DEV Community

Tushar Pandey
Tushar Pandey

Posted on

5 1

Portfolio Review

I finally completed it! All within 2 days too!

Please tell me about your suggestions and give creative criticism :)

Top comments (4)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Nice clean site, Tushar.

Also liked how responsive the site is.

The only complaint is the top nav links, which I had to figure out what they meant (TW? IG? etc) by clicking on them. I'd have preferred SVG or icons.

tusharpandey13 profile image
Tushar Pandey


Hmm they were rushed i guess, ill make a point to replace them.

stevescruz profile image
Steve Cruz

Yes. I had the same problem as Sung.
Good job with the responsivity

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Keep up the great/fun work~