Hey there! Manish here on the other side. I am not really gonna introduce myself. Here's my personal portfolio if you wanna more about me.
In this blog, I'm kicking off my blog series (which I hopefully won't abandon in future) about the journey of learning HPC. I am learning it from Programming Massively Parallel Processors book.
I plan on finishing all the exercises as well along with the concepts. Till now I have finished the 3rd chapter and going through the 4th chapter currently. I create notes while reading the chapter on my iPad and finally I write the blogs on bearblog platform. This blog is available on my personal portfolio.
I am treating these blogs as go to notes to revise any concept in future. Along with this notes blog, I will be writing about any new things discovered while learning HPC in the form of casual blogs here. I will write the first blog after this first kickoff blog.
If you've read till here then you're probably also interested in the blogs I will write. Here's the first blog:
Will see you later! ππ»
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