Manages Books through ISBN barcode Scanning
Android app designed upon the Google Firebase platform. It keeps track of books you are reading by scanning ISBN barcodes through the utilization of Google Vision API and then allows you to schedule reading events for each book, allowing users to maintain a steady reading schedule.
Play Store:
Tools: Google Books API, Google ML, SQLite Room Persistence Library, Android Camerakit, Material CalendarView, AgendaCalendarView
In Progress: Google Calendar Integration
Android app designed upon the Google Firebase platform. It keeps track of books you are reading by scanning ISBN barcodes through the utilization of Google Vision API and then allows you to schedule reading events for each book, allowing users to maintain a steady reading schedule.
How I built it
GitHub Student Developer Pack Tools Used: Jetbrains IntelliJ, GitKraken, GitKraken Glo
Other Resources: Android Studio, Google Books API, Google ML, SQLite Room Persistence Library, Android Camerakit, Material CalendarView, AgendaCalendarView
A large part of my success in creating this application was the accessible tutorials available for API use and Android application development through Google CodeLabs. I would strongly recommend it for anyone wanting to get started in aspects of the Google development environment.
Creating this application was my first foray into the world of Android development and was a refreshing step as a beginning developer. Instead of drilling myself with exercises that I never saw the use in, I was finally able to create something that I felt had purpose and was able to solve some problems I saw around me.
Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories
Soldiering through the process of seemingly never-ending bugs and roadblocks was a reality that I embraced in the process of undertaking this project. It's definitely hard to stay motivated when you seemingly haven't made progress on the same bug for a whole week but I ended up realizing that these things are temporary and simply trusting my ability to progress. This mindset has helped me through not only this project but learning Computer Science in general. Overall, I am satisfied with how my project turned out and that over 230 people have downloaded my application and are using it to improve some aspect of their lives.
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