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Best Way to Learn Data Science for Complete Beginners in 2021

So, You are a beginner and planning to learn Data Science?. First of all, I would like to say- “Great Decision”. Data Science is a lucrative, secure, and most demanding career.

But are you confused and wanna know the Best Way to Learn Data Science for Complete Beginners?.

If yes, then stay with me till the end of this article. In this article, I will discuss the best way to learn data science for complete beginners and Step by Step guide from scratch to skilled data scientists.

There are various options available for learning data science like go to University, following a Bachelor or Master in Data Science, get into a Boot-camp program, or learn it by yourself.

But as a beginner, the easiest way to learn data science is to learn by yourself. Because a lot of material is available online.

Then why go to university and pay high fees?


The next question you might have- “From where to start learning?” or “What to learn first for data science?”

So, before I answer this question, let’s have a look at mandatory skills for Data Science.

Skills Required for Data Science-

  1. Statistics
  2. Mathematics
  3. Programming Languages
  4. Database Management
  5. Data Visualization.
  6. Machine Learning
  7. BigData

So, these are some must-have skills for a data scientist. Now let’s see in what order you should start learning these concepts-
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