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Jollen Moyani

As a content editor at Syncfusion, I am enthusiastic about technology and dedicated to staying up to date with the latest advancements and trends in the industry.

Location Kenya, Kisumu Joined Joined on  Personal website twitter website


He, Him


Software Ass at Syncfusion Inc

What’s New in React 19?

What’s New in React 19?

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12 min read

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Seamlessly Switch Between Project and Resource Views in the Blazor Gantt Chart

Seamlessly Switch Between Project and Resource Views in the Blazor Gantt Chart

6 min read
Mastering Shopping: Enhancing Your Product Search with the .NET MAUI CheckBox

Mastering Shopping: Enhancing Your Product Search with the .NET MAUI CheckBox

6 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Doughnut Chart to Visualize the New European Parliament’s Composition in 2024

Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Doughnut Chart to Visualize the New European Parliament’s Composition in 2024

5 min read
3 Easy Steps to Digitally Sign PDFs in Your Flutter App

3 Easy Steps to Digitally Sign PDFs in Your Flutter App

5 min read
Easily Synchronize Multiple Charts in Your Flutter App Like a Pro

Easily Synchronize Multiple Charts in Your Flutter App Like a Pro

8 min read
Boost Your Diagram Clarity with Line Routing in Blazor

Boost Your Diagram Clarity with Line Routing in Blazor

10 min read
How to add a scrollbar to Syncfusion Flutter Charts

How to add a scrollbar to Syncfusion Flutter Charts

12 min read
Enhance PDF Viewing and Editing with the New Built-in Toolbar in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer

Enhance PDF Viewing and Editing with the New Built-in Toolbar in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer

10 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Range Bar Chart to Visualize the Hearing Range of Living Beings

Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Range Bar Chart to Visualize the Hearing Range of Living Beings

6 min read
Getting Started with .NET Aspire: Simplifying Cloud-Native Development

Getting Started with .NET Aspire: Simplifying Cloud-Native Development

11 min read
What’s New in Angular Query Builder: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in Angular Query Builder: 2024 Volume 2

4 min read
Easily Render Flat JSON Data in JavaScript File Manager

Easily Render Flat JSON Data in JavaScript File Manager

11 min read
Introducing the New React MultiColumn ComboBox

Introducing the New React MultiColumn ComboBox

9 min read
Deploy Angular App with GraphQL on IIS & Azure (Part 7)

Deploy Angular App with GraphQL on IIS & Azure (Part 7)

15 min read
What’s New in Blazor Image Editor: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in Blazor Image Editor: 2024 Volume 2

7 min read
Optimizing Blazor TreeView Performance with Virtualization

Optimizing Blazor TreeView Performance with Virtualization

7 min read
What’s New in React Gantt Chart: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in React Gantt Chart: 2024 Volume 2

6 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating the .NET MAUI Radial Bar to Visualize Apple’s Revenue Breakdown

Chart of the Week: Creating the .NET MAUI Radial Bar to Visualize Apple’s Revenue Breakdown

10 min read
Introducing the New Blazor OTP Input Component

Introducing the New Blazor OTP Input Component

11 min read
Easily Export .NET MAUI DataGrid to Specific PDF Page

Easily Export .NET MAUI DataGrid to Specific PDF Page

4 min read
Build a Dynamic Watchlist for Your Web App with Angular & GraphQL (Part 6)

Build a Dynamic Watchlist for Your Web App with Angular & GraphQL (Part 6)

22 min read
What’s New in Blazor Diagram: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in Blazor Diagram: 2024 Volume 2

8 min read
Introducing the New Angular TextArea Component

Introducing the New Angular TextArea Component

5 min read
Introducing the New Blazor TextArea Component

Introducing the New Blazor TextArea Component

5 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating a .NET MAUI Doughnut Chart to Visualize the World’s Biggest Oil Producers

Chart of the Week: Creating a .NET MAUI Doughnut Chart to Visualize the World’s Biggest Oil Producers

8 min read
What’s New in Blazor: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in Blazor: 2024 Volume 2

16 min read
What’s New in 2024 Volume 2: Document Processing Libraries

What’s New in 2024 Volume 2: Document Processing Libraries

6 min read
Introducing the New ROC and WMA Indicators in Flutter Charts

Introducing the New ROC and WMA Indicators in Flutter Charts

8 min read
What’s New in Syncfusion Essential JS 2: 2024 Volume 2

What’s New in Syncfusion Essential JS 2: 2024 Volume 2

10 min read
Microsoft Build 2024: Key Takeaways and Insights

Microsoft Build 2024: Key Takeaways and Insights

8 min read
Introducing the New Blazor 3D Charts Component

Introducing the New Blazor 3D Charts Component

8 min read
Syncfusion Essential Studio 2024 Volume 2 Is Here!

Syncfusion Essential Studio 2024 Volume 2 Is Here!

10 min read
Easily Handle OLAP Cube Data using Vue Pivot Table

Easily Handle OLAP Cube Data using Vue Pivot Table

15 min read
Sneak Peek at 2024 Volume 2: .NET MAUI

Sneak Peek at 2024 Volume 2: .NET MAUI

5 min read
Chart of the Week: Visualizing Gender Parity in Industrial Employment with .NET MAUI Bubble Chart

Chart of the Week: Visualizing Gender Parity in Industrial Employment with .NET MAUI Bubble Chart

10 min read
Develop a Travel Destination List UI with .NET MAUI ListView [Webinar Show Notes]

Develop a Travel Destination List UI with .NET MAUI ListView [Webinar Show Notes]

3 min read
Easily Implement Google Authentication in the Blazor WebAssembly App

Easily Implement Google Authentication in the Blazor WebAssembly App

5 min read
Pro Annotations on Mobile PDFs with Blazor PDF Viewer

Pro Annotations on Mobile PDFs with Blazor PDF Viewer

11 min read
Open and Save PDF Files Locally in Flutter

Open and Save PDF Files Locally in Flutter

5 min read
Seamlessly Add Blazor Native UI Components in Hybrid Apps

Seamlessly Add Blazor Native UI Components in Hybrid Apps

16 min read
Efficiently Handle CRUD Actions in Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC DataGrid with Fetch Request

Efficiently Handle CRUD Actions in Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC DataGrid with Fetch Request

10 min read
Secure File Handling in Blazor: Implement JWT Authentication

Secure File Handling in Blazor: Implement JWT Authentication

5 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Sunburst Chart to Visualize the Syncfusion Chart of the Week Blog Series

Chart of the Week: Creating a WPF Sunburst Chart to Visualize the Syncfusion Chart of the Week Blog Series

9 min read
Enhance User Experience: Preserve ASP.NET Core Grid Layout Settings

Enhance User Experience: Preserve ASP.NET Core Grid Layout Settings

7 min read
Effortlessly Synchronize JavaScript Controls Using DataManager

Effortlessly Synchronize JavaScript Controls Using DataManager

5 min read
Seamlessly Load Data from Different Data Sources into Blazor Charts

Seamlessly Load Data from Different Data Sources into Blazor Charts

12 min read
Advanced Query Building Techniques in Angular: Queries with Different Connectors

Advanced Query Building Techniques in Angular: Queries with Different Connectors

11 min read
Chart of the week: Creating a line chart with plot bands to explore global GNI per capita with income thresholds

Chart of the week: Creating a line chart with plot bands to explore global GNI per capita with income thresholds

12 min read
Load Appointments on Demand in Blazor Scheduler using Entity Framework Core

Load Appointments on Demand in Blazor Scheduler using Entity Framework Core

10 min read
Optimizing Productivity: Integrate Salesforce with JavaScript Scheduler

Optimizing Productivity: Integrate Salesforce with JavaScript Scheduler

14 min read
What is Cybersecurity?

What is Cybersecurity?

3 min read
Reached 50! A Milestone for the Chart of the Week Blog Series

Reached 50! A Milestone for the Chart of the Week Blog Series

9 min read
Performance Optimization in React Pivot Table with Data Compression

Performance Optimization in React Pivot Table with Data Compression

8 min read
Navigate PDF Annotations in a TreeView Using WPF PDF Viewer

Navigate PDF Annotations in a TreeView Using WPF PDF Viewer

7 min read
Chart of the Week: Creating a .NET MAUI Line Chart to Analyze Wage Trends in the Texas Oil Gas Extraction Industry

Chart of the Week: Creating a .NET MAUI Line Chart to Analyze Wage Trends in the Texas Oil Gas Extraction Industry

8 min read
Visualize Customer Survey Reports Using React 3D Circular Charts [Webinar Show Notes]

Visualize Customer Survey Reports Using React 3D Circular Charts [Webinar Show Notes]

2 min read
Easily Create an Excel Pivot Table in Just 3 Steps Using C#

Easily Create an Excel Pivot Table in Just 3 Steps Using C#

6 min read
Empower Your Data Insights: Integrating JavaScript Gantt Chart into Power BI

Empower Your Data Insights: Integrating JavaScript Gantt Chart into Power BI

6 min read
Exporting DataGrid to PDF Made Easy in .NET MAUI

Exporting DataGrid to PDF Made Easy in .NET MAUI

7 min read