DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v201 staff on November 21, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike

I am Paschal a frontend developer seeking for a role in a start up company.

I am currently learning React and looking to advance to React native.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

How is React coming for you so far?

candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike

It's not been easy, currently building some projects to show case my skills. Building a React quiz app, adding some functionality and styling to it.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike

Thank you

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome to DEV!!

mcmohancycle profile image

Hey, Paschal! I'm a junior React Native dev. Keep grinding, I'm sure you'll get better and would get your dream job.

candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike

Thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate you

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli • Edited

Hello there! 👋

I'm here after completing the Hacktoberfest last month, I've landed here many times before while looking for help or tutorials so I already know how awesome this community is, and I'm going to be happy becoming a part of it.

I'm currently looking forward to participate in the MongoDB Hackathon and to learn how to write good posts to help people as they've helped me before.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

isaquiasmarques profile image

I am Isaquias, a fullstack developer.
Actually working in some projects (personal and corporate) with LARAVEL, ANGULAR, JS, HTML5, CSS3, WORDPRESS and so on...

I'm to improve my development skills and other possible things to do.

elwafdy profile image
Ali El-Wafdy

Welcome to DEV! 👋🏼

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome to DEV!

isaquiasmarques profile image


assumptachinonso1 profile image

I am Assumpta, a frontend developer.
Here to interact with other developers and also write about what I am learning.
You can check my projects 👇
I am currently learning JavaScript and React. Looking to advance to React Native.

barrychen profile image
Barry Chen

Hi all,

I am Barry Chen, a frontend developer from an data analysis company. We are using React to develop web apps and searching for Micro-Frontends to solve our Frontend Monolith app. And I also want to expand my technical horizons.

Learn from all.

onyeanu profile image
Nnamdi Onyeanu

I am the light in your breakeven idea,
specializing in corporate startups. I enable team success by simplifying the complex, morphing data into reality, and humanizing business.

My zest lies in addressing poor information flow, managing strategic relationships, and stitching the seams for a cohesive team flow.
I enable executive success.

Specialties: Corporate Operations, Team governance (OKR & KPI), communication strategy.


securo_dev profile image
Securo | API for DeFi

Hello beautiful people!

We're Securo, building API for decentralized finance.
Still a very early stage startup, and looking for like-minded developers to try our API!

You can check out our product at

Would love to hear your thoughts and learn more from you!

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

My name is Nikki Eke. I am a software developer.
Just starting out in Technical Writing and figured this was the best community to network and share what I have learnt.
I'm currently learning cloud/devops.

ejaz100400 profile image
Ejaz Ahmed J • Edited

The name's Ejaz Ahmed J from India.
Front end Dev Fresher | Digital Analyst | ECE Grad
Currently learning React and intrested in Full stack web development .
Hope you are all having a good day
Happy coding! 💝💝

bahamas2023 profile image
Lahcene Ouled Moussa

Good Morning :
This is Lahcene from Algeria Mentor in Data Visualization since 2018 with Illinois University
Best wishes,

thecmdrunner profile image

👋 Hey everyone!

I am Pranav and I'm trying to learn and build good open-source projects with NodeJS and Python!

I'd say I'm beyond beginner in JS, yet to learn Typescript.
And a beginner in Python 🐍

I'm working on a few really cool things that I plan to share with the community soon 😉

keithryanorourke profile image
Keith Ryan O'Rourke (He/Him)

Hi, my name is Keith Ryan O'Rourke and I recently landed my first development job! I'm quickly realizing that working in industry won't automatically grow my network or help me meet other devs so I figured I would check out this community! 😅

jivtur profile image

Hey Keith!

Congratulations on landing your first job, it's quite exciting for sure. I am currently on the same path and hopefully might get an opportunity to gain some experience in the field soon.
Would appreciate if you could share your interview experience and how you were able to land your job successfully!

fufanu profile image
Philip Hermes

Congratulations on your successful launch! Hopefully you have also found a job that is fun and challenging for you! 💪

jivtur profile image
Jivtur • Edited
Hey fellow Developers and Computer Science Enthusiasts,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I am Rutvij a student from San Francisco State and I gravitated towards this amazing platform after I start diving deep into coding. I aspire to create interactive and fully responsive webpages as well as application while molding them into an aesthetically pleasing user experience.

I am still under the development phase of educating myself on various different languages as well as experimenting based on their usability. Really excited to join the community and hope to progress as a successful developer in the industry as well as looking forward to starting my career.

jmaries profile image
Jeiya Siapno

Hey all, I'm Jeiya, a software engineering apprentice based in London, UK. Have some experience with several programming languages, but just looking to specialise in one/two once I figure out what I want to do :). Anyone have any recommendations?

dandotjs profile image
Dan Garces

Hi, everyone! Full Stack engineer here with 4.5 YOE. Quite a lot of those years have been deep in JS/TS land but I've been working a lot with C# over the past year or so as well. Happy be joining this community filled with a ton of bright, talented engineers as I continue my journey in becoming the best possible full stack engineer that I can be!

markeeco profile image
Craig Doig


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have everyone!

edwineinsen profile image
Einsen Vásquez

Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Edwin Vásquez, I am from Guatemala, my current stack is Ruby on Rails, but I worked before with Java, PHP, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Angular. Always eager to learn and improve my knowledge.

murchie85 profile image
Adam McMurchie

Hey! I'm Adam a Lead Engineer but I also love coding up games and AI engines in my spare time, I don't have any contacts here so i'd love to make new friends.

I'm into AI, GameDev, Backend dev, Devops Kubernetes and I like milk in my tea. ☕️

sofba profile image

Hi everybody!

I'm Sofia, I've been working in the hospitality/costumer service roles since I was 19 (now 26) and I'm currently learning to become a frontend developer, I'm still at the basics (HTML & CSS) and I aspire to be able and make a career change since I love the tech world and everything related to it.

I'm sure I'll be able to learn a lot thanks to this community!
Have a wonderful day and happy coding

aparnasaravind profile image
Aparna Aravind

I am Aparna, a data engineer by profession, really new to this community but felt a great share of positivity and enthusiasm here.I am here to not only to share what I have thought as interesting but also to learn from this community!

canuto profile image
Knut Martin Tornes

Hi community!

I'm Knut Martin - I love using tech to create services which simplify things (like and

I'm a generalist and have had multiple managerial roles through the years...but always long to get back to coding && building.

Currently exploring web3 / smart contracts / Solidity. Curious to explore the possibilities there. Also dabbling in IoT for a client.

0101nita profile image

Hi🖐 , I'm a global headhunter recruiter and actually I am searching for various positions. I will be posting job listings in case anyone may be interested. We are in a crisis time and there are a lot of layoffs, I hope I can be of help for anyone who is job hunting.

rebelsvision profile image

Hello everyone!

I am Jordan a nurse with a passion for computers, and front end development. I am currently working through the self taught journey to become a front end web developer to merge my love for helping others, the medical world and web developing. I am currently studying JS and I am starting to look for projects to building out in order to cement the information learned. Any tips and advance from other self taught devs would be greatly appreciated.

dimario profile image
Dmitry Pozdnyakov

Hey! I wrote my second post here. It is a business plan for a mobile app.
Would be thankful for your comments and appdev suggestions!

moniquesmithn profile image
Monique Smith

Hey, I'm Monique. I'm new to tech and transitioning from the marketing/communications world. I'm using freecodecamp to learn the basics of CSS, HTML and SQL before I dive into a language.

All advice is welcome 😄

sqwk7700 profile image
Carlo Smits


Figured I’d chime in here as I am new here sooo… yeah, I’m Carlo, I’m 23 and I mostly work with:

  • pwsh
  • python
  • (ana)conda
  • go
  • rust
  • dotnet stuff
  • and I’m probably forgetting others…

I wish to make known my good intentions here and for y’all to know if there’s any issue (with me), you can always message me publicly or privately and I’ll try to work out any issue to the best of my extent. Of course, you’re also free to message me with no issues ☺️

It’s my pleasure to be here and I look forward to having fruitful conversations and hopefully we can learn from each other and have fun together! 😇

syedwajihulhassan profile image
Syed Wajih Ul Hassan

I am a Full Stack Web Developer, working on ReactJS and ExpressJS.
Learning about more technologies day by day and interested in AI/ML and Blockchain technology.

Just joined this platform, wants to be friend with someone who had same interests.

Waiting for comment and replies

asish0sahu profile image
Asish kumar sahu • Edited

@hello Everyone
This is Asish Kumar a new learner in dev .I am so passionate learn these advance technology skills and show a better version of myself now a good quality of website everyone wants for ecommerce to run a business , shopping website , healthcare sector etc. So that client wanted good content to seen as user point of view.
So Let's build this together Industry 4.0.

fufanu profile image
Philip Hermes

Hi everyone, I am a dev for 9 years now moving from webapps to public safety in javascript (!!!) and then to the complete open serverless world.
I can hardly imagine working in any other field because every day you encounter new topics that you want to learn and try.

azer profile image
Azar Guliyev


I am Kolarov, working in one of the logistics company in Lithuania as a software engineer. I am seeking to improve my PHP, Vanilla JS and React JS skills, hence I joined to Hope everything will work fine for me and all of you.

Best wishes.

darksidedani profile image
DarkSideDani • Edited


My name is Daniel, a future Full Stack Developer but mostly i think i'm gonna go towards the Back-End side of things :)

Currently studying JavaScript/Node.js/React.js, React Hooks, Redux/NPM etc.

Hope to network here and share knowledge.


lucifer694u profile image

Hello Dev,
I am himanshu kumar a frontend developer looking for open source and remote opportunities.
I am currently learning React and I am also doing java projects
I want to switch to dev ops and cloud and looking for some guidance

patriciacosma profile image
Patricia Cosma

Hello tech people from all ove the world!

I'm Patricia, currently located in Cluj (Romania) and I here to develop my frontend skills, learn by snippets of content and expanding my network.
I want to make a career change and currently I'm focused on HTML & CSS, to be sure that I don't have gaps and I understand the basic concepts well.

Very excited to join the community and get to read many interesting blog posts from all of you.

Have a nice week,

cmdcjones profile image

I am Dominique a full stack developer seeking an entry level role to break into tech. I enjoy working on both ends of the stack and am hoping to lean more towards one side through work experience.

I am creating projects with JavaScript, React and Express and am interested in learning Go.

supercoder313 profile image

Heyya everyone, Im CN from Malaysia. Kinda newbie in this coding thing...but I wanna be like you all (supercoders) ...linux fan nvim enthusiast, currently learning Rust ...please be my friend and empower me to your level.

zergaloid profile image

Heya! I'm Valentin and go by the nickname "Zergal"

I love to combine low-level concepts with fancy abstractions and I'm currently working on a compiler written entirely in Typescript

Been programming for over 6 years, 2 of them commercially

chidipatrick profile image

Hello everyone.
My name is Patrick, I'm a self-taught Frontend web developer trying to break into tech industry. I decided to be a part of this community because of the great works members of this community put out on a daily bases. I have read so many articles from Dev community that helped me solve some programming problems in the past and also learn a lot too. I really love what the community is all about, and I'm so happy to be here.

markeeco profile image
Craig Doig

Hi all, my name is Craig. I am a Jr Dev in skill level but run a startup company with the best devs ever called Markee! We are currently working on a video chat API tool for devs and other various side projects.

I love Vue, Laravel, Tailwinds...pretty much a Taylor fanboy.

So excited to join the community here, make friends, and grow!

mneme profile image
Alex T • Edited

Hi, I stumbled upon while seeking for a tech community to grow with. Also, I am seeking for like minds to work on fun projects in mind for years, especially on backend. I am a frontend developer. Life is too short not to speed up the projects in mind after pandemic. An article by BekahHW was invited me to take the first step into Stay hungry, stay foolish.

dimario profile image
Dmitry Pozdnyakov

Hi all,

I'm Dmitry, willing to learn about low-code solutions for mobile app creation. I have a particular idea in mind: creation of the language exchange app, that would have its internal currency.
Did that project idea in Wordpress before, reached 800 registered members, but want to reincarnate in the form of the app.

adityaxanand profile image

Hey all, I'm Aditya, a software engineering apprentice based in Bangalore, India. Have some knowledge & experience with several programming languages. Looking forward to specialize in one or two. Suggestions & ideas are appreciated!

benseghirehamza profile image
Benseghire Hamza

Hi There i hope you are doing well I'm so much interested for learning about Responsive Adaptive from scratch so anyOne do you have any idea you can shear it with us and that's it I'm looking for that technologe

byronsalty profile image
Byron Salty

Hello - I'm Byron.

I'm hear because I wanted a place to write more technical articles and I heard this was the place to be! I'm learning Elixir and ML/AI. I'm working on a few projects, a couple indie games and doing some start-up advisory roles. Coming off of a 20+ year stint at WarnerMedia and looking for the next thing while having some fun coding.

ksumanth2003 profile image

My name is K SUMANTH
I am currently learning artificial intelligence and machine learning
The main intention to join the community is to develop myself and answers for my questions related to my course and projects.

mcmohancycle profile image

Hello, peeps! I hope you all are doing well.

My name is Gaurav and I'm from India. I'm a curious, generalist product designer and developer.

I use Figma and Adobe XD for my designs and build apps using React Native. I still am fairly new to this world but giving my best efforts to learn new things everyday.

Last but not least, I cannot wait to connect with wonderful people like you.

mishal profile image
M Mishal

I am Mishal
Curently pursuing B.Tech Information Technology
Seeking a beginner role to enhance and explore my technical knowledge, who is curious to work and learn about advanced technical and new technologies, I have keen interest in programming, and decision making, especially in the field of programming

abdelaziz_elshrkawy profile image
Abdelaziz Elshrkawy

hey there i am abdelaziz passionate beginner web developer and career changer
working with nodejs (backend) angular(frontend)
open to learn new technologies in the future
looking for beginner developer opportunity to get my hands wet

theempireboss profile image
Olufunsho Anthony

Hi am Olufunsho a front end web developer. I have previous experience in networking but recently switched to Web Dev. Am looking for collaborations, remote work opportunities and platform to sharpen my skills. Would be great to make good friends in the community as well

cirias_ profile image
Carlos Irias

I'm Carlos from Honduras. I'm a backend developer working with dotnet. I'm starting in the game dev, because I want to switch my career focus in what I love. I opened an account to write about the technologies I use in my day, and to show what I'm learning.

larawehbe profile image
Lara Wehbe

I'm Lara Wehbe, Software engineer with ML Speciality.
My goal is to become an AWS certified with ML Speciality.
DEV is a great community and hub of articles and tutorials for AWS and other topics.
I'm glad to join!

omarzidann7 profile image
Omar Khaled


I am Omar a software testing engineer. I came here to develop my skills in testing and teach testing concepts manual and automation in an easy way using animation. I still don't know how to do that but I believe i will will do it.

My main target is helping more people.

On the other hand, I want to kick off my skills in frontend development.

alexguerra profile image
Alex Guerra


I have been in development for a while. My last job killed my joy. I had to stop. Time has passed. I am ready to make things again.

I love generative art, audio synthesis, and sound design, midi controllers, and my dog.

Image description

Her name is Ada. She is a very good girl.

I am excited to learn, share, and create here. Feel free to ping me if you ever want to talk nerdy.


runtycybin profile image

Hello @everyone I am a freelance Java developer and I normally work with a cat lying on my desk.
I am working as a Java developer for some years already and I am ready to share my experience helping ppl with what I able to.

vishal121212121212112 profile image


I want to deploy angular universal application to AWS, but i am not finding any suitable way. I tried with AWS lambda serveless deployment but i get error there. it says '.dist/server' module not found

jannik profile image
Jannik Malte Meissner 🇺🇦🇪🇺

Hi, I am Jannik, currently building Neuralfinity's Computational-Magic, the fastest way to add AI features to any app.
I trained a language model and an ASR model (a summary API already exists)
Now learning JS/TS, for the customer portal.

chudayroi profile image
Chủ Đây Rồi

Hello there,
My name is chudayroi and I am currently a senior high school student taking a college java class and I am aspiring to become either a website developer. I would not say I specialize in anything right now as I am all over the place but I am planning trying to learn js and css in my free time

saddysama profile image
Sadhun Arun

I am Sadhun . I am a IOS app developer mainly focused in the field of Augmented Reality. I have recently got into the field , so looking forward to learn more about the AR technologies and frameworks from the community

jsmurray86 profile image

I'm Suzy. Starting coding bootcamp here shortly with no coding experience. At. All. Took a career break in 2017 to care for family, now I'm updating and upgrading my professional skills. No idea where this journey will take me, but very excited (and a tad anxious) to be on it. Very nice to meet everyone!

neerahabdul profile image

I am Munirah Abdulrahman... currently trying to self learn far am good at css and html now making my way to bootstrap. Am gonna need each and every help that I can find over here. Hope you will be generous sharing and teaching me . Am 21 by the way and I am a very curious and pretty fast at learning how to code.

codekod profile image

Hello, my name is Melih.
I am 44 years old and I live in Turkey. I work as a notary public administrator. I want to make a career change. I want to learn software and join you. I am currently working on javascript. My goal is to learn javascript frameworks(Node.js, Angular, React vs.) after learning javascript and develop applications for web and mobile.

aim97 profile image
Mohamed Ahmed Abd-elmagid

Welcome onboard.

aim97 profile image
Mohamed Ahmed Abd-elmagid

Hi everyone.
I'm Mohamed Abdelmagid, a Teaching assistant, I was searching for a way to open UI in WSL for students to easily interact with it. one thing led to another and here I'm. 😅

I'm currently learning Transformer neural networks, typescript, and software architecture (quite diverse, right? 😅).

I'm Glad to have finally joined this community.

aleksiloytynoja profile image
Aleksi Loytynoja | lopa.eth

Hi! I'm Aleksi, building Kleoverse & Proof-of-Talent 💚

Our goal is to help all devs showcase their skills objectively with on-chain verified skill scores, build a web3 resume, and find new opportunities – all for free!

Looking forward to connecting, learning and building together!

geekchinyere profile image
Chinyere Nwalie • Edited

Hi Everyone,

I am Chinyere an Entry-level Cloud Engineer and open source enthusiast.
Sharpening my python and Linux skills. I'd love to work on project too! Please reach out to me if you'd love me to join your project.

xaerdev profile image
Stefano Colonnelli

Hi there!
My name's Stefano, I'm a Frontend Developer working in Rome, Italy! I'd love to be part of a great dev community and seems like a perfect one!

Just hmu if you want to talk about code or to get a great coffee :)

joel100 profile image
Joel Kugonza

Hello! My name is Joel and I'm a full stack development student currently with microverse a remote software development school that uses pair programming and real-world projects to teach development, I want to use these skills to impact the world” coding for a cause” is my tagline. So far, I have built projects in JavaScript and react, and I would love to meet people here who I can grow with to become a full-stack software development engineer

david_liu_42b2c058c68b982 profile image
David Liu

Hi, I am a mechnical engineer work in a SINO-US joint venture company.
I am learning JS 2 years ago .when I was shocked by the performace make by ThreeJS.
and made small Project which is render a tube gemeory from bend points.I don 't make life on programing .I have job as manager of manufacring engineerning . I am also intersted in IoT and digtial manufactring technology and industrial 4.0 trends
I am here to learn and make friends !

omargiorgetti profile image

Hi all,
I join the community because I think that sharing the knowledge is most important aspect to grow up. I'm learning every day and I'm very interesting in the new tecnologies. Now I'm try to comeback to my first love, statistics, studying machine learning.

yousefebrahim profile image

Hello, I am Youssef Ibrahim, from Egypt, specifically from Upper Egypt. My country was the capital of the Pharaonic era, and my great-grandfather is Ramses II, Lololo
I love programming, and I specialized in the Front End, and I am currently studying the Recat js and I wish good and peace to all

rohit2git profile image
Rohit Turambekar • Edited

Hello everyone,

I'm Rohit from Germany working as Principal Cloud Architect at Microsoft for startups. I help startups to build on Azure removing their roadblocks.
Looking to learn here and also to share my experience.

Before Microsoft was working with AWS for 3 years.

sheilarugut profile image

Hello, Im Sheila. I am full stack developer, with skills in Javascript, React, Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I am a beginner and I look forward to interracting with fellow developers. I would like to be a contributor to open source projects or remote internships so any leads on how to go about it would be appreciated. Thankyou

uzairkhatri profile image
Uzair Khatri


I am Uzair Iqbal an Skillful Software Architect with 10 years of experience in designing, developing customer habit-building applications. Versed in numerous software categories for business and private users. Adept at constructing software architecture suited to rapid deployment across multiple projects to reduce development times and costs. Visionary professional with experience researching new technologies to determine alignment with strategic business needs. Successful at optimizing security standards, improving planning processes, and managing systems implementation. Knowledgeable about disaster recovery planning, road mapping, and team development.

I am here to learn more and search for better and changeling opportunities.

My Technical Skills

  • AWS
  • VUE.JS
  • JAVA
kobeydon profile image
Kohei Imai

Hi, my name is Kohei. I have worked on projects using python, C#, and Java.
Currently learning Rust and Go.

I hope to interact with other developers in this community and gain knowledge to get the opportunity to work in a diverse environment as a backend engineer.

I also want to have a good idea for a future project.!

furesoft profile image


I am Chris. I really love making compilers and work with C#. I am always open for new technologies.

murchie85 profile image
Adam McMurchie

Hey Chris, compiler guy! Sounds cool, given you a follow!

furesoft profile image

If you are interested, here is a link to the website of my language/compiler

Thread Thread
murchie85 profile image
Adam McMurchie

Wow! it looks slick! I'd love to see some blogs on how you did it, and what the rationale for backlang was!

Thread Thread
furesoft profile image

Yeah, I will post it here on I really enjoy making progress and want to share my experiences.

rabeehco profile image
Rabeeh Ebrahim

Hey, I am Rabeeh. I am learning Web Development. Focusing on M.E.R.N Stack projects. Interested to contribute on Open Source projects.

michthebrand profile image
Ikechukwu Charles

I have this issue.

Does anyone know how to do html5 imports?

flnate profile image

Hello there,
My name is Nathan and I am currently a senior high school student taking a college java class and I am aspiring to become either a software developer or a mobile app developer. I would not say I specialize in anything right now as I am all over the place but I am planning trying to learn C# in my free time since I know it has a lot of similarities to java.

oreva_efemena_ profile image
Oreva Efemena

Hi there, I’m currently learning how to become a front end developer. Currently learning css. I’d love any tips and suggestions to learn faster and easier.

gguizza profile image
Giulia Guizzardi

Hi! I am Giulia, Community Manager for and Happy to meet you all!

chiosomea profile image
Chiosome Agbo

My name is Agbo Bright Chiosome wishes to improve my computer knowledge I know little about web page design trying to catch up with css

chinardankhara profile image
Chinar Dankhara

Hi alll,
I am Chinar, a computing student based in Atlanta. I spend most of my time in the Python/Pydata ecosystem but I love a lot more. Currently hacking on MongoDB Atlas.

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Hello Chinar! 👋

nyashanice profile image

Hey everyone! I'm a newbie to the coding world and I'm a part of Georgia Tech's newest cohort of their full stack coding bootcamp. I'm looking forward to learning a lot over the next few months.

zalllrizalll profile image
Rizal Pratama

My name is Rizal Pratama. I am a student who is learning about several programming languages such as C++, JAVA, PHP, and others.

neilc123 profile image

Hi everyone! Excited to join the community!

aymane_atigui profile image
aymane atigui

I'm aymane from morocco, I'm in my final year for get bachelor in computer science.

wasibhussain profile image
Wasib Hussain

Hello all,
I'm flutter developer in a software company,

currently I'm exploring flutter in depth.

daviddra21 profile image

Hello Everyone!
I just joined the community. I'll soon be starting a course to become a front end web developer. I think the last time I actually coded was around 1991, so wish me luck! ;-)

ahmadyo91819397 profile image
Ahmad Younas

I am Full stack Web developer and, I have full command on React and nodejs

flavius_the_0th profile image

Hey people,
I am a backend developer (slowly getting into front-end). I know few backend languages like Rust, Python, Lua, C/C++ etc and mainly use React or Next.js as a front-end framework

dev_zeuss profile image

I am Zeus, a Mobile App Developer. My Tech Stack is Kotlin and Java, yea I'm all native. I'm a freelancer and I'm open to collaborations and job opportunities.

sasha_nebout_ae42a369b4bc profile image
Sasha Nebout

Hi I am Sasha currently working on a new dapp project. I am looking for a a web3 dev. Contact me!

dialchimp profile image

We are the newest Digital Creators in the contest; we are extremely passionate about web development and work to advance both the development community as a whole and ourselves as developers.

alecoosta profile image

Hi everyone! I stsrted programming few mknths ago abd i am really into React, i got few headache already but i am still learning and reading

jure_erkez_5143972ad5b98 profile image
Jure Čerkez

hello i dont know shit and would like to learn

ahn_sni profile image
Dani Drumer

Hi, I'm a junior front-end developer. Looking for remote job to get experience and grow myself.

ahn_sni profile image
Dani Drumer

Hi, I'm a junior Front-end Developer.

rozhnev profile image
Slava Rozhnev

Hi, community!
I'm backend developer (PHP, SQL, NodeJS, Go and over)
Currently working on my project

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
alsharany profile image

Hi , I’m Hnen
I’m Frontend Developer and I’m learning react these days .
My dream is to be super senior Frontend Developer and have a huge salary 😆

ssd profile image
server side digest

Hello, I am lovepreet singh. Working as a backend developer. I do write consistently on System Design, Software engineering in general.

Check it out

datcctvguy profile image
Abdullah Bello

Hi everyone
I'm Abdullah, a data analyst, looking forward to collaborate on SQL and Python projects to deepen my skills.
Happy to be here.

xtrinch profile image
Mojca Rojko

Hi! I'm Mojca. I really like this platform for its content and community. I am a full stack developer and looking to learn some new things and hopefully be able to teach some new things to others :-)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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harlowk profile image

Yo! Senior engineer at JupiterOne.

yannickmartins profile image
Yannick Martins

Sou Yannick desenvolvedor back-end junior
Estou estudando hacker ethical
Sou novo e estou no comunidade para ganhar experiencia e conhecimento.

itsazzam profile image
Mohamed Azzam

Hello guys,

I'm a Webflow developer, a JS learner and a Madridista 😄
I'd be happy to connect with you!

genildoburgos_ profile image
Genildo Burgos

hi everyone. My name is Genildo and I'm here to learn how to program. I'm from brazil and I want to connect with everyone...

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ravikumar_bulusu_61e0138 profile image
Ravi Kumar Bulusu

hi all, I just joined this group today. I am Ravi from India.

ahumuzaceasar profile image
Ahumuza Ceasar

Hi, I am Ceasar. I am a back end Developer. I have used Technologies like Python, HTML,CSS,Django and Tailwind Css. I hope to teach more people learn how to code and solve world related problems

dimitarbestinc profile image

Hey guys, I am Dimitar and a frontend developer.
I have a good experience with React.js and SPAs. Currently focusing on building smart contracts and NFTs.
Open to any offers.

prafull85795557 profile image
Prafull Yadav

hi devlopers community,
I am learning backend devlopment .

kayl06 profile image
Fedimar Kayl Rabanzo

I am Kayl a Full-Stack web developer. My friend brought me here.

I am currently learning React and looking to advance to React native. And I'm hoping to gain more knowledge here.


chimen profile image

je suis Imen, ayant tout récemment obtenu mon certificat dans le développement Front-end ReactJS, et actuellement à la recherche d'une nouvelle opportunité dans ce domaine.

miketx56 profile image

I am student and wanted to become a software engineer

caleb963 profile image

I am a beginner i n coding iam studying from being a fullstack engineer i'm interested in any information and help you could give me

dansfjustdoit profile image

Have some vanilla coding experience now wanna learn flutter and typescript fullstack to help people in coding for free.

memochou1993 profile image
Memo Chou

Hi! I'm Memo Chou, a full stack web developer.

I created a side project recently.

I want to share it with you all!

Nyan Profile

I'm glad to join!

dteknolove profile image

Hello there. Im Fariz. Hope can learn a lot of things here

lephuongtrung profile image

Hello everybody,
I'm Trung, a BackEnd developer looking for a fresher position - junior NodeJs,

I am also currently learning more about React,

prince_ofor_4a925a2ca229c profile image
Prince Ofor

I am here to learn from great minds.

debasistripathy01 profile image
Debasis Tripathy

Hey there! I am new. I'm a full-stack React developer.

michaelwave profile image
Michael Wave

Hello! I’m Michael wave and I like making electron applications and websites. I’m currently trying to learn tailwind.

rosinante_e018 profile image
Suraj Chilgar

Hi i am suraj Chilgar , I'm new to tech please suggest me if you anything

makhtoutmohamed profile image
Mohamed Makhtout

Hi, i'm mohamed from morocco, it manager, looking to learn and share information abt tech, linux lover

assumptachinonso1 profile image

Hello am Assumpta a front-end developer. Here to learn and interact with other developers

hassanbraim profile image
Hassan BRAIM

Hi everyone,
I'm here mainly to learn java javascript
I feel stuck with those languages and try to find a way to make it easy for me.
and I am not leaving until it's done.

elsaaeid profile image

Hey, l'm here to develop my career experiences with you😊

abdooowd profile image
The Abdou

I am Abdoo. I am very young but I just love developing. I have some knowledge in Python, Haxe, and very basic skills in java.
I came here to get some projects ideas and learn more stuff.

oferdi profile image
Ferdynand Odhiambo

Am Ferdinand,a software development student at Holberton school and Alx africa. Am seeking to learn and engage more,,share ideas on this amazing platform

chilamakuri604 profile image
Chilmakuri Narasimha sai

Hi Everyone,
I am Sai a junior level frontend developer in MNC
currently i am working on javascript and react and i wish i want to become a good full stack dev

toobad profile image
Olalere Babatunde

I am TOOBAD, a frontend developer currently opened to Internships to add up React experience
I am currently building React Projects

alkodach profile image

Frontend Developer | React | JavaScript | CSS | HTML looking forward to becoming a full stack dev, open for hiring

idanref profile image
Idan Refaeli • Edited

Hey, all of you are welcome to check out my new “Kubernetes: Deep Dive” guide 🔥☸️

atifkhan50 profile image
muhammad atif

hi i am muhammad atif working as web developer and learn more from this community

dutchville profile image

Hello 👋 , dutchville here, am a student in IT, currently self learning the Rust programming language for personal projects.

elianxd55 profile image

HI , i´m Elian

i´m from Colombia
i´m 17 - 20 years

i will full stack developer with JS and IA with Python is mu way Programmer

harshentrepreneur profile image
Harsh Patel QuoraHarshEntrepreneur WhiteSafeUser

Entrepreneur in search of teams, learning, resources, more online for startups across multiple industries, sectors. Quora com profile Harsh-Entrepreneur

thedev0226 profile image

👋Hello folks👋
Here the web developer who is following up with Ruby on Rails and React.
Hope to get more sense from seniors and experts.
Call me TaiLong please!

jaiveerguptadrishti profile image

I am honored to join this platform, It's really helpful

paulo-pertierra profile image

Been really interested in Vue lately. It's challenging but loving it so far.

duanyajuzi profile image

I'm a Chinease java developer , nice to meet here

sibtain125 profile image

I am Sibtain a frontend developer seeking for a role in a start up company.

actionpulse profile image
Julia Slopnicka

Hello guys! My name is Julia and I'm new here! I'm an architect by proffession and currently studying to make a career switch and become a web developer! Nice to be a part of this community!

murchie85 profile image
Adam McMurchie

Hey! Following, always good to know more web devs!

abnormal_viki profile image

hii vicky here !!

anthonysidesgoat profile image
Anthony Sides

Funny mfers he in your account doing that back stab shit instead be a man

xavierisaac3 profile image
Xavier Isaac

I have a passion to learn one or two programming languages. I want to believe that this community will avail me a great chance to meet a voluntary coach who will lead me to my dream.

san_andreas_201a79547df5c profile image
San Andreas

I am having issues with backend

geekaid profile image

cs student who have recently started a blog post and wanted to help the community and in doing so improving me. Win win for everyone.

jeevanbala3 profile image
jeevan bala

Hello friends I am Sahil Bhatia. I have team of android, Graphic design, 2d, 3d animation.

madhuritratiya profile image
madhuri Tratiya

I am Madhuri Tratiya Assistant Professor of Computer Science in Private University with I am do Literature of Android, IOS development and Blockchain Technology

aruntemme profile image

Hello devs,

Arun here from India.
Full stack developer (VueJs and ROR)

Currently learning many things including go

emawiz2 profile image

I am Emmanuel Momoh front end developer Just finished learning CSS. it wonderful to be here, thanks to the community. I hope to learn and also contribute.

jsonimac profile image

hello !! Everyone

cutewizzle profile image
Caleb Ezemadu

Hi. I'm Caleb Ezemadu.
A total beginner in the dev world.

sahilpawar10 profile image

Hii, I am Sahil. I am learning Web Development. Focusing on M.E.R.N Stack projects. Interested to contribute on Open Source projects.

mussino profile image
Skalex Stuch

Hello World!!! I'm Skalex, learning how to code now on JavaScript! I came here after finished a free course on Scrimba which was really good! Gonna try to write about it hehe!

angenounamo123 profile image

Hello guys,

I am Ange NOUNAMO an intermediate developper at AFREETECH Cameroun. i joined this community to change with experts about various topics

carouan profile image

Hi all, happy to be here.
Have a nice day.

mithleshpatel profile image
Mithlesh Kumar

Hello, I'm Mithlesh Patel a mern stack beginner developer. currently creating a mern stack blog app.

tykoon787 profile image
Oduor Otieno E.

I am the tykoon

halesharry profile image

Does anyone know how to do html5 imports.

jenposable profile image

I'm Jen a QA Engineer. Currently learning automation testing with cypress and BDD

Would love to connect to other QA fellow.

aymenbakkour profile image
Aymen Bakkour


I am Aymen a Graphic and web designer .
My goal is be a full stack web developer .
Now i learn JavaScript

krjakbrjak profile image
Nikita Vakula

Hi, my name is Nikita and I love everything about software engineering, especially when things work.

chiosomea profile image
Chiosome Agbo

I'm New here