DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v219 staff on April 05, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!!

If you haven't yet done so, I recommend finding a post that you like and thanking the author for their contribution to the community.

A simple thank you is one of the best things an author can receive.

heru profile image
Heru Hermawan

Thanks Ben!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

We love comments. It gives us extra fuel.

lemishen_j profile image

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't"
@joel lemishen

davidebear profile image
David Bearden

Love the positivity

wernstrong67 profile image

Hello 👋

ugbabeog profile image

Thank you for meme Mondays I so love those

nwarwick profile image
Nicholas Warwick

Thank you Ben

zakiel profile image

Hello World

midniluna profile image

Hello hello, my name is Sam and I'm currently learning Software Development through a Bootcamp course! It's a pleasure to meet you all!

I'm currently pretty fluent in HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, and I'm actively learning Python and Flask as we speak! I'd like to become perhaps a front end or full stack web developer in time (or maybe even back-end, but my experience with back-end stuff is pretty minimal right now so I don't know if I've got a knack for it yet).

misalima profile image
Misael Lima

Welcome, Sam! I've just arrived here as well! I'm in the same position as you, except for the back-end technologies. I'm currently learning Node.js, and Express for the back-end. Well, let's keep building stuff and learning a lot!

femi_akinyemi profile image
Femi Akinyemi

Welcome Misael

Thread Thread
misalima profile image
Misael Lima


midniluna profile image

Ohh, it's a pleasure to meet you, and welcome to you too! Even though most of my current knowledge is primarily front-end, I hope to become more rounded in my stack and learn some back-end languages and techniques as well. Maybe we can learn from eachother!

Thread Thread
misalima profile image
Misael Lima

Sure! 😁🚀🚀

krlz profile image

Welcome Sam!

mahuzedada profile image
Chatis Santos

Good luck!

mhdshaneef profile image

Hello Everyone!!!!

I am currently working as a frontend developer and tools I am using are HTML CSS and JavaScript, and mainly focusing on vuejs I joined this network to learn Javascript properly so I can keep myself upgrade in vuejs.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome for news members here ✨👋

mhdshaneef profile image


sirharmony profile image
Harmony Mukolwe

Hello everyone!
My name is Harmony. I am currently learning frontend web development. I am fluent in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I am working on mastering React at the moment. I joined this community to gain experiential knowledge on web developmnet, network more, and hopefully land an entry level position to enhance my learning.

misalima profile image
Misael Lima

Welcome, Harmony! Cool name, by the way. 😊

sirharmony profile image
Harmony Mukolwe

Thank you so much Misael (wink). Hoping to interact more...

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

Welcome all the new members!

canfry profile image
Christophe Anfry

Hi everyone, I'm still learning fullstack skills. Start coding at 37, have a dream to make my way through coding. I'm working on my personal website + the projects to fill it. Already have a blog on hashnode, so want to expand my network and meet new people. Really happy to be hear.

justeetienne profile image

Hello everyone 🤠
I'm Etienne, fullstack developer since 5 years. I'm living in France. I develop with java, spring boot, angular and ionic for the work. I'm discovering for the pleasure tech like flutter, python (with keras for Image recognition) and more recently elasticsearch.
I'm glad to share with you my passion.

amna profile image

Hello Everyone!!!!

I am currently working as a frontend developer and tools I am using are HTML CSS and JavaScript, I joined this network to learn new trends so I can keep myself upgrade.

Pleasure learning with you guys :)

batusai profile image
Batusai Slam • Edited

Hello Dev World!

The last time I did a code was in htlm, like 20 years ago for a cv. Then I went to sleep (aka work) and woke up, then there was AI.

Hope I can catch up some of your knowledge and you can help me with my project.

Thank you for this room!

sant03 profile image

Hi everyone, I´m Santiago Potes, a Frontend Devloper

I´m 19 years old, I´m from Colombia and I came here to being able to learn from this comunity and continue growing. I want to becomer better in my Frontend Skills.
I hope all you guys are doing well in your coding journey.

devblogger123 profile image
Amit Kumar

As a tech blogger and developer with over 4 years of experience, I am passionate about bringing cutting-edge technology to life through my work. My expertise lies in developing web applications using modern frameworks such as React, Node.js, and Angular.

bilalsaleem120 profile image
Muhammad Bilal

Hello Everyone,

My name is Muhammad Bilal. I am Mobile Applications Developer and E-Learning Specialist having 6 Years of Experince in this field. Currently I am working in Android Apps Development using Kotlin, Java, Google Material Design 3 and XML.

I am motivated to learn latest technologies and work on them. I have also worked in C, C++, Php, Python3, HTML5, CSS3, C# and Assembly Language.

rohree profile image

Hello Everyone,

Am new and am learning currently, web & app development. My aim is to gain a valuable skill i can offer to agencies and businesses and hopefully develop a tech based service of my own. Looking to connect to like minded people to work with and lunch some unicons.

thedecoders profile image

Hello Everyone,
We are a team of professionals who's passion is to solve problem for society welfare. We collaborate and help small companies or individuals to learn and implement a tech solution to problem
We also have Chartered Accounts and Financial Experts with us - Money Matters :)

veercodeprog profile image
Veer Pratap

As a seasoned backend developer with experience in Node.js and PHP, I am currently expanding my skill set by learning Python in order to tackle projects in the exciting fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. My ultimate goal is to develop practical solutions that can address real-world problems. I am interested in contributing my skills to both Node.js and Python projects in these areas.

kaduplentis profile image
Kadu Plentis

Hello guyss.

I'm currently working as front-end developer and i joined to learn more about javascript, React and to get more connected to other developers around the world.
It's very nice to be here :D

parykhanjameel profile image

Hello everyone,
I'm a fresh graduate at software engineering, I'm working as a frontend developer for now, the languages that I'm using are HTML, CSS, JS, react.js, tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap, and I'm currently learning MUI and dynamic UI.
I just joined the network to do challenges on CSS also learn other JS frameworks like next.js and angular

lookhelper profile image
Kaushal Jha

Welcome everyone!!

If you haven't yet done so, I am Doing SEO About Best B.PHARMA COLLEGE IN MEERUT

A simple thank you is one of the best things an author can receive.

davidomizz profile image
Omizz✨ • Edited

Hi, I'm David Omisakin, a Fullstack developer with a passion for building robust web applications using Django. I have developed expertise in front-end development, back-end development, and database management. My proficiency in Django allows me to create scalable, secure, and high-performance web applications that meet the needs of my clients. In my free time, I enjoy sharing my knowledge with the developer community and contributing to open-source projects.

avikapoor_ssojet profile image

Hello Eveyone,

I am Andrew Agarwal and I am working in a renowned tech company.

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Andrew. Glad you're here. What kind of work do you do? No need to be specific if you don't want to. Personally, I build Web apps using C# and Angular.

avikapoor_ssojet profile image

I am Learning Java Script.

Thread Thread
ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

That's cool. JavaScript is a pretty versatile language, as it can be both a front-end and back-end language.

umidjon profile image
Umidbek Makhammadsoliyev

Hello everyone, My name is Umidjon and I am currently learning programming through a foundation course. Nice to meet you all !!!

Now I am learning c++ programming language and I want to learn .Net through c# to become software engineer. I think I will start my career as a .Net Backend Developer, however, I aspire to get more experience as much as possible each field and contribute to Dev Community with posts .

misalima profile image
Misael Lima • Edited

Hello everyone!

I'm Misael from Brazil! I came from a post by

I am an English teacher in Brazil, and I started learning software and web development a year ago. I really loved it so I wanna work with it ^^

ssk2023019 profile image
ssk2023019 • Edited

Hello Everyone. I am a pilot and find interests in programming .. Just a beginner... But I see guys what you are doing up here. I am very happy to be the part of the community. Thank you for what all you do here....

yousefahm990 profile image

hello everyone ;
I'm yousef . I'm interesting to learn about some concepts about IT python specificly and im happy to join here to find developers in this field to share their experince with me . I'm looking forward to start my journey with python .

gabrielalencarr profile image
Gabriel de Alencar

Olá, meu nome é Gabriel, estou no 2°ano do ensino técnico integrado com o médio, no ensino técnico estou cursando Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. Conheci a programação no ensino técnico e desde entao sou apaixonado pela área 👨🏻‍💻
Atualmente estou estudando Desenvolvimento Web fora do ensino técnico 🚀

wesleymreng7 profile image
Wesley Miranda

I joined here in January, but I forgot to drop a comment on this post.

I am here to learn more and share great content based on my experiments, uncommon on the internet related to the Node.js and Javascript world.

acewrld profile image

Hello everyone my name is Ademola I’m currently learning software development. I’m a frontend developer fluent and perfect using HTML and CSS, JavaScript and frameworks (reactjs and nextjs) I’m also know the basics of Python and C programming language

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

Welcome all!

jsalexan profile image
Jennifer Alexander-Hill

Hey Community! Finished coding bootcamp a couple months ago and am studying for tech interviews. As I develop understanding of topics, I'm planning to write about it. It'll help commit the subject to memory and maybe help someone else along the way. Looking forward to getting to know y'all!

developerdoran profile image
Jake Doran • Edited

Welcome Jennifer good luck with the interviews 🤞

sonliacharo profile image

hello everyone!
my name is Alison and i just start my computer science graduation at college. i found this community by searching about what could i do as a begginer and the best ways to do it.
i'm from brazil so english isn't my first language, portuguese is, sorry for any mistake, i'm still learning.
nice to meet you all! hope we can help each other.

bren profile image

Bem vindo Alison! We are glad you are here!

sonliacharo profile image

thx bren! i'm glad to be here.

jtreagan profile image

Howdy! I'm a retired guy who decided to pick up a new programming language. So, I'm working hard to learn Rust. I found an article by @jahwi to be very helpful, so decided to join this forum. Here's a link to that article.

akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar

Hii, 👋 I am Akshay Kurhekar Blockchain developer and Instructor.
I have my Youtube channel to teach Blockchain/Web3 in simple terms feel free to check out here Akshay Kurhekar 🚀

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome all the new members to the DEV community.

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage


antsukemmy profile image
Alia 2023

Just join to learn more from seniors and contribute my small quota

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Alia, and Welcome! What topics are you interested in?

vaiterius profile image


I'm a 20-year old CS student who's currently aspiring to become a software engineer. I love working on various, unique projects in my free time and learning about new software technology that's always coming out.

I've been programming for a little over 2 years now, and like everyone else, I hope to continue on this coding journey and have fun along the way.

condini_mastheus profile image
Matheus Condini

Hi guuuuuuys! Let's have a good chat! Welcome to the party <3

positivepython profile image
Positive Python

Hello, I'm Sean a 50something beginner Python coder from the UK. I have been in the tech industry since the age of 16, but only recently decided to learn tho code....and it's been a blast.

I'm now building webapps using Streamlit.

My mission is to help other older coder to start their creator journeys, just reach out to me if you think I can help you.

dev-jei profile image
Paul Justine Posas

Hello everyone! I'm Paul from Philippines and currently finishing my JavaScript course and hoping to master Front-End Web Technologies such as React, NodeJS and maybe adding MongoDB to the mix!

I just recently created this so that I'll be able to have a tech social post that might be able to help me seek a job opportunity in Web Development.

hafid99da profile image

Hello everyone, my name is abdelhafid and I'm currently learning Web Development, I'd like to become a front end developer (for the main time).
I'm currently learning html, css and javaScript. so, happy to join you guys

luxlu profile image
Lux Lu

Hello everyone, i am currently focusing on AI generated materials to help academic english learning.

also, english is my second language so I think community would be a great place to communicate with like-minded computer geek using english.

Hello World~ Mark my words and mark my work.

potlabramhakumari profile image

hello my name is bramhakumri and i am from india ,from andhrapradesh state and im just completed my graduation and im learning devops ,aws,git docker etc other devops tool package and im intrest to learn more

kkissta profile image
Jorge Sánchez

Hi all,

Jorge here, but you can call me kkissta. I am a daydreamer, im in love with technology. Currently learning machine learning with python, keras, tf... cant wait to read your posts too and learn new stuff!

If I can help you in anyway, let me know and i'll try my best.

Thank you for reading me:)

mrpilu profile image

Hi there 👋

Hope you are well.!

My name is Piyushkumar Vekariya. I have had 6 years of experience as an expert web developer. Areas of my expertise are PHP, WordPress, Laravel, HTML 5, CSS, JQuery, and Javascript. As well as I know other services like AWS, S3 Bucket, and Github. Also, I have knowledge of Stripe, Paypal, Razorpay, etc. I’m currently learning Flutter and React.

Thanks & Regards,
Mr.Pilu 🧑‍💻

cdkulat profile image
Christian Kulat

Hey everyone! Looking forward to catching up on all the content on this site.

I'm currently learning back-end development, primarily with Go and Python. I'm feeling pretty comfortable building small web servers and APIs, but I'm looking forward to solidifying my skills and build some larger-scale projects.

abmoniable profile image
Abhishek Jha

Hey everyone!

I'm Abhishek (also known as Abmoniable). I'm an Founder at Paris.Tech, an upcoming company which will he developing something interesting. I'm also an Python, Java, and C++ developer. I'm also an tech and AI enthusiast.

I’m fairly new on here and am trying my hand at writing stories to share my experiences and knowledge so far as a developer. I hope that I can write something that’s both educational and entertaining to read.

I have already developed some AI Apps, and Social Media Platform like Twitter, and other apps as well related to AI (I'm so fascinated about AI).

I would love to connect with all of you.


ndungujeff profile image

I am Jeff,a Kenyan citizen who is passionate in matter dealing with software engineering and currently in a bootcamp. I joined the community to learn and expand my knowledge on software engineering and other developing technologies in the tech world,with a dream of working in big tech companies or setup my own startup which will have a positive impact to young African minds allover the continent. If any dev wants to partner in such feel free to reach out to me via email i.e

princam profile image
Adam Blazek

Hey! I'm full stack web developer with 5+ years of experience. I'm working in JavaScript and React for the last few years. I've been considering to start creating some content for a while and now is the time! My idea is to explain practical paradigms in web dev that would help to younger me. Do you think that others will find it beneficial as well? I'm looking forward to the journey!

inzushareef profile image
Inzamamul Shareef

Hello everyone! Am currently working as an SAP basis consultant NGL it sucks. So desperately Looking to change my domain and learn full stack development. And I have started my journey of learning Web dev from ODIN Project and following a boot camp from Udemy. I have made few projects using HTML,CSS and JS(Static websites). Have made tutorial projects with server on Nodejs(express). Looking forward to learning and improving my backend.

Hope this platform helps improve my motivation looking at other learner’s and the senior devs.
ATB everyone out their for your journey in life ☮️🕊️

pearlperfect profile image

My Name is Imo Emmanuel Udoh, I am a Nigeria.
I have been finding it difficult to work on projects and also to get someone to collaborate with for the purpose of learning, reasons I joined this community.

tabasco profile image

Hey everyone, glad to be here!

I'm TABASCO, Developer Relations Lead at Chainstack, the leading suite of services connecting developers with Web3 infrastructure. Can't wait to learn from everyone and contribute!

fekri86114 profile image
Mohammad Reza Fekri

Hello, World!
Hope you're doing well. So, I'm Mohammad Reza Fekri (could you read?😅)
I'm currently learning Android Native and Kotlin. And I like to read and learn more about these. I hope to learn more with you cool-guys!

techiebundle profile image
TechieBundle • Edited

Hello Everyone,

As a web developer, I have 6 years experience in the field. I have worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. So I want to start sharing web development knowledge and also learn something new from here.


mrealdinesh profile image
Dinesh Kumar

Hello Everyone,
I am Technical Team Lead, a highly skilled and experienced professional with more than 8 years of experience in developing web and desktop applications. With expertise in Java, MySQL, Hibernate, Swing, SpringBoot, Application Architecture, and Team Management.

I am always up for learning new technologies and for new challanges.
I love to slove complex problems and help people.

Happy to be here

octoxz profile image

Hello! I am new to coding and am just starting out. I have done some coding in HTML and JavaScript but am still learning the basics. I am excited to learn more and I'm looking forward to being able to see what other people are working on too.

atharvamali profile image
Atharva Mali

Hi there! I'm a web developer who loves creating beautiful and functional websites. I have experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some frameworks like React and Next.js. I enjoy learning new technologies and solving problems. I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer. If you want to see some of my work, you can check out my portfolio here: Thanks for stopping by!

lemishen_j profile image

**_Hello everyone at,

My name is Joel Lemishen and I am excited to introduce myself as a Software Developer who is passionate about learning and working with cutting-edge technologies. Currently, I am focused on developing my skills in PHP< Laravel, JavaScript, and back-end development.

I have been learning Laravel and building web applications with it for a few months now, and I find it to be a powerful and intuitive framework for building robust and scalable web applications. Additionally, my experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript has allowed me to create dynamic and interactive front-end experiences for users.

As a back-end developer, I am proficient in designing and implementing RESTful APIs, handling data storage and retrieval, and building server-side logic. I believe that strong back-end development is the backbone of any successful web application and I am committed to continuously improving my skills in this area.

I am excited to join this team of talented developers at and look forward to collaborating with each of you to create innovative and impactful projects. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction._**

badman94 profile image

Hello everyone!!!
my name is bro, well you can call me anything you like lol...

im currently learning javascript, i do need some advise just incase im on track of my journey.

which one should i learn first node js or react ?

szalaigeri profile image
Gergo Szalai

Hello everyone!

Currently I work as a Junior Software Developer with only a few years of experience and I am glad to be part of the community. My goal is to improve myself in Java and Kubernetes... and who knows I might get to know with other awesome stuffs as well! I like to learn from others ! ❤️🧑‍💻

kholiylulloh profile image
Halil Ullah

Hi everyone!
I'm very glad to join to the team of smarts))
I hope I will get and give much benefit than I thought.
I recently started my first office job in Tashkent Uzbekistan as a React developer. So, obviously help and advices is won't be an extra.

xaberue profile image
Xavier Abelaira Rueda

Welcome everybody,

I'm Xavier and I'm currently working as Software Development Leader. I'm more focused on #dotnet ecosystem, mainly AspNet with C#, but I love and I know the entire framework including MVC, Blazor, EFCore, WPF...

I also work with Angular and Azure for the infrastructure, so I'm excited to join this community with the aim of learning more, and also providing some of my experiences to the rest of the community.

We are in touch :)

nufrankz profile image
nufrankz • Edited

Hello, I'm Francisco from Chile, 37 years old.
Currently studying Software Engineering, I come from the Graphic Design field and heading towards code.
Managing the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects), I learned to do front-end with VSCode, HTML, CSS and JS with best practices (vanilla all of them), and popular frameworks like Bootstrap, Jquery and others.
Wordpress is what I've developed more, but interested in learning PHP and JS frameworks like Laravel and React.
Thank you 🙌🏻

fabriel profile image

reetings everyone! My name is Fab and I am a French speaker based in the beautiful Bay Area. Currently, I am passionately learning the art of front-end web development. My skills are fluent in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and I am always eager to expand my knowledge. I joined this community with the goal of connecting with like-minded individuals and gaining more knowledge in this exciting field. Please feel free to say hello, as I am a friendly person who does not bite! Bonjour!

kelvin117gif profile image
kelvin117-gif • Edited

Hello Everyone!!!!

I am currently working as a frontend developer and tools I am using are HTML, CSS, Bootstrap5, and JavaScript. I joined this network to learn new trends so I can keep myself upgrade.

Pleasure learning with you guys :)

bren profile image

Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hello! My name is Brenny and I am starting a full stack web development boot camp course soon. I could not be more excited! I am so eager to learn and develop new skills in order to some day soon become a full stack developer.

I'm excited to dive into this community and to learn from all you wonderful people. Cheers!

samuel-braun profile image
Samuel Braun

Hey ✋, Im here to share and gain more knowledge about web development mainly frontend topics. I always love learning about new things and using that knowledge to bring value to who need it. Thats why im currently working on my own blog site (using Astro 🚀) and see where this journey brings me. I'd love to hear your story!

tejaskr profile image

Hey there folks,

I am a Python Developer with 5 years of experience. I work with Python, DevOps, Cloud and a lot of cool technologies and I will write about the same.

I am native Hindi Speaker. I am well versed in English as well.

Hope this will be great!

Image description

redcoder profile image
Austin F

Hello there! I love scrounging the interent for cool tech stuff to share iwth the community. Check outmy profile for awesome and intruging new content, including, info on the rummored "Apple Car" and a anylazation of GPT-4 and Google's Bard AI systems!

ludkamotylikova profile image
LV Developer

Hey all,
My name is Ludka. I work as starter/junior SAP Fiori UI5 developer. I was always interested about programming but I was not good at math so I didnt get chance to get to the University. I was stubborn and I did it anyway - my way. Now I am here, learning every day, facing challanges like all of you here. SAP UI5 is based on javascript, I will be happy to be connected to someone who is also working with javascript to grow together.

itsphucuong profile image
Lâm Phú Cường

hello everyone !!!

ajayvenkateshgunturu profile image
Ajay Venkatesh Gunturu

Hi Guys!!

shorotshishir profile image
Siratim Mustaquim

Hello ! this is siratim, from Bangladesh, working in a AR/VR company in Tokyo. Generally developing VR software for industrial uses. Glad to be joining the community.

gabrielalencarr profile image
Gabriel de Alencar

Sou novo na comunidade, algumas dicas?

gaius_001 profile image
Gaius Nandur Isa'ac

Hello my name is Gaius. A UX/UI Designer. Front End Developer.

fajar_siagian_7 profile image
Fajar Siagian

My name fajar siagian, I'm laravel developer and vuejs. I want to migrate to fullstack J's dev cause career opportunity.

cmann80 profile image
Chris Mann

Hi! I was writing my blog on my personal page before but I'll be moving here. I like being part of a group rather than being on my own.

pierrefrs profile image
Pierre Fraisse

Hi everyone !
I'm curently learning web development and hopefully will find a lot of resources hère.
Take care !

ahmethalitdurusoy profile image
Ahmet Halit DURUSOY

Hii ! everyone

manumaan profile image
Manu Muraleedharan

Hi All.... Manu here from India, I am interested in new developments in Cloud, Architecture and Data. Hope to see you around!

faisalonweb profile image
Faisal Usman • Edited

Well, i am Faisal Usman having a couple of years of experience in software developement.i want to participate in the dev community which helps me to improve my development skills.

wakil18 profile image
Wakil Ahmed

hello devs!

officialjaywill profile image

Hello guys! My name is Johnson Will. I am an IT Consultant and currently pursuing a career in AWS DEV. Is good to to be part of this family

philocypher profile image

Hi :)

parth51199 profile image
parth51199 • Edited

Hello Everyone !!
What are some potential ethical concerns around the use of blockchain technology?

hamdev05 profile image

Hello everyone
I'm hammed, I just joined some couple of minutes ago. I'm looking forward to learn more about cyber space security.

Please do help me

leviatas profile image

Hello everyone, senior developer here

flyq profile image

Hi, everyone, here is Liquan, a Rust/Solidity developer, working in Crypto/Web3/Blockchain

akshaykurhekar profile image
Akshay Kurhekar

I actively writing content over blockchain/web3. 🚀
Thanks for Dev Community for creating such healthy and safe author community 🤗

kanani_nirav profile image
Kanani Nirav

Hello everyone 👋

I'm a Software Engineer And Passionate about continuous growth and development. Let's learn together.

kartikdevarde profile image
kartik satish devarde

Hello 🤩🤩🤩

zakiel profile image

Sou programador front-end

hrutvikyadav profile image

Hello guys!
Been on, reading a lot lately about Linux, wsl2, ubuntu, neovim, and rust. Gotta love the community here!!

mkgap profile image

Welcome everyone, I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of experience, but always learning

amponsah_dniel_ddb61dcfa6 profile image
amponsah dniel

Hello good morning everyone

sheriffoladimeji profile image
Sheriff Oladimeji

Hi, I'm sheriff Oladimeji I'm a frontend developer currently working with React.
My goal is to become a better developer.

acode123 profile image

Hey, I really hope you achive your goal sheriffolandimeji!

sushmanthdev profile image
Sushmanth • Edited
Hello World :3
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
dipali15bot profile image
dipali jaitapkar

I am full stack developer. Looking for this community to upgrade my knowledge for javascript

amdersonhd profile image
Amderson Hernandez

Saludos, un gusto de estar aqui. Aprender en comunidad es la mejor experiencia que hay!

nerdsforgaming profile image


I am Nerds For Gaming (Toyeesh). I joined cause of Music Mondays!

irfankaramurtlu profile image

hello new world!

sharique55 profile image
Sharique Hussain


khirani787 profile image

Hello, I'm a newbie ij computer scientists world, good to meet you guys

tsupryk profile image

Hi there! I'm Vitalii, doing great with Java and Angular!!

dimension4c137 profile image

Hello everyone!

Is it possible to ask questions somewhere? like: how to create a web socket client in GO

shaheen profile image
Rahimullah Shaheen

Hello everyone! I am Shaheen a programming enthusiast. I am currently learning postgresql and apache age.

vivekk101 profile image
Vivek Garg

Comments is an energy drink.

pang_18 profile image

hey any buddy .. nice to meet all community . i just finish cook thailand noodle soup ****

joniler profile image
Jon Iler

What up doe?

ginoman profile image
Gino Vincenzini

Hello. I can't even remember what got me to set up an account here. Oh well. Nice to meet everyone!

hycent22 profile image

I want to build my front end skills with all language

sam00f profile image

Hello... 👋🏻

tela37 profile image

Yes, I've just joined the community today. Welcome to me and Hello to the community. One community One aim...

gmiqbal profile image
GM Iqbal Mahmud • Edited

Iqbal here. Upwards and onwards from non-cs to cs! Former optimizer (Industrial Engineer)

vikasgupta profile image

Hello everyone!
I hope all of you are doing well. I am Vikas Gupta, joined it today for learning and contribution the new things.
Thanks and love for your support.

devidba profile image
Devid Barattini

started coding a few months ago a friend kept sending me good articles from here so I thought i would check it out :)

enjoy_eom profile image
Joy Eom

Hello, super cool Dev!

saileshbindu profile image

Hi All,
I am name is Bindu and I am very much happy to be here and hope I learn more here

Thank you all

saileshbindu profile image
saileshbindu • Edited

Hi All,
I am name is Bindu and I am very much happy to be here and hope I learn more here

Thank you all

apikmeister profile image

Hi everyone, just made an account after some articles read. Really a good site for developers to know more about the tech world.

satyapriyamahato profile image
Satyapriya Mahato

Hello everyone, my name is satyapriya and currently i am learning web development. I am a beginner to the field and looking forward learn from the community and meet new people.

andersoncarli profile image
Anderson Carli

Hello fellows,
My name is Anderson Carli, I'm a brazilian software engineer.
I'm joining to the this community hopping to to share a little bit of my experience and make new friends.

bren profile image

Bem vindo Anderson! We are glad you are here.

samt11345 profile image

hello and happy easter to all I am new to the seen and just eager to learn!

dirkhaar profile image

I'm the new guy, feeling old when reading the interest #boxes :-)
Aren't there any COBOL, SAS or PL/1, DB/2 or IDMS developers alive anymore?

dirkhaar profile image

Oh, and I came here via searching for this topic:
which looks promising for me.

spacf profile image
Sergio Fonseca

Thanks for having me here. Please be patient

artsemlazarchuk profile image
artsemlazarchuk • Edited

Hello everyone!
Here to be a part of the community: I want to learn and grow!

Great topics and threads, hope to contribute and expand my knowledge in app development.

ghalbeyou profile image

hi 👋

vulcanwm profile image


vijayrahoriya profile image
vijay Prajapati

Hello myself Vijay I am a front end developer and currently learning nodejs

dtechshoemaker profile image
Peter Kimbeghi

Hey guys👋

bren profile image


bren profile image

Welcome, Thabani!

davidngozichukwuka profile image

Glad to be a part of this community

okesiemmanuelakamasa profile image

Thanks for the acceptance.

theuzomavictor profile image
Nwankwo Victor Uzoma

Hello, my name is Victor. I am currently learning Backend Web development (Python route). It's a bit challenging but I'm loving it. Glad to meet you all.

ss8259245 profile image

Hi Everyone! Security For Android Want To Learn How To Catch Thieves

vaibhavpnimkar profile image

Hello, I am vaibhav nimkar currently learning aws and preparing for solution architects certifications.....

durgeshmehar profile image
Durgesh Mehar

👋 hello, I am Durgesh as web development learner .
I completed frontend development now moving to backend.

izuchi profile image

Hello everyone!

It would be my pleasure to connect with you!!

luisejin profile image

Hello! Everyone!
Thank you for your kindness.
I am a Full Stack Developer.
I wish my progress being with all of you.

daddyyankky profile image

Hi am Chinedu Michael,i join the group because am happy associate with you guys hope you accept me

olu_ogeds profile image
olusegun ogedengbe

Good to be part of this community. I just can’t stop reading a lot of posts from this community. I am new to DevOps

alfredveve profile image
Alfredveve • Edited

I am very happy to be on this platform as it will allow me to enhance my skills in computer programming, particularly in technologies such as Django, JS, Nextjs, Angularcli, Nodejs, etc.

nthves profile image

Hey'all, my name is Ves.

I'm a senior web developer working in Luxembourg. I'm glad to be part of this community.

simit profile image


desicinemas profile image desicinemas, desicinemas movies, desi cinemas, desicinemas online,

borayeris profile image

Hello. I'm new here. I'm a PHP developer since 2016.

aspershupadhyay profile image
Aspersh Upadhyay

I am here to explore the tech community and meet like-minded people, learn from them and share my learnings.

dcodeh profile image

Hi everyone, I am Habeeb. A decent MERN stack developer. I will be glad to share my knowledge and learn too. It's nice being here.

bustillodavu profile image
davu bustillo


jwilliams profile image
Jessica williams

love the positivity here!!!

khushal111 profile image
Khushal Singh Rajawat

I just arrived here! seems like a great place to learn

mvergara94 profile image
Mário Vergara

Hello everyone!

gadinkid profile image

Jusst to say Hi