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Cover image for Angular Addicts #27: NgRx 18, New RFC: DomRef API, Web storage with Signals & more
Gergely Szerovay for This is Angular

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Angular Addicts #27: NgRx 18, New RFC: DomRef API, Web storage with Signals & more

đź‘‹Hey fellow Angular Addict

This is the 27th issue of the Angular Addicts Newsletter, a monthly collection of carefully selected Angular resources that got my attention. (Here are the 26th, 25th, and 24th)

📢Release announcements

📢NgRx 18

The latest version of NgRX was released last month. Tim Deschryver's article covers the main points about the new NgRx version:

  • Stable NgRx Signals (it's almost there)
  • ESLint Plugin support for ESLint v9
  • New NgRx Operators Package
  • New Logo and Redesign of

đź’¬ New RFCs

đź’¬DOM Interaction in Angular

This RFC proposes to deprecate the ElementRef API and replace it with a new API called DomRef.

đź’ŽAngular Gems of June, 2024

đź“°Angular Forms new unified control state change events

Angular 18 introduced a new feature in its Reactive Forms library called unified control state change events. The AbstractControl class (the base class for FormControl, FormGroup, and FormArray) now has a new events: Observable<ControlEvent<TValue>> property. This property is an observable, that emits for value, status, pristine or touched changes. Davide Passafaro' s article starts with the basics of Reactive Forms, binding them with the template, understanding validation and the disabled state. Then, he explains how to use the new events observable to track the form's state.

đź“°Synchronized Web Storage with Signals

In this article, Pierre Bouillon shows how to make the Web Storage in the browser reactive using Angular's Signals and the Storage Event of the Web Storage API.

đź“°Angular Object Inputs

In his blog post, Chau Tran explains how to provide a single input with default values for a component, when the component has many inputs with default values.

đź“°The hidden attribute removes the need to define display: none

Stas Melnikov is the author of the CSS isn't magic newsletter. In this issue, he shares a tip to simplify the CSS for elements that can be shown or hidden.

đź“°Built text summarization application to summarize a web page with Angular

Connie Leung builds a text summarization app in Angular. The app allows users to enter text and a topic hint, and it summarizes the text into a list of bullet points. The app has a NestJS backend, that communicates with Google's Gemini LLM. The full source code is available here

👨‍💻About the author

My name is Gergely Szerovay, I worked as a data scientist and full-stack developer for many years, and I have been working as frontend tech lead, focusing on Angular based frontend development. As part of my role, I'm constantly following how Angular and the frontend development scene in general is evolving. To share my knowledge, I started the Angular Addicts monthly newsletter and publication in 2022, so that I can send you the best resources I come across each month. Whether you are a seasoned Angular Addict or a beginner, I got you covered. Let me know if you would like to be included as a writer. Let’s learn Angular together! Subscribe here 🔥

Angular has evolved very rapidly over the past few years, and in the past year, with the rise of generative AI, our software development workflows have also evolved rapidly. In order to closely follow the evolution of AI-assisted software development, I decided to start building AI tools in public, and publish my progress on Join my on this learning journey: Subscribe here 🚀

Follow me on Substack (Angular Addicts), Substack (, Medium,, Twitter or LinkedIn to learn more about Angular, and how to build AI apps with AI, Typescript, React and Angular!

🕹️Previous issues

If you missed the previous issues of the newsletter, you can read them here, these are the latest 3 issues:

📨 Submit your Angular resource

Have you found or written an interesting Angular-related article, tweet or other resource lately? Please let me know here in the comments or send me a DM on Twitter! I might feature it in the next Angular Addicts issue!

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