It's been awhile since my last update. My apologies I started a new job in tech support (š) I know def not a coding job but it'll have to do for now. With that being said I started looking over the codebase to my last react project - Global Earthquake Monitor. I got to be honest I am a little rusty, not like "what even is JSX" kind of rusty but definitely rusty. So I decided to take a step back and re-solidify my fundamentals particularly with JS. So I sat down and compiled a list of subjects in JavaScript that I felt could use a touch up. The list definitely turned out to be longer than I had hoped or wanted it to be but it's really important to me to have a solid foundation before moving on.
-rest/spread operator
-OOP (something I never spent enough time on anyways)
-DOM manipulation
-whatever else I run into along the way that needs beefing up
Here's some of the resources I'll be using along the way
-Intuitive Javascript
-The Odin Project
-Coding Addict YT Channel
I'll be blogging about some of what I'm learning along the way.
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