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Chugging on... Day 2/100 Days of Code

Day 2 | #100DaysOfCode

Marking the end of day 2 of #100DaysOfCode with another win for me. Which is great, very happy about that.

Todays time was spent in three different places:

Learning CSS Grid, did that through Scrimba free course -- which was great, very visual and I played 17 levels of Grid Attack
a CSS gamified study session, not a play-game person, but it was fun, aesthetic and helped re-enforce a lot.

Plan to try out a FE challenge that uses Grid (maybe the Kanban board, its a Junior one I believe?)

Worked on my FEM Rock Paper Scissors challenge:


Made a number of changes, mostly though it was to the CSS - I did break the game functionality a bit, but I am sure its not a hard fix, so I will look at it later. The CSS was what I was struggling with and now it looks so nice...

Frontend Mentor Rock Paper Scissors Challenge

I am truly very happy with how the visual looks; so much more to work on, I currently have no idea how to implement the pop-up when a button is clicked and the random result is decided. It pops up, but then for some reason I cannot hit the play button -- so tomorrow, or later tonight I will be working on that some more. Though I do want to work on another project, from the Scrimba path for a bit too. Its the reason for the Grid study today. :)

But the Rock, Paper Scissors is coming along and I am happy.

Another thing I dont yet know how to do is the pulse animation, I tried a key-frames and it worked, but it didn't look as nice as it did in the picture, so, will keep thinking on more ideas there.

Overall a good day and I am happy with progress. <3

To a good day 3 ;)

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