So you've created your cool new website in your code editor, yay! Perhaps it's your portfolio website that you want potential employers to see...pe...
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This is an awesome feature, I'm surprised more don't take advantage of it. I run a little geek/retro site on it with a static website generator (Pelican). You have to be willing to keep the repo public, but that's usually not a big deal.
You can keep it private too
Good to know!
I've always kept it public in case someone wants to contribute... No one ever has, lol!
If you are slightly lazy (like me) you can use github desktop. I init the repo using the terminal then use desktop to publish the repo to github and do the committing/pulling through the terminal. That way you don't have to set up the remote or log into github though the terminal. Because github desktop doesn't have
git stash
orgit commit --amend
😯. And the terminal is just faster.Interesting! I've never tried GitHub desktop since I was trained to do it all on the terminal
I think this is such a little known feature, but so useful. I used this to host a personal bio/cv/portfolio website for years. It allows you to use many different static site generators as well. I think from memory I used hugo and jekyll at different points.
Well done for bringing this to more peoples attention :)
Pretty sure files can also be uploaded from your PC while on github too
I think so yes, there are definitely multiple ways of doing it!
this was such a great article thanks!
Thank you for the such a great article, I've had a hard time learning how to use github pages but your insights were really helpful.
Yes! This!
This should somehow be much more obvious on GitHub's UI. It's such a great, simple feature that everyone I've ever talked to absolutely loves. My own site is also GitHub pages! :)
Great post
I use and appreciate GITHUB IO (I have lots of IO sites, but only one public), but I'm one of those wierdos that actually likes PHP and you can't use PHP there. 😢 No other real complaints though.
This is really helpful thanks!