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Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen for The Transient Thoughts of a Restless Mind

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Nx for Angular developers

I started writing another book, it's called The Angular Developer's Nx Handbook and you can download the early draft for free (or choose to donate). The final version will also be free on Leanpub in their online formats. I plan to publish Kindle and print copies at as low a price as possible once it's done.

Why another book?

My wish is that this book will increase the adoption of the Nx build framework in the Angular community and ecosystem. Nx is an incredible toolchain that I have enjoyed seeing grow over the past 5 years. I have had practical experience using it in a variety of projects over the past 3 years.

This book intends to give you everything you need to get going with Nx as an Angular developer. All features that I consider essential are covered.

The Nx Handbooks

Following this book is a series, The Nx Handbooks, of paid books that build on top of the essentials introduced in The Angular Developer's Nx Handbook but with a focus on specific roles:

  • Software architects
  • Open-Source Software Developers
  • Nx plugin developers
  • DevOps Engineers

I hear the same questions asked again and again and I especially see Angular developers struggle to see how Nx is better than our trusty Angular CLI.


The Angular Developer's Nx Handbook is a curated guide to learning Nx and it will take you a long way on your Nx journey.

It currently covers:

  • Nx workspace generation
  • Basic Nx CLI commands
  • Creating a standalone Angular application
  • Configuring tooling for code consistency
  • Nx library traits
  • Nx library types

To come:

  • Advanced Nx CLI commands
  • The Nx graph
  • A CI workflow using GitHub Actions
  • Implementing a GitHub clone using Angular Material and the GitHub REST API


Recently, I discussed this book with Nacho Vazquez on his show. I will also talk about the book on the Adventures in Angular podcast soon.

Feel free to send me feedback on the early draft and which topics you would like to see covered in The Nx Handbooks series.

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