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An Introduction to Go Ast - Generating SQL Queries Based on Structs

The Go standard library includes an 'ast' package, which provides a set of tools for working with the abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST represents the structure of a Go program in a tree-like data structure and can be used to analyze, modify, or generate code programmatically. In this post, we investigate the possibility of analyzing structs and generating a SQL query based on them.


Our goal involves generating a SQL query based on a given struct with specific formatting requirements. The struct name should be pluralized and lowercase, while the field names should be in snake_case and also lowercase.

For example, given the following struct

type User struct {
    ID             int
    Name           string
    InvitationCode string
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The generated SQL query should be an INSERT statement into a table named users with columns id, name, and invitation_code. The values to be inserted should be represented using placeholders in the query, such as :id, :name, and :invitation_code.

Formatting Requirements

Let's create some helper functions to normalize the structs and field names.
The first requirement we look at is to transform UpperCamelCase into snake_case

We can do this by simply iterating over the string and anytime we see a uppercase character and the previous character is lower case we insert a underscore _

func SnakeCase(s string) string {
    var str strings.Builder
    var prev rune
    for i, r := range s {
        // check if we should insert a underscore
        if i > 0 && unicode.IsUpper(r) && unicode.IsLower(prev) {
        // lower case all characters
        prev = r
    return str.String()
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Next up we want to pluralize the string,
this could be done in similar fashion to this

func Pluralize(s string) string {
    if strings.HasSuffix(s, "y") {
        return strings.TrimSuffix(s, "y") + "ies"
    return s + "s"
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As a little helper function lets add a NormalizeTableName() function which combines the above into one

// normalize the struct name to lowercase, pluralize it and apply snakeCase
// for example, User -> users, ReviewPost -> review_posts
func normalizeTableName(name string) string {
    return pluralize(snakeCase(name))
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With those helper functions out of the way let's have a look on how to parse and analyse the file.
To do this we can use the go/ast package, the ast package provides us with a set of tools for working with the abstract syntax tree.

File Parsing

The Go standard library comes with a handy package to parse Go source code files and generate a AST based on it.

func ExtractStructs(filePath string) []QueryBuilder {
    // create a file set, this keeps track of file positions for error messages and other diagnostic output
    fset := token.NewFileSet()
    // parse the whole file including errors
    parsedAST, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filePath, nil, parser.AllErrors)
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After parsing the file and checking for potential errors we use the go/ast package to inspect the abstract syntax tree.

Inspect traverses an AST in depth first order. If the function returns true, Inspect is called recursively.

ast.Inspect(parsedAST, func(n ast.Node) bool {
   return true
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In our case we are only interested if our node of type ast.TypeSpec and ast.StructType.
TypeSpec is needed to get the actual struct name and ast.StructType let's us iterate over the struct fields

ast.Inspect(parsedAST, func(n ast.Node) bool {
    // try to convert n to ast.TypeSpec
    if typeSpec, isTypeSpec := n.(*ast.TypeSpec); isTypeSpec {
        s, isStructType := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType)
        // check if conversion was successful
        if !isStructType {
            return true
        // get the struct name
        structName := normalizeTableName(typeSpec.Name.Name)
        // get Fields helper function
        fields := getFields(s)
    return true
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As you've probably noticed there is another helper function getFields
The implementation looks like this.

func getFields(s *ast.StructType) []string {
    fields := make([]string, len(s.Fields.List))
    for i, field := range s.Fields.List {
        if len(field.Names) == 0 {
        fields[i] = SnakeCase(field.Names[0].Name)
    return fields
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With this function we got all we need. We are able to extract the struct name and the field names additionally apply snake_case and pluralization respectively.

Query Generation

As we already extracted all the needed data we can introduce a simple function to generate the needed queries. To keep this nice and clean we use another struct which defines the needed data for a query and a struct method to return a insert query.

// define the QueryBuilder struct
type QueryBuilder struct {
    TableName string
    Fields    []string
// Generate a insert query
func (q QueryBuilder) InsertQuery() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (:%s)", strings.ToLower(q.TableName), strings.Join(q.Fields, ", "), strings.Join(q.Fields, ", :"))
// add more implementation for the needed queries
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and at last let's update the ExtractStructs function and combine everything

func ExtractStructs(filePath string) []QueryBuilder {
    fset := token.NewFileSet()
    parsedAST, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filePath, nil, parser.AllErrors)
    if err != nil {
        return nil

    // Find all struct declarations
    var structs []QueryBuilder
    ast.Inspect(parsedAST, func(n ast.Node) bool {
        // try to convert n to ast.TypeSpec
        if typeSpec, isTypeSpec := n.(*ast.TypeSpec); isTypeSpec {
            s, isStructType := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType)
            // check if conversion was successful
            if !isStructType {
                return true
            // get the struct name
            structName := typeSpec.Name.Name
            // get Fields helper function
            fields := getFields(s)
            structs = append(structs, QueryBuilder{TableName: normalizeTableName(structName), Fields: fields})
        return true
    return structs
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You can find the full code example here

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