Creating a plugin in dative v2-alpha is different from the other versions
Since the Dative.use(plugin)
has deprecated
So We introduced a new way which also helps more
Let's Start Cooking :)
export let Profile = Dative.extend({
use: [function({ instance, proto, Dative }: { instance: Dative, proto: Dative, Dative: typeof Dative }){
// Dative=> the Dative constructor
// instance=> the current instance of your application
// proto=> the Dative prototype
Let's Create A Plugin
// src/plugins/my-plugin.js
export let MyPlugin = function({ instance, proto, Dative }){
// 1. Let's make a global property
return 'Dative News'
// Now You Can Get the options of the instance
How do we use it ??
import { MyPlugin } from './plugins/my-plugin'
export let Profile = Dative.extend({
use: [MyPlugin],
// we can now use the option we defined
me: "Holla" //=> Holla
Thanks For Reading
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