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So You Think You Know For Loops?

Travis Bennett on February 16, 2023

So you've been learning JavaScript for a while; perhaps you've written several programs and solved dozens of problems on Code Wars? Or maybe you're...
blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder • Edited

I haven't made much use of for loops in years (array methods like forEach, map and reduce are much nicer to work with), so I was curious what you were going to come up with. It's interesting, but I'm wondering whether the same could be achieved easily enough with a recursive function. What advantages do you think a for loop brings here?

ravavyr profile image

The main advantage is speed. A standard "For" loop is always faster. All the other ones like "forEach" are shown to be slower.
Of course, for the vast majority of situations this is negligible.
I just use For loops because I've run into enough situations where it mattered and it takes no extra effort using a standard for loop versus any other loop, plus it makes all my code consistent.

blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder • Edited

Sure, I know about the possible performance boost of a for loop compared to array functions; but my question was about comparing a for loop used in this way and a recursive function.
Both achieve the same result but IMO a recursive function is easier to follow in terms of the code:

function recursiveLoop(value, condition, update, output) {
  if (condition(value)) {
    recursiveLoop(update(value), condition, update, output);
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koga73 profile image

Recursive functions are often harder to read and debug and suspectable to stack overflows depending on the recursion depth. Besides that for loops have another advantage over the array functions - you can use async / await. If you need to await something each iteration a for loop works fine but using forEach doesn't

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blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder

So you're saying the OP's for loop is more readable and easier to debug than my suggested recursive function? Here's the loop approach with some formatting applied:

const loop = (value, testFunction, updateFunction, bodyFunction) => {
    for (let i = value; testFunction(i); i = updateFunction(i)){
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And you too have misinterpreted my comment: I wasn't asking why the OP's for loop was a better option than array methods. I was asking what made his convoluted use of a for loop a better approach than a recursive function.

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ravavyr profile image

It's that For Loops are far better performance-wise than recursive functions.
And visually, to me anyway, for loops have always been easier to read than recursive functions since the "duplicate" name appearing within itself can be confusing.

To quote
"We can say that if we keep all other factors the same, recursion is slower than looping. This is so because recursion adds function calling overhead to its execution. And that makes it slower than iteration."


"Recursion uses a function call stack to store the set of new local variables and parameters on each function call. On the other side of the spectrum, we have looping that doesn’t use any stack. Hence, recursion incurs more memory cost since they add the overhead of stacking/unstacking operation. Moreover, we find that recursion often leads to stack overflow problems for larger input."

It's all in part 4 on this page:

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Hey, Travis!

Three backticks followed by the syntax (js) then the code block and finishing with three more backticks.

This Markdown implementation is utterly broken, so I cannot show you what I mean, but you can figure it out.

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

P.S. Your loop function is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. Instead of making the already ugly loop less complex, it complicates it further and hides the inner workings.

I suggest you learn a bit about FP and check out the (admittedly methods) map, find, filter, reduce, forEach, etc. methods already available in JS. Furthermore, the basic for loop you use is the oldest and ugliest of the available for loops. If you must use a for loop. try for-in and for-of.

jjgmckenzie profile image
James McKenzie

When I clicked the article in my recommendeds I presumed it would be about FP methods available in JS, rather than that loop.

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chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Me, too.

virtualmachine profile image

looks like they were trying to do some rust like implementation here

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chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

I've noticed that often when people come from one language to another and they don't find exactly the same tools that they're used to, then they assume that the language is "broken" and they try to "fix it" by reproducing the tools with which they are familiar, instead of simply embracing the new language.

I'm not saying that that is what happened here – I don't know – but I've seen it a lot (and as a teacher, I find teaching those who already know a language is always harder than teaching newbies because they are always trying to force the new knowledge to fit with the old).

Whatever the reason, the loop function is a terrible idea. Added complexity for no gain at all.

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blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder

You're a teacher and you're comfortable posting really negatively phrased feedback on a public forum? I think that's

the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time

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chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Yep. Quite comfortable.

The author begins with the boast "So you think you know for loops?" Then proceeds from his soapbox to promote – confidently – utter garbage. He can't even be arsed to get the syntax highlighting right (actually, a good thing as it acts as a warning to gullible readers). But the best part is his code doesn't even work. He made an error – a semicolon where he wanted a comma – which means he couldn't even be arsed to check his own code.

Interestingly, and ironically, it also points to the main failing of his code: it adds needless complexity. Now he has to remember that the for loop uses semicolons and takes three "arguments", whereas his loop function uses commas and takes four arguments. Let's just kick that cognitive load up a bit. What could go wrong?

Clearly, the author has complete disregard for his audience, especially the most vulnerable members who might actually fall for this to their detriment.

Hmm. In retrospect, I am now thinking that I was way too nice in my comment.

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virtualmachine profile image

OP is an adult not a child. a dumb idea is a dumb idea if one can say why it is a dumb idea.

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virtualmachine profile image

OP is an adult not a child. a dumb idea is a dumb idea if one can say why it is a dumb idea.

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virtualmachine profile image

OP is an adult not a child. a dumb idea is a dumb idea if one can say why it is a dumb idea.

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blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder

I don't disagree with your assessment, or for the need to correct low quality posts, but I do think it's possible to do so in a constructive way and without resorting to petty insults 🤷

tqbit profile image

Interesting Idea. You might even go one step further and make the whole function Promise based, given you're dealing with async tasks.

loop(...args).then(result => {})
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I noticed you have a small typo in your code here:

loop(3, n => n > 0; n => n - 1, console.log)
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After the second argument, there should be a comma instead of a semicolon

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

One thing that is usually confusing to beginners is that the update function will run after the body and before the subsequent test, so the order of execution would be:

for (
  /* Initialisation */;
  /* Test */;
  /* Update */
) { /* Body */ }
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  1. Initialisation
  2. Test (stop if condition is false)
  3. Body
  4. Update
  5. Jump to 2.
michaeldelk profile image
Michael Delk

What timing! I have been doing barbells for a decade now and started reading Haverbeke's Eloquent Javascript a few weeks ago.

Weight training teaches patience as you apply principles to problems but have to delay the gratification of seeing the results. It also helps round out the body and minds daily experience as it complements a day of exercising the mind at a keyboard with exercise of the body (and both exercise a person's fortitude).

While I originally "learned" javascript back in the early 2000's as a way to manipulate web elements, now that I'm using the latest techniques to write full node apps, and B2B APIs, I find I have to approach this firehose of knowledge like I would a new 5x3x1 lifting cycle that will take a long time to complete and include many tweaks and adjustments along the way, strengthening supporting muscle groups to help shore sticking points in the full-body lifts. Good analogy. Just like weighted back extensions help a weak back when squats get heavy enough that you start doing inadvertent good mornings.

shubhamk profile image
Shubham Kamath

Amazing article! It changed my perspective on how I looked at for loop.

It would be great if you could wrap the code in code blocks with three back ticks.

charlesr1971 profile image
Charles Robertson

Interesting. By the way, your code snippets are not formatted?

citronbrick profile image

You can use

<3 backticks> javascript
your code
<3 backticks>

for JS syntax higlighting.

icolomina profile image
Nacho Colomina Torregrosa

Fantastic! That's a really original approach.