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Engr. Promise

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How to save to Local storage


Saving data to local storage is a useful way to persist data in a web application. Local storage allows you to store data in the user's browser, which means that the data is available even if the user closes the browser or navigates to a different website. This can be useful for storing user preferences, temporary data, or any other information that you want to make available across sessions.

In this article, we will look at how to save data to local storage using JavaScript. We will start by looking at the basics of local storage, including how to set and get values. We will then explore some more advanced techniques, such as storing complex objects and handling errors.

Basics of Local Storage

To use local storage in JavaScript, you first need to check if the browser supports it. You can do this using the following code:

if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
  // local storage is supported
} else {
  // local storage is not supported

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If local storage is supported, you can use the following methods to set and get values:

// set a value
localStorage.setItem("key", "value");

// get a value
var value = localStorage.getItem("key");

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You can also remove a value from local storage using the removeItem method:


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You can also clear all values from local storage using the clear method:


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Storing Complex Objects

Local storage only allows you to store strings, so if you want to store complex objects (such as arrays or objects), you will need to serialize them first. You can use the JSON.stringify method to serialize an object, and the JSON.parse method to deserialize a string back into an object.

For example, to store an array in local storage, you could do the following:

var array = [1, 2, 3];

// serialize the array
var serializedArray = JSON.stringify(array);

// store the serialized array in local storage
localStorage.setItem("array", serializedArray);

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To retrieve the array from local storage, you would do the following:

// get the serialized array from local storage
var serializedArray = localStorage.getItem("array");

// deserialize the array
var array = JSON.parse(serializedArray);

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Handling Errors

There are a few potential errors that you may encounter when working with local storage. One common error is trying to store too much data. Local storage has a limited size (usually around 5MB), and if you try to store more data than the available space, you will get a QuotaExceededError.

To handle this error, you can catch it using a try/catch block and display an error message to the user:

try {
  localStorage.setItem("key", "value");
} catch (e) {
  if ( === "QuotaExceededError") {
    alert("Error: Local storage is full.");

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Another potential error is trying to access local storage when it is disabled. This can happen if the user has disabled

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