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Cover image for Simple REACT Projects || Random color project

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Simple REACT Projects || Random color project

It's Day #4 of #100daysofMiva. See Git repository for Random color project.

The provided React component, RandomColor, generates and displays random colors in either HEX or RGB format. Users can switch between these formats and generate new colors using buttons.

Image description

I did not encounter much trouble with the project because I already did most of the battle yesterday. So let's dive in:

Image description

getRandomNumber Function

function getRandomNumber(limit) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * limit);
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This function generates a random integer between '0' and 'limit - 1'.

generateRandomHexColor Function

function generateRandomHexColor() {
  const hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  let hexColor = "#";

  for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    hexColor += hexChars[getRandomNumber(16)];

  return hexColor;
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This function generates a random HEX color by randomly selecting characters from the string '0123456789ABCDEF'.

generateRandomRgbColor Function

function generateRandomRgbColor() {
  const r = getRandomNumber(256);
  const g = getRandomNumber(256);
  const b = getRandomNumber(256);

  return `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`;
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This function generates a random RGB color by generating random values for red, green, and blue channels.

Rendering the Component

The component is rendered with three buttons: one to switch to HEX, one to switch to RGB, and one to generate a new color in the current format. The color type and value are displayed in a visually appealing manner.

return (
  <div style={containerStyles}>
    <button style={buttonStyles} onClick={() => setTypeOfColor("hex")}>
      Create HEX Color
    <button style={buttonStyles} onClick={() => setTypeOfColor("rgb")}>
      Create RGB Color
    <button style={buttonStyles} onClick={generateColor}>
      Generate Random Color
    <div style={colorDisplayStyles}>
      <h3>{typeOfColor === "rgb" ? "RGB Color" : "HEX Color"}</h3>

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Top comments (4)

mayowakalejaiye profile image


marvellye profile image
Ezekiel Marvellous

Amazing 🤲🏻

damilola_oyeyipo_1348716f profile image
Damilola Oyeyipo

Colorful 😍

abdul_web profile image

Nice work