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How To Migrate Extension from Magento 1 to 2?

how to migrate extension from magento 1 to 2

Compared to Magento 1, Magento 2 can bring about better design, functionality, and user experience; that's the reason why most of Magento store owners are planning for their upgrade now. In the Magento migration process, we will have to migrate theme, code, data, and extensions. In this post, I will give you facts and useful advice to migrate extension from Magento 1 to 2. Let's get started!

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2 Facts About Magento 2 Extension Migration

#1. We can't move your current Magento 1 extensions to Magento 2 store

Many people misunderstand that we can migrate extension from Magento 1 to 2 just by moving all of their existing modules and plugins to the new site. Unfortunately, it's absolutely wrong!

In fact, your Magento 1 extensions will become useless when being transfer to Magento 2 websites due to incompatible code. As a result, we can't continue using those plugins anymore but replacing them all with new ones for Magento 2. By this way, we can maintain the "functions" but not the "modules".

In short, Magento migration extension means finding new modules for Magento 2 that offer the same functions as the current Magento 1 extensions.

#2. It's costly to covert Magento 1 extension to Magento 2

If your store has just a few extensions, it won't take a lot of time and money to migrate them to the new store. However, if you possess a large online business whose performance depends greatly on the third-party extensions, it might be a big trouble. Assumed that your store has up to 50 Magento 1 modules, in order to upgrade to Magento 2, you must discard all of them, and buy up to 50 new Magento 2 extensions and pay up to $5,000 for that.

migrate extensions to magento 2

In addition, if you don't know how to install Magento 2 extensions, it's better to hire a reliable Magento developer/ agency for help, which raises your cost obviously. The more modules and plugins you want to have on the new site, the greater amount of money you have to pay for the installation service ($50-$70 per each extension on average).

Remember that the extension migration from Magento 1 to 2 is just a part of the process and there are more costs that you need to concern.

5 Steps to Migrate Extension From Magento 1 to 2 Without Any Problems

As I have mentioned, in order to migrate extension from Magento 1 to 2, you must take an effort to find new ones as well as to spend quite a lot of money to acquire these modules. Apart from that, there are some tips and advice to make your Magento extension migration process more effectively.

1. Review all Magento 1 extensions on your site

To begin with, I don't suggest you rush into buying new Magento 2 extensions since it might waste your money. From my experience, there might be several modules on the current Magento 1 store that are not really necessary or even disabled without removing from the site. Therefore, it's essential to review the role of each extension and decide whether to migrate it from Magento 1 to 2.

magento 2 extension migration

2. Make a list of essential modules you want to keep

After making a thorough audit of Magento extensions on the site, you should create a clear list of essential and useless ones as well as distinguish between the ready-made modules and custom ones. This list will facilitate your process of seeking new extensions afterward.

magento migration extension

3. Find and Buy new extensions for Magento 2

It's time to start looking for the Magento 2 extensions with the aim of replacing all of the necessary ones on your list (on the second step). A tip is that if you have to buy plenty of modules, you should consider getting most of them from only one prestigious Magento module provider. By this way, you can contact them to ask for a discount or free installation to save your cost.

4. Install Magento 2 extensions on the new store

After acquiring new modules and plugins, you need to install them on your new store on your own or using the installation service from the extension provider. Moreover, if you outsource your Magento migration project for a Magento development company, they will take care of the installation tasks for you.

convert magento 1 extension to magento 2

5. Test and Solve conflicts after Magento 2 extensions installation

Conflict among the third-party extensions on the one site is unavoidable. Sometimes, it would be a mess after installing too many Magento 2 extensions from different providers at the same time. Hence, you have better install your extensions one by one, and check if there is any issue after setting up each of them. Then, once you complete configuring all of the plugins, check your site comprehensively to make sure everything run as it should be.

magento 2 migration extension


In order to migrate extension from Magento 1 to 2, it would take your time, money and effort. You should take my advice to conduct your Magento 2 extension migration process more effectively and efficiently.

By the way, if you don't have the technical background, working with a reliable Magento agency is a better choice. They can help you to implement Magento migration from A to Z while guaranteeing the quality of your project. Especially, if you cooperate with an offshore Magento development company, the cost for Magento 2 upgrade is affordable (from $2,000-$5,000 on average). Click here to get free quotation and consultation for your migration project.

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Top comments (1)

samuleduke profile image

Great article on migrating extensions from Magento 1 to 2! As a Magento development services provider, I understand the importance of keeping up with the latest technology and ensuring that your website is up-to-date with the latest features and security updates.

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