
My name’s Kassim. I’m here to learn Pythond and django with you🤗 and make new friends with other developers. I’m very happy to be here!!!😃😃. Thank.

niksheridan profile image
Nik Sheridan • Edited

Hello world! Spent a career in networking and really not sure how to describe myself anymore. Into python and the amazing flask.

tiny_dev profile image
Nick Ragan

Good Afternoon everyone.

fud_gaif profile image

Great to have y’all!👏👏

mandelashaban593 profile image
Mandela Shaban

Am mandela shaban CEO,

devmohanraj profile image
Mohanraj Venkatachalam

All the best

_akash_5 profile image
Akash Pandey

Myself akash pandey
I am mechanical engineer
And a beginner in computer science
Wanted to learn new skills
Glad to join the community

kevotushap profile image
Kevo tushap

Great to be here.
Ready for more confusion, hope you guys give me time and support to find my way out. Am sure I will.

sascha1337 profile image
Sascha1337 • Edited

Sup fam. DM me if you into RUST x Embedded X web3 x Cosmos x IOTA x AI x AIoT x Tensorflow x PyTorch3D

12+y Xperience

snehpr966 profile image
Sneh Prabha Raj

Best wishes to you 😊

thisishisham1 profile image
hisham mohamed


My name's Hisham. I'm a Mobile App Developer.
I'm here with you, because I'd like to make friends with other developers.

Umika Kondo

postrider profile image
Lost Ronson

hello everyone. im totally new to this

jameelali703 profile image
Jameel Ali

Welcome @unplarel , wanna connect:

sanjeevbhusal profile image
Sanjeev Bhusal

Hello, I'm Sanjeev.
I am a computer science student
I am currently exploring backend development

rubenslferreira profile image
Rubens Lima Ferreira

Hello! good afternoon.

sandeepbhanja profile image
Sandeep Bhanja

I am Sandeep , from IIIT BHU
I recently learned backend using nodejs and trying to make some projects
Currently exploring ethereum

dsd739 profile image


My name's Durga Shankar. I'm a young-but-disciplined boy.

kidokitkat profile image
Kritika Sharma

Hi all. New to tech world.

shiva_ji99 profile image

Hi, I have just started development, i am learning web development, can anyone suggest me some project ideas to make for resume

pritisaha85 profile image

Hello... everyone...i am here to learn as im a beginner and yeah to expand my network ☺️... And take as much i can.

abhishekyadav9336 profile image

Hello everyone,
My name is Abhishek Yadav. Here am to interect with you all,I recently completed 4 pr(pullrequest) successfully on Hacktoberfest organise by github.


rohdrigo profile image


My name is Rodrigo, and i'm from Brazil. I'm actually discovering the place yet

Hope to enjoy and contribute


kaji17 profile image

I'm Katina student in Software and web developpement i love Java(SE/EE/SpringBoot). Currently i improve my competence in Front-End on @front-end-mentor