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Vuls: Open-source vulnerability scanner

Vuls is an open-source vulnerability scanner. It automates security vulnerability checks on the software installed on a system.
Vuls comes with an agent-less architecture, meaning that it uses SSH to scan remote hosts.

Vuls checks the following vulnerability information sources

How to install

We will install Vuls in the AWS EC2 AmazonLinux2.

Logging on an EC2 instance by ec2-user

$ sudo yum -y install docker git
$ sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user
$ cd /home/ec2-user/
$ git clone

# logging out and logging in the instance again.

$ sudo systemctl start docker

$ cd vulsctl && ./

# it takes about 20-30 minitues.
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After Vuls is installed, we prepare the configuration file.

$ cp -p config.toml.template config.toml
$ vim config.toml
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specify default section.
Note that if you place the SSH key in your /home/ec2-user/.ssh/id_rsa, you have to write this way.
Because Vuls runs on Docker container and it mounts SSH key on "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" inside the container.

port               = "22"
user               = "ec2-user"
keyPath            = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
scanMode           = ["fast"]
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And you write the hostname or IP address of servers which you want to scan.

host                = ""
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If you want to scan local host, you need to specify the IP address which allocated to the interface instead of "" .

Setting SSH keys

You have to register your public key to known_hosts of the scanned servers. To do this, you logging on the server onece or use following command.

Generate a key pair locally.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
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Register a locally generated public key to the target host to be scanned.

ssh-copy-id ${USER}@${target_host}
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Add the target host in local known_hosts file.

$ ssh-keyscan ${target_host} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
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Just execute the following shell script.

$ ./ -vvv

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from vuls/vuls
Digest: sha256:e39edb92833e7d6f6490620e11221f1a456ca2dec4f5f3ab1c15e12c75ecdcbb
Status: Image is up to date for vuls/vuls:latest
[Jul 11 10:39:44]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Jul 11 10:39:44]  INFO [localhost] Detecting Server/Container OS...
[Jul 11 10:39:44]  INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of servers...
[Jul 11 10:39:47]  INFO [localhost] (1/1) Detected: name: amazon 2 (Karoo)
[Jul 11 10:39:47]  INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of containers...
[Jul 11 10:39:47]  INFO [localhost] Checking Scan Modes...
[Jul 11 10:39:47]  INFO [localhost] Checking dependencies...
[Jul 11 10:39:52]  INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerabilities...
[Jul 11 10:39:52]  INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerable OS packages...
[Jul 11 10:39:52]  INFO [name] Scanning in fast mode

One Line Summary
name    amazon2 (Karoo) 451 installed, 16 updatable

To view the detail, vuls tui is useful.
To send a report, run vuls report -h.
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You can see the scan result on the command line.

$ ./

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from vuls/vuls
name (amazon2 (Karoo))
Total: 10 (High:3 Medium:4 Low:3 ?:0), 10/10 Fixed, 451 installed, 16 updatable, 0 exploits, 0 modules, en: 0, ja: 2 alerts

|     CVE-ID     | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |  CERT  |  FIXED  |                       NVD                       |
| CVE-2018-20060 |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |        |   fixed | |
| CVE-2019-17041 |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |        |   fixed | |
| CVE-2019-17042 |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |        |   fixed | |
| CVE-2019-6477  |  7.8 |  AV:N  |     | JPCERT |   fixed |  |
| CVE-2020-12762 |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |        |   fixed | |
| CVE-2018-5745  |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |        |   fixed |  |
| CVE-2019-6465  |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     | JPCERT |   fixed |  |
| CVE-2020-0543  |  6.5 |  AV:L  |     |        |   fixed |  |
| CVE-2020-0549  |  6.5 |  AV:L  |     |        |   fixed |  |
| CVE-2020-0548  |  5.5 |  AV:L  |     |        |   fixed |  |
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The report files are generated in the directory named "results". Note that the report files and directory will be made as a root owner. If you want to access the files, you may change the permission the directory.

$ sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user results/
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VulsRepo: watch the result on your browser

You can also view the scan result on your browser using VulsRepo.

$ cd /home/ec2-user/
$ git clone

$ cd vulsrepo/server
$ cp vulsrepo-config.toml.sample vulsrepo-config.toml
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$ vi vulsrepo-config.toml

rootPath = "/home/ec2-user/vulsrepo"
resultsPath  = "/home/ec2-user/vulsctl/results
serverPort  = "5111"
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$ ./vulsrepo-server
 [ec2-user@ip-10-10-1-82 server]$ ./vulsrepo-server
2020/07/11 10:53:11 main.go:153: INFO: RootPath Load:  /home/ec2-user/vulsrepo
2020/07/11 10:53:11 main.go:160: INFO: ResultsPath Load:  /home/ec2-user/vulsctl/results
2020/07/11 10:53:11 main.go:128: Start: Listening port: :5111
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Access the server with port 5111 on your browser.
Actual screen images are shown in the official documentation.

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