Note: This article is based on an older version of Replyke and no longer reflects the latest implementation. Replyke has undergone a major update with improved features and a refined API. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the official documentation.
Welcome to Part 3 of our series. In Part 1, we explored how to implement Replyke in your React app, and in Part 2, we navigated through creating the right routes for effective API communication. Now, in this final installment, we delve into the art of styling your comment section. Let's unlock the full potential of Replyke with two styling approaches.
The Easy Way: Replyke's Design Studio
Creating Your Style:
Visit and create an account.
Head to the Studio where a user-friendly interface awaits.
Customize your UI with complete control over colors, sizes, text, padding, margins, borders, and more.
Publishing and Implementing:
After customization, name your style and click "publish".
Copy the style ID displayed at the top of your screen.
In your React app, pass this style ID to your CommentSection component using the styleId parameter.
Note on RTL Support: For RTL layout support, simply set dir="rtl" on your CommentSection component.
The Second Way: Inline Styling
Sometimes, you may need more nuanced control or wish to make minor tweaks directly in the code. Here's how you can apply inline styling to the CommentSection component.
Using Inline Styling Props
Our CommentSection component offers four optional props for deeper UI customization. Any values defined here will override the studio's style settings (without altering the actual style document):
SectionProps: Affects general configurations and UI settings for the entire comment section.
FormProps: Tailors the container and elements of the new comment form.
StatsBarProps: Modifies the statistics bar layout and elements.
CommentElementsProps: Divided into seven categories, this prop allows detailed customization of each comment element, including the container, header, menu, action bar, reply box, edit form, and delete confirmation.
For each prop, we'll go through the complete object of values, explaining their controls and impacts:
// How many comments we want to fetch in very call
commentChunkSize?: number;
// How many replies we want to fetch in very call
replyChunkSize?: number;
// The text used to prompt users to load more comments
loadMoreText?: string;
// The color of the text used to prompt users to load more comments
loadMoreColor?: string;
// An array of HEX colors to be used to generate
// random avatars for users who have no profile picture
avatarPlaceholderColors?: string[];
// When an unauthenticated user tries to post a comment we will show them this message
loginFirstMessage?: string;
// When a user tries to post a comment that is too short we will show them this message
commentTooShortMessage?: string;
// Background color for the entire form container
backgroundColor?: string;
// Border radius for the entire form component
borderRadius?: number;
// Border color of the entire form component
borderColor?: string;
// Border style fo the entire form component
borderStyle?: BorderStyles;
// Border width of the entire form component
borderWidth?: number;
// Left padding of the entire form component
paddingLeft?: number;
// Right padding of the entire form component
paddingRight?: number;
// Top padding of the entire form component
paddingTop?: number;
// Bottom padding of the entire form component
paddingBottom?: number;
// Determines if the entire form component has a shadow or not
shadow?: boolean;
// The placeholder text used in the textarea component
textareaPlaceholder?: string;
// The color of the text typed in the textarea component
textareaTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the text typed in the textarea component
textareaTextSize?: number;
// Determines the height of the textarea
textareaDefaultRows?: number;
// The top margin of the post comment button
buttonMarginTop?: number;
// The border radius of the post comment button
buttonBorderRadius?: number;
// The font size of the post comment button
buttonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the post comment button
buttonFontWeight?: number;
// The color of text in the post comment button
buttonFontColor?: string;
// The horizontal padding of the post comment button
buttonPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding of the post comment button
buttonPaddingY?: number;
// The color of the post comment button
buttonColor?: string;
// The text used for the post comment button
buttonText?: string;
// Determines if the post comment button takes the full width of the container or not
buttonFullWidth?: boolean;
// Determines if the post comment button has a shadow or not
buttonShadow?: boolean;
// When an unauthenticated user tries to like an article we will show them this message
loginFirstMessage?: string;
// The text used for the option to sort by newest comments come first
newestFirstText?: string;
// The text used for the option to sort by oldest comments come first
oldestFirstText?: string;
// The text used for the option to sort by popular comments come first
popularText?: string;
// The color of the sort by text
sortByButtonTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the text showing our current sort by setting
sortByButtonFontSize?: number;
// The color of the text of the sort by options
sortByItemsTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the text of the sort by options
sortByItemsFontSize?: number;
// The size of the chevron icon in the sort by dropdown
sortByChevronSize?: number;
// The text used for the button unauthenticated users see
loginText?: string;
// The font size of the login button unauthenticated users see
loginFontSize?: number;
// The font color of the login button unauthenticated users see
loginFontColor?: string;
// The horizontal padding for the entire bar
paddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding for the entire bar
paddingY?: number;
// The size of the icons in the stats bar
iconsSize?: number;
// The bottom margin for the entire stats bar
marginBottom?: number;
// The color of the like icon when it hasn't been clicked
likeIconColor?: string;
// The color of the like icon after it has been clicked
likeActiveIconColor?: string;
// The font size of the text showing how many likes the article has
likeCountFontSize?: number;
// The color of the comments icon
commentIconColor?: string;
// The font size of the text showing how many comments the article has
commentCountFontSize?: number;
// The width of the bottom border of the stats bar
borderBottomWidth?: number;
// The color of the bottom border of the stats bar
borderBottomColor?: string;
// The style of the bottom border of the stats bar
borderBottomStyle?: BorderStyles;
// The avatar size of logged in users
avatarSize?: number;
// The avatar's border radius
avatarBorderRadius?: number;
// The font size of the username
usernameFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the username
usernameFontWeight?: number;
// The font color of the username
usernameFontColor?: string;
// How wide is the gap between the likes info and the comments info
itemsGap?: number;
CommentElementsProps - containerProps
// How far in do replies get pushed in relation to their parent element
replyIndent?: number;
// The top margin of the comment body, affecng the space between the text and the comment header (containing the user details, date menu)
headerBodySpacing?: number;
// Width of the border separating top-level comments
threadsSeperatorWidth?: number;
// Color of the border separating top-level comments
threadsSeperatorColor?: string;
// Style of the border separating top-level comments
threadsSeperatorStyle?: BorderStyles;
// The padding between the top border and the rest of the comment
threadsSeperatorTopPadding?: number;
// Bottom margin for each comment
marginBottom?: number;
// Horizontal padding for the entire comment element
paddingX?: number;
// Vertical padding for the entire comment element
paddingY?: number;
// Font size of the comment body
commentFontSize?: number;
// Color of the comment body
commentFontColor?: string;
// The text used to prompt users to load more replies
loadMoreText?: string;
// The color of the text used to prompt users to load more replies
loadMoreColor?: string;
// The width of the vertical line on the side of replies
repliesSideBorderWidth?: number;
// The border style of the vertical line on the side of replies
repliesSideBorderStyle?: BorderStyles;
// The color of the vertical line on the side of replies
repliesSideBorderColor?: string;
// The message presented to unauthenticated users when they try to like an article
loginToLikeMessage?: string;
CommentElementsProps - headerProps
// Color of the text for the author name
authorNameColor?: string;
// Font size of the text for the author name
authorNameFontSize?: number;
// Size in pixels for he author's avatar
authorAvatarSize?: number;
// Border radius of the author's avatar
authorAvatarBorderRadius?: number;
// Font size of the text for the date the comment was posted
dateFontSize?: number;
// Color of the text for the date the comment was posted
dateFontColor?: string;
CommentElementsProps - menuProps
// The padding in the container of the three dots icon
buttonPadding?: number;
// The background color of the container of the three dots icon
buttonBackgroundColor?: string;
// The border radius of the container of the three dots icon
buttonBorderRadius?: number;
// The color of the three dots icon
buttonIconColor?: string;
// The width of the menu container when opened
containerWidth?: number;
// The background color of the menu container when opened
containerBackgroundColor?: string;
// Controls if the opened menu container has a shadow
containerShadow?: boolean;
// The border radius of the opened menu container
containerBorderRadius?: number;
// The color of the divider between menu items
containerDividerColor?: TailwindColors;
// The horizonal padding inside the menu items container
containerPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding inside the menu items container
containerPaddingY?: number;
// The font size of the menu items
itemsFontSize?: number;
// The text color of the menu items
itemsTextColor?: string;
// The horizonal padding for the menu items
itemsPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding inside the menu items container
itemsPaddingY?: number;
// The text used for the "edit" option on the menu
editText?: string;
// The text used for the "remove" option on the menu
removeText?: string;
CommentElementsProps - actionBarProps
// The color of the like icon if it hasn't been clicked
likeIconColor?: string;
// The color of the like icon when it has been clicked
likeActiveIconColor?: string;
// The color of the comment icon
commentIconColor?: string;
// The text by the comment icon
repliesText?: string;
// The text by the comment icon for when replies are visible
hideRepliesText?: string;
// The text used for the button calling users to reply
replyCtaText?: string;
// The color of the text used for the button calling users to reply
replyCtaColor?: string;
// The font size of the text used for the button calling users to reply
replyCtaFontSize?: number;
// When an unauthenticated user tries to like a comment we will show them this message
loginFirstMessage?: string;
CommentElementsProps - replyBoxProps
// When an unauthenticated user tries to post a reply we will show them this message
loginFirstMessage?: string;
// When a user tries to post a reply that is too short we will show them this message
replyTooShortMessage?: string;
// The background color of the entrie container
backgroundColor?: string;
// The top margin of the entire container
marginTop?: number;
// The border radius of the entire container
borderRadius?: number;
// The container's border color
borderColor?: string;
// The container's border style
borderStyle?: BorderStyles;
// The container's border width
borderWidth?: number;
// The container's left padding
paddingLeft?: number;
// The container's right padding
paddingRight?: number;
// The container's top padding
paddingTop?: number;
// The container's bottom padding
paddingBottom?: number;
// Controls whether the container has a shadow or not
shadow?: boolean;
// The textarea's placeholder text
textareaPlaceholder?: string;
// The color of the textarea input text
textareaTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the textarea input text
textareaTextSize?: number;
// Controls the default height of the textarea
textareaDefaultRows?: number;
// The text used for the cancel button
cancelButtonText?: string;
// The font size of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontWeight?: number;
// The font color of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontColor?: string;
// The text used for the reply button
replyButtonText?: string;
// The color of the "Reply" button
replyButtonColor?: string;
// The border radius of the "Reply" button
replyButtonBorderRadius?: number;
// The font size of the "Reply" button text
replyButtonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the "Reply" button text
replyButtonFontWeight?: number;
// The color of the "Reply" button text
replyButtonFontColor?: string;
// The horizontal padding of the "Reply" button
replyButtonPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding of the "Reply" button
replyButtonPaddingY?: number;
// Controls if "Reply" button has a shadow or not
replyButtonShadow?: boolean;
CommentElementsProps - editProps
// The top margin for the entire edit container
marginTop?: number;
// The background color for the entire edit container
backgroundColor?: string;
// The border radius for the entire edit container
borderRadius?: number;
// The color of the container's border
borderColor?: string;
// The style of the container's border
borderStyle?: BorderStyles;
// The width of the container's border
borderWidth?: number;
// The container's left padding
paddingLeft?: number;
// The container's right padding
paddingRight?: number;
// The container's top padding
paddingTop?: number;
// The container's bottom padding
paddingBottom?: number;
// Controls if the container has a shadow or not
shadow?: boolean;
// The placeholder text if the user deleted the entire content of their comment
textareaPlaceholder?: string;
// The color of the textarea input text
textareaTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the textarea input text
textareaTextSize?: number;
// Controls the default height of the container
textareaDefaultRows?: number;
// The text used for the cancel button
cancelButtonText?: string;
// The font color of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontColor?: string;
// The font size of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontSize?: number;
// The text used for the save button
saveButtonText?: string;
// The color of the "Save" button
saveButtonColor?: string;
// The border radius of the "Save" button
saveButtonBorderRadius?: number;
// The font size of the "Save" button text
saveButtonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the "Save" button text
saveButtonFontWeight?: number;
// The font color of the "Save" button text
saveButtonFontColor?: string;
// The horizontal padding of the "Save" button
saveButtonPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding of the "Save" button
saveButtonPaddingY?: number;
// Controls if the "Save" button has a shadow or not
saveButtonShadow?: boolean;
CommentElementsProps - removeProps
// The text displayed to user asking them if they are sure about deleting their comment
promptText?: string;
// The color of the prompt text
promptTextColor?: string;
// The font size of the prompt text
promptTextFontSize?: number;
// The text for the cancel button
cancelButtonText?: string;
// The font size of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontWeight?: number;
// The font color of the "Cancel" button text
cancelButtonFontColor?: string;
// The text for the confirm button
confirmButtonText?: string;
// The color of the confirm button
confirmButtonColor?: string;
// The border radius of the confirm button
confirmButtonBorderRadius?: number;
// The font siz of the "Confirm" button text
confirmButtonFontSize?: number;
// The font weight of the "Confirm" button text
confirmButtonFontWeight?: number;
// The font color of the "Confirm" button text
confirmButtonFontColor?: string;
// The horizontal padding of the "Confirm" button
confirmButtonPaddingX?: number;
// The vertical padding of the "Confirm" button
confirmButtonPaddingY?: number;
// Controls if the "Confirm" button has a shadow or not
confirmButtonShadow?: boolean;
Closing Note
With these styling options at your disposal, you can create a comment section that not only fits perfectly with your app's functionality but also aligns seamlessly with its aesthetic. Your final CommentSection component, enhanced with inline styling, might look like this:
styleId="STYLE_ID" // Optional
loginClickCallback: LOGIN_CALLBACK,
commentAuthorClickCallback: COMMENT_AUTHOR_CLICK_CALLBACK,
currentUser={user ? {
_id: USER_ID,
name: USER_NAME,
} : undefined}
containerProps : {...containerProps},
headerProps : {...headerProps},
menuProps : {...menuProps},
actionBarProps : {...actionBarProps},
replyBoxProps : {...replyBoxProps},
editProps : {...editProps},
removeProps : {...removeProps}
And there you have it! You're now equipped to add Replyke to your app, customize its appearance, host your data, and fine-tune the UI directly in your code.
I hope this guide aids you in completing your projects. Should you find Replyke beneficial, I'd love to hear about your experience and receive any feedback you might have.
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