DEV Community

Chi-Heng Huang
Chi-Heng Huang

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A stock watching app using Redux toolkit, React-testing-library

Reason: When I noticed the Redux toolkit is released three months ago, I know I need to try it, and the test example that I find out on the web mostly focuses on the unit tests, but I have more confidence in the integration test.

So I decided to write one myself, most tests are integration tests, using the redux toolkit in conjunction with hooks. It's RWD design, trying to hit as many 'best practice' as I know, and here I am, share what I've learned so far, and looking for feedback from our lovely community.

Online Demo:

GitHub repo:

p.s. I use Heroku (free tier) on fetching the data, so on your first visit, it's possible to see 'timeout' message, just refresh again, don't need to worry about that.

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