DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v200 staff on November 15, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
user_chiki profile image

Hi I am sakshi an associate software developer.
I am very interested in developing cool projects and i wanted a platform where i could post my doubts and learn new things so i think this is the best platform for me

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That sounds awesome sakshi!

syedsadiqali profile image
Syed Sadiq ali

Hey Everyone, I am here to read some good articles as always i do weekly, I am Syed Sadiq, I am senior engineer working at Nagarro.

I have been working all my career in web development using stacks like React, Redux Typescript, VueJS etc on Frontend and on backend I have worked with NodeJS and ExpressJS.

I have worked with Legacy stuff like BackboneJS, PHP Symphony too. I am a jack of all and master of some.

Please drop a comment if you want to know something specific about me.

till then.

Nice meeting ya!

udavc profile image

yeah please i'll like to learn some java script from you i'm still a beginner

syedsadiqali profile image
Syed Sadiq ali

@davidsonag1 not a problem. you can still learn from online resources, unfortunately i'm not a teacher, I can still help you if you need some help. please connect with me on Twitter DM me if you need some help, but i can' teach you sorry, can point you to some resources based on your requirement.

mr_fortunatee profile image


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

200 🎉🎉🎉

Welcome news members!

iamaravinds profile image
Aravind S

Hello!! This is Aravind 😎.

They call me devil-0-per 🤫

I am into a lot of Frontend stuffs, and a lot and lot of Backend stuffs. I Speak JS and my slang is VueJs. A die hard MCU fan !!!.

My repos are hotloaded here!
And sometimes i hit head my here (sometimes try answering 😅).

Looking for Opensource stuffs to contribute!!! If you can walk me through some... 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

nikolaevvs profile image
Vladislav Nikolaev

Hi everyone, I'm Vladislav from Russia, Kirov (Vyatka) and now I'm learning to be high level full-stack web developer, I'm frontend + laravel developer, but every day I found new articles and videos and try to be better than yesterday :)

williekazie profile image

hi, name is Will. i am new to programming, i am looking forward to a good growth.
however i have a project that i am working on, its a small project and not entirely mine but i have some problems on it, if there is any one free to assist me i will appreciate. thanx

nyandry profile image
Ny Andry

Welcome Will. What expertise one needs to help in your project?

alexandrnniculita profile image

What do I need to know if I want to help you with your project?

j3ffjessie profile image

Welcome new members. Let us know if you need anything.

alexandrnniculita profile image

Do you know any place to learn better Java as a begginer?
Also what about Pyhton?

michthebrand profile image
Ikechukwu Charles

Can anyone explain Git and Github in plain english?

nyandry profile image
Ny Andry

Salutations, I'm Andry. I'm trying to re-skill myself into SWE. I'm learning web dev from scratch. I found out about this platform from a blog-post. I'm excited about this new journey for me. Can't wait to build cool project.

dneel10 profile image

Hello - My name is Danny

I am new to programming and looking forward to joining this community a bit more.

rahulgtst profile image
Rahul Gupta

Hello to everyone.My name is Rahul Gupta, and I work as a front-end web developer. I am a B.Tech. student in electrical engineering at Delhi Technological University (DTU) (formerly DCE). I will discuss programming languages and technology that I have learned or use.

jamessimel profile image
Simel James • Edited

Hi, I am Simel James.
I am a software engineer, and a friend of mine referred me here.
I wanted a place I can call home as far as development is concerned, and when I get stuck in my development, I have people to ask questions.
I look forward to get the best out of this platform.

anaiyaraisin profile image

Hi! My name is Anaiya and I am an Associate Developer Advocate at MongoDB. I just graduated in August and I'm here to join a supportive community where I can share my early career thoughts. Looking forward to learning from you all.

buzzpy profile image
Buzzpy 💡

Hello beautiful people on DEV!
I'm Buzzpy, a buzzy pythoneer specialized on Python Data Analysis. I will be wirting about Python tutorials, Data analysis, branding and anything else— as long as it's useful!

It's great to meet you all, and I'm excited to see how it turns out! 💙

Github | LinkedIn | Profile | The Buzzletter | Website

pcrespoo profile image
Pedro Crespo

Hi everyone! My name is Pedro and I’m from Brazil. I have worked as Data Scientist for 3 years in the marketing field and in this month I made a transition to Software Development. I’m so proud to be doing this , I’m looking forward to learning a lot and currently my focus is based on ReactJS , Docker and fastAPI.

Let’s grow!

rcastellanosm profile image
Raul Castellanos

Hi, I'm Raul.

I'm a Software Engineering passionate about GitOps, Kubernetes, PHP, Symfony and CI/CD workflows that ease the DevExperience.

Also I'm eager to learn more about Machine Learning in this great community.

I migrate all my post from hashnode to here and I hope that my post can help someone out there in the community :)

Greetings to all the platform members!

roshanabdullah profile image
Abdullah Roshan

Hi Everyone, I am here to connect with developers, socialize, read articles and find good opportunities.

I am full stack engineer currently working in the following stack React+Django/Python.

Looking forward to connect :)

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa

I am interested to follow you
Best Wishes,

roshanabdullah profile image
Abdullah Roshan

Hi Lahcene,
Thank you for the follow. Same here :)

moz23172380 profile image


Starting a front end web developer course with University of Birmingham. Interested in learning more about web development and IT/Digital stuff in general to progress in career and gain expertise in this area

patrick44 profile image

Greetings, everyone! I am Patrick taylor, a front-end web developer currently pursuing B.Tech. in electrical engineering at Delhi Technological University (DTU), formerly known as DCE. Join me as I share insights on the programming languages and technologies I've learned and utilize in my work. my currently project is free fire advance server

hermon1995 profile image

Hello, am Hermon.
Full-Stack Web Developer, creative, problem-solver, strong interpersonal skills. Stack: JavaScript, Node | Bootstrap | Ruby | React. Pursuing new opportunities.
Looking forward to hear from You all!

shyam_kiran_95d31dc9e26d0 profile image
Shyam Kiran

Hi im shyam. Beginner in programming. Like to explore more

taradutt profile image
Taradutt Pant

Hello Everyone,
MY name is Taradutt Pant, currently working with as Enterprise Solutions Engineer - Cloud Security I Secure DevOps located at Delhi, India( India & SAARC)
Total Exp: 16+ years ( 8+ Yrs In Solution Engineer )
Networking, Cloud, and Cloud-native & Microservices security
Experienced cyber-risk management practitioner with strong analytical skills, and substantial experience in various capabilities of IT & OT/ICS, SecDevOps, and Cloud-native & microservices solution engineer/architect.
looking forward to collaborate.

sk8807307 profile image
Mohd Shahnawaz

Hi, I am Mohd Shahnawaz fresher graduate B.Tech CSE from BNCET Lucknow affiliated with AKTU Lucknow in 2022.

As a beginner I want to learn and develop creative projects and web apps.
I search my some queries on Google and find this platform which have best and large community and their great posts about web development, programming, technical support and motivation.
I will improve my web development skills with this platform and your support.

Thank you teams and community.

promarat profile image
Akim Korhonen

Hello everyone, I am Akim Korhonen from Finland.
I am a full-stack developer, and a friend of mine referred me here.
I wanted a place I can call home as far as development is concerned, and when I get stuck in my development, I have people to ask questions.
I look forward to get the best out of this platform.

h3c7o4 profile image
Hector Steve ITOK • Edited

Hello, this is Hector !

A robotics engineer and a great passionate about software engineering and Machine learning. I'm a Holberton school student and I wanted to interact with people who share my passion. I'm very happy to be there and I hope I'll make new friends. Hit me up if you want to work in innovative projects for fun !

michthebrand profile image
Ikechukwu Charles

Hey everyone, I am Ikechukwu Charles. I am here to actually join my first developer community.

I am currently learning web development with the three common languages, and a framework 'React'.

I don't work anywhere yet, but I would love to work as a freelance React developer.

Nice to meet you all!

chlorine profile image
chlorine • Edited

Hi, I am chlorine. I am new here to communicate with such wonderful people on DEV. I currently use TypeScript and I'm interested in Golang/Rust and etc. I love open source and you can find me on Github. And I just posted my first article on DEV, any suggestions are highly weclomed~

Nice meeting here!

valgy_de profile image
Bica Valgy Alves de Sousa

Helloooo world :)

I am very happy I found this community, I love solve peoples problem and making them more productive through coding.
Currently I am learning a bunch of things which includes Javascript, CSS, designs I dream in becoming a full stack web dev.

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa

Let me join
Best wishes,

nathaniel_emenike_5 profile image
Nathaniel Emenike

Hi everyone,
I am Nathaniel, Currently a software engineering student at Alx.
I wanted a place I can call home as far as development is concerned, and when I get stuck in my project, I have people to ask questions.
I look forward to getting the best out of this platform.

thanibe profile image

Hello folks, am Thani.B.E and I am here to learn and grow in the dev community as a developer. I am looking forward to amass various skills in the software development field and also share what I learn as well. I'm also currently in the ALX software engineering program.

tifematt profile image
Boluwatife Oladejo

Hi Everyone,
I am here to learn more, share the little I know, connect with like-minded people and grow together.

I am frontend developer, I'm being trained to eventually become a full stack developer tho. I work with C, C++, Bash scripting for DevOps tasks, for frontend web development, I work with ReactJs, NextJs and Typescript. For Backend, I work with Django and Flask for now, hoping to get more equipped with NodeJs and ExpressJs real soon.

I'm really eager to mostly connect, so you can drop a comment if anything interests you in what I do (nothing really interesting tho 😂).

Till then, keep coding 🥂

ladynerd profile image
Laura Bell

Hi there, I'm Laura

I'm an appsec and infosec wrangler based in New Zealand. I help very fast paced dev teams worldwide weave security through their sdlc without getting in the way of building awesome things.

Here to share appsec things and connect with community.

theautismchannel profile image
Chief Technology Officer @ The Autism Channel • Edited

I think I'm waaaay late to the party. Most places when I go to sign up I'm told I have an account which I set up back in the early 2000s that I forgot about. Sorry, won't let it happen again. But I always did wonder: When StackOverflow overflows, where does the overflow overflow to?

alexandrnniculita profile image

I'm Alex and my only purpose here is to learn form people who know what they're talking about. I'm willing to learn everything about coding, beginner stuff please.
If you know any trustworthy websites or resources, please do tell!
I know C++, a little bit of shell and Python.
Drop a comment if you know a way to help a person who wants to get into coding but doesn't know where to start from.
Pleasure meeting you!

kn2k16r profile image

I am BalaKrishnan Acquisition Editor
I represent BPB Online Publication House!
Book Writing Proposal
I came here for writers who can contribute on certain tech topics in the time frame of 4-6 months.

Warm regards

trustgodn profile image

Thank you for having me here,
My name is Goodluck from West Africa Nigeria.
An upcoming developer.
I'm here to see the help and encouragement I can get in making my dreams come true as a software engineer.

thesamuraiwho profile image

Howdy, I'm Sammy or Samurai, a junior full-stack developer.
I am interested in machine learning, graphics, and games. I wanted to join to share my progress as a developer and what knowledge I have. I'm sure this will be a lot of hard work and there will be plenty of mistakes ahead but it will be a lot of fun as well.


ritikrajvanshi profile image

Hello guys, I am Web Developer. I love to work with web technologies and design websites and web apps. I just join a company as Software Engineer in web department(Angular Developer).
I am hungry of information so I need a platform where I can post my queries and and gain knowledge. That's why I am here to know more about JS, Angular, Html, CSS , Bootstrap.

christianwarmuth profile image
Christian Warmuth

Hi everyone,

really looking forward to reading some inspiring articles from fellow tech-enthusiasts.
I always love to learn from the experiences and inspirations of others - already had a glimpse into some articles written here, which ultimately got me hooked.

Happy to connect and and also share some of my experiences, tools, practices and some problems :)

Cheers from Berlin!

jvitorfeliciano profile image
João Vitor Feliciano

Hi everyone, I've just arrived to this amazing group and I hope to learn with all of you. I've just started working with software development. On frontend I've been using ReactJs and I hope to expand my skills with the help from this community.

rguldener profile image
Robin Guldener

Hey everyone,

I am Robin, stated coding when I was 12 and have yet to stop :)
Recently I have been spending most of my time on an open-source project called Nango and its starting to get some traction! If you work with 3rd party APIs it might help you with OAuth, pagination, data syncing etc.

I love learning from other developers and looks great so far! Looking forward to reading about your projects & learnings and hope I can find the time so share some stories as well.


jollenmoyani profile image
Jollen Moyani • Edited

Hello, my name is Moyani, Jollen. I'm glad to be here as a content Marketer with Syncfusion; we've recently put several blogs on my page. You may read them and possibly provide input; let's learn together.

minhajdevcrew profile image
Minhaj Nadeem • Edited

Hi Folks! I am working on a post of Sr. Android developer. I have most of the experience in developing native Android Apps but recently gets hand dirty on Cross-Platform development using Flutter.
I always in search of dev communities like this i found in a Medium article and looks gripping :)

opeyemiismail279 profile image

Salutations, I'm Andry. I'm trying to re-skill myself into SWE. I'm learning web dev from scratch. I found out about this platform from a blog-post. I'm excited about this new journey for me. Can't wait to build cool project.

sarahdempsey profile image
Sarah Dempsey

Hi! My name is Sarah and I'm in developer relations at Sonatype. Saw a link to an article on posted in a recent DevRel newsletter, which led me to joining here :) Look forward to learning and connecting!

berkesk profile image

Hello everyone, I am just a guy interested on programming and I wanted a place to follow the news about programming. I want to be a freelancer in the future and I think this place will be useful for me

robertjulia profile image
Robert Julian

Hello everyone,

My name is Robert Julian and I am an engineering student. I am currently studying engineering at Mississippi University. I am interested in Software engineering and hope to pursue a career in this field.

I am a hardworking and dedicated student, and I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in engineering. I am always willing to learn new things and am eager to face challenges. I am a team player and work well with others, but I can also work independently when necessary.
here is my twitter handle

deekaymuc profile image
Daniel Krentzlin


I am Daniel and a freelance software developer (Dart, Flutter, Java, Spring).

I am interested in improving my skills to write software which is easy to maintain and to extend with the shortest possible time to market.

I will be happy to read your contributions.

juyuancai profile image

Hi eveyone, I am a BTC believer and Web3 lover and now working to develop a next-generation decentralized technology CYFS to rebuild a open and free Web. I will be here to share my point of views of Web, Web3, decentralized technology and make friends.

Nice meeting ya!

iambilalriaz profile image
Hafiz Muhammad Bilal

Hi Peeps 👋
I am Bilal, a software engineer with expertise in front end development and having two years of experience in Reactjs.

sherzoduralov profile image

I have a problem with the UI

brenda22 profile image
Brenda Aluoch

Hello,am a junior data analyst
Am interested in learning data skills so am here to write articles and to write too.

sherzoduralov profile image

Hello, I'm Sherzod, I'm new to you, I'll reach new heights with you

mukeshgauthaman profile image
Mukesh gauthaman

Hi everyone, I'm gautham. new to the coding community, currently learning Reactjs and would love to learn and share with everyone.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!

arunisto profile image
Arun Arunisto

Hi i am Arun Arunisto an web developer. for one of my project i get solution from this platform! so i decided to part of the community

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa

Good Morning :
I am Lahcene from Algeria Mentor in Data Visualization since 2018 with Illinois University
Best wishes,

yassera25921380 profile image
Yasser Ahmed

Welcome everyone!

emmyyagbaje profile image
Agbaje Itafe Emmanuel

Hello Everyone! I'm Emmanuel,started learning the Rust programming language a few weeks ago.
Would love to connect with more people and equally learn from them.

mr_walkr profile image

Hello Emmanuel,
How are you doing today

emmyyagbaje profile image
Agbaje Itafe Emmanuel

I'm fine .

jdit profile image
🇺🇦Tradeamus 🇺🇦- To Jupiter ♥

Welcome everyone! I post some jobs

adrian2077 profile image


I am Adrian and I develop cool open-source projects 👍. Stack Overflow is not better than this 😹. Because of this I will stay here 😃.

akashgoyal7 profile image
Akash Goyal

hi, I am Akash. Here to know more about the dev perspective on web3 and blockchain

udavc profile image

Hi guys Its cool to be here it's nice meeting you all

powerd365net profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Manish Luhana i am a microsoft MVP

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV. You've joined a great community.

arjun613 profile image

Hi everyone, am Arjun, I’m here to gain knowledge about some Frontend stuff.

blago profile image

Hello, My name is Blago and just started a triology bootcamp front end web developing. Hope to secure a job In next 6 months.

opeyemiismail279 profile image

All happy 😉🥰😎😎

otnotorious profile image

Hi guys... I'm here to increase my knowledge with some good articles.

javirodmart profile image

Hello everyone !!!!, My name is Javi I'm currently a student at Flatiron School, I'm super exited to join the community and learn from everyone. Cheers!!!

harmeetsg profile image

lets make computer concious!

brandyatieno profile image
Brandy Odhiambo

Hello am Brandy
Fun fact I love fish but can't fish

birane012 profile image
Birane KEBE

Hi i'm Birane KEBE, Junior engineer working like fullstack developper at ProSE SARL.
Very proud of being here for learning tech stuff.

astonef profile image
Stefano G SGM

Hi, I am Stefano, self-taught developer from Rome.
I am here to learn new things & find inspiration to build my projects.
Thanks to everyone.

jamgeo2 profile image

Hi, I am a newbie to coding. But I like learning all the time. I hope I can get a lot of friends here and have a good network.

fangz27 profile image
Adegbaju Oluwapelumi

I'm Adegbaju Pelumi, a new member

projetominer profile image
Jacks Jesus

Olá a todos da comunidade. quero aprender muito com vcs

comnerd23 profile image

My specialty is security and communication on iOS and web. I hope that I can learn new things and share information here. Hello everyone :)

fangz27 profile image
Adegbaju Oluwapelumi

Why is JavaScript considered a universal language

comnerd23 profile image

It takes a long time to tell. It's enough if you know this much. 1- Laziness, 2- Incompatibility :)

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa


ethanjohnston796 profile image

Hi, everyone.
Ethan Johnston here and I'm senior fullstack engineer.
I love communicating about the latest technology with people all around the world.

mtljean profile image

I'm starting a project where you can anonymously suggest helping someone with consent and/or volunteer to a suggestion anonymously or publicly with all parties' consents.

odrumond profile image
Eduardo Drumond

Hi, guys!

I am here because I want to improve my communication skills and my ability to teach. I am on this road since 2014 and I hope learn with all of you! :)

omar_ profile image
Omar Said Ibrahim • Edited

Wassup Devs 🙋🏻
My name is Omar and I work as Junior React Native Developer. In my spare time I develop Discord Bots specifically for Crypto and NFT Alerts. I have also developed a Trading Bot 🙌

meistens profile image
David Mebo

Hey all, name's David Mebo.
Enrolled in ALX SWE program, learning to code with C.
Here to document my thought process as I continue my journey and read up articles on best practices and all

hellorhanzel profile image

Hello! My name is Rhanzel, and I work as a Product Design Intern for a start-up and a Full-stack Designer from the Philippines.

amitkriit profile image
Amit Kumar • Edited

Hello everyone, just joined. Hope to learn a lot from discussions on topics such as C/C++, Containers, Linux and BSD, Java, Javascript.

gallih_armada_02b2de67e02 profile image
Gallih Armada

Hi i"m garda ,
I hope can read a lot in this awesome community!

Currently im on eccomerce startup,

neerajsohal profile image
Neeraj Kumar

Hello people. i am here to read some good content! And share my expertise wherever possible

francksharif profile image
Franck Sharif

Hi everyone, just new here, I hope to learn a lot from all of you and get better. I'm open to everybody, let's go together.😁

_lazydeveloper profile image
Pratap Chandra

Love to be here I would like to write some article on #webdev and love to expand my network with all of You folks :)

mr_fortunatee profile image

Good morning everyone.
My name is Gbadamosi Sodiq Olamide, a friend of mine introduced me to this community. I'm here to learn how be a good Developer

tranalaba profile image

Hello everyone.My name is Tran.Nice to meet you.Hope to learn from you.Thanks.

nathaniel_emenike_5 profile image
Nathaniel Emenike

I’m just happy to be here

noahveenstra profile image
Noah Veenstra

Hi everyone! I’m a student at MSU studying UX specifically Web and Mobile Applications. Excited to learn and be a part of this community 🥳

matthewtox2 profile image
Matthew To

Hi I'm Matthew. A student studying computer Science.

I like writing programs in python. I think it's such a fun and cuddly language.

unclecharley profile image
Charles mukuka

Hello am hoping to learn a lot of new things from my fellow members

octuliobiletan profile image
Octulio Biletán

Hola a Todos...
Soy de Argentina.

unclecharley profile image
Charles mukuka

Hello am charles and am learning webdev, have covered html and css and now working on js, hoping to be able to create games using js and C++ soon

farcron profile image
Chiemela Nwankwo

Hello everyone

rcssntg profile image
RCS Santiago

Hello, I'm here trying to learn more about Python and its libraries.
Thank you

aadarsh10c profile image

Here to enhance my knowledge of Web devlopment and to make meaningful connections with people.

cloudwalker profile image

Hi I am Cloud Walker, an Senior software Engineer.
I am here to explore some ideas and learn with the Dev community .

codinglawrex18 profile image

Hi My name is Lawrence.
I'm actually a beginner in coding.
I could use some help.
I will feel much delightful if we work together.

danielkats256 profile image
Daniel Devs

Hi I am Daniel. A student at kyambogo University and am grateful to be part of this community of developers.

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa

Nice to meet you

ulisescab profile image
Ulises Cabanillas

Hi everyone!

dougxx12 profile image
Douglas Barros

I'm from a research group at the Pernambuco Cancer Hospital and I intend to develop a quantum computing program to simulate molecules for the discovery of drugs against cancer.

nictech23 profile image
Oppong Nicholas

Hi, I’m Nicholas a junior web developer, I’m here to acquire knowledge and to have job