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Git Good starting With Github

Don't underestimate the power of version control. Long past us are the days of sending code over email. What are we, cavemen?

We have Github for that now. If you haven't created a Github account you are missing out on greatness. Kind of.
Github is an amazing tool, personal profile, workflow assistant, and damage control platform for teams to use. Using dynamic repositories and branching of repositories you can do amazing things to contribute to the work of code projects.

First and foremost is setting up a repository. Once that's done, you want to establish your team hierarchy, permissions, and such.

Using the power of cloning, branching, commits, pushes and pulls, you can separate a small isolation chamber where you can edit, change, and view your version of the application that you and your team is working on. This is what's known as branching. Once you've finished your changes on your branch you can commit to your branch. Push your changes and request your changes to be pulled / merged into the main branch.

That's your baby. Don't let anybody hurt your main branch. This is done using controls, discussion, and a request/confirm system that is native to Github.

There's a lot more to Github than just what I've talked about here but if you want to hear some more of my thoughts on that you can check out the video that I put out on it.


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