Let's get the discussion going! If John Wick were a programmer, what language do you think he would use, and why? Would he be a Python master, an expert in C++, or something completely different? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Let's get the discussion going! If John Wick were a programmer, what language do you think he would use, and why? Would he be a Python master, an expert in C++, or something completely different? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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I'm sure he would find a way to use Brainfuck to kill the bad codes!
I think it will be Rust: the most efficient memory handing and a trasgressive way to handle the logic and patterns 🤣🤣🤣
It cannot be Rust, because as we all know, he relies on garbage collection (even though he has to make dinner reservations to trigger it).
I'm still sure he uses a compiled language, as he has no room for interpretation. Beyond that, everything is speculation, he is known to always be on the Go and any marksman of his abilities will surely C# and so Forth.
Hahah lovely wordplay
Rust seems like the polar opposite of anything John Wick does most of the time 😂
Haskell for sure
He'd write C and just not write in any memory leaks because he's just that badass.
Also lots of inline assembly because he just thinks faster than the compiler.
Do I code a John Wick programming language? Something like ArnoldC?
Binary. You're in his crosshair or you're alive.
Good one Mr Red. 🤣
John Wick would just will the computer into executing commands. Or he'd just use his head as a computer
Punch cards
Real programmers like John Wick program directly in assembly for maximum performance