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Ukezi Ebenezer Nwachukwu
Ukezi Ebenezer Nwachukwu

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From Field to Blockchain Evolution of Agriculture in the Digital Age.

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This article will examine how agriculture and blockchain technology can be leveraged.

What is Agriculture?

According to Twinkl, individuals can own and trade culture is the science of farming, it can transform soil for growing crops, rearing animals to provide food, wool, and other products, and harvesting grown crops as effectively as possible. You can also think of it as the practice of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock to produce commodities essential for human life, including food, fiber, and raw materials.

Agriculture is vital for the global economy, providing commodities like grain, livestock, dairy, fiber, and raw materials for fuel. It supports livelihoods, habitats, and jobs, and contributes to building strong economies through trade.

What is Blockchain?

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Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that functions as a decentralized and highly secure database. A blockchain network consists of many nodes that contain a copy of the database. This makes it so a failure of one or more nodes does not affect the accessibility of the database.

Transactions that occur within the blockchain are recorded and added to the previous transaction block. The blocks are joined together using encryption to create a chain of transaction events. The encrypted chain makes it theoretically impossible to alter, interfere, or access the data contained within the blocks.

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Key Features of Blockchain


Decentralization: Blockchain operates on a decentralized network, eliminating the need for a central authority. This structure ensures that the network is robust against failures and attacks, as there is no single point of failure. It also removes the need for third parties, reducing risks and costs associated with intermediaries.

Immutability: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This feature ensures the integrity and permanence of the information stored, making blockchain an ideal solution for creating transparent and tamper-proof ledgers.

Transparency: Every transaction on the blockchain is visible to all participants in the network, fostering openness and accountability. This transparency helps in preventing fraudulent activities and ensures that all actions taken within the network are verifiable.

Security: Blockchain leverages cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and data. The combination of public and private keys provides a secure method for authentication and authorization, ensuring that only authorized parties can perform transactions. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain makes it resistant to hacking attempts.

Smart Contracts: Blockchain enables the creation of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These contracts automatically execute when predefined conditions are met, streamlining processes and reducing the need for intermediaries.

What is Web3?

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Web3 is a decentralized vision of the Internet that aspires to create an entirely new system of contracts and change the way that individuals and institutions reach agreements, represents a new phase of the Internet characterized by decentralization, leveraging blockchain technology to create a more user-centric and autonomous online environment.

Key Features of Web3:

Decentralization: At the heart of Web3 is the principle of decentralization, moving away from centralized servers and databases towards a peer-to-peer network where data is stored across multiple nodes, making it more resilient and secure against censorship and failures.

Blockchain Technology: Web3 relies heavily on blockchain technology, which provides a transparent and immutable ledger for transactions and agreements. This technology underpins the creation of cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps).

User Control and Ownership: In Web3, users have greater control over their personal data and digital assets. This is facilitated by technologies like blockchain, which enables the creation of digital assets and tokens that individuals can own and trade.

Smart Contracts : These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They run on blockchain networks, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing transaction costs.

Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets: Web3 introduces a variety of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other forms of digital property that can be bought, sold, and traded on the blockchain.

How Web3 Applications can transform the Agricultural Web3 Sector

The world is fighting hunger globally, and in that situation loss of every crop should be something like extensive damage. With time, the world has upgraded its technology, and when everything is getting upgraded with time, why not merge technology with agriculture to make crop cultivation more accurate and productive? Web3 platform has great potential to take care of every sort of business, and that too with a completely decentralized format and ultimate security.

The work of the web3 platform is to make the platform completely decentralized and free from any third-party interference. Blockchain technology has brought a great revolution in the market with high-end solutions to protect and record data.

Web3 applications are robust technologies transforming the agricultural sector and making it more productive. Creation of your web3 application for farming, controlling crop cultivation process, monitoring soil, etc.

               ** What Makes Web3 A Place Of Benefit**
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The creation of web3 applications for the agriculture sector can change the complete theory of the farming industry. Here are some reasons to consider a Web3 Application for the Agriculture Sector:

  1. Financial Support and Accessibility
    Web3 platforms enable farmers to access financial support without the need to rely on traditional banking systems. Through the use of crypto, farmers can borrow money quickly and efficiently, providing a valuable lifeline in situations where crops are affected by adverse weather or other unfortunate circumstances.

  2. Track and Trace
    Blockchain forms the backbone of Web3 applications, allowing for tamper-proof tracking of food origin, processing, and transportation. This fosters trust between consumers and producers. Imagine supermarket tomatoes with a QR code revealing the farm, growing methods, and carbon footprint.

  3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
    Cryptocurrencies and DeFi applications offer alternative financing options, bypassing traditional banks with their high fees and complex procedures. Farmers can secure loans or investments through DeFi platforms.

  4. Smart contracts and payments
    Web3 can enable farmers to use smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements that run on a blockchain, to manage their contracts with buyers, suppliers, insurers, and lenders. Smart contracts can reduce transaction costs, eliminate intermediaries, and enforce terms and conditions. For example, a smart contract can automatically release payment to a farmer once a product is delivered and verified, or trigger an insurance claim in case of a crop failure. Web3 can also enable farmers to access peer-to-peer payments and financing options, such as cryptocurrencies and decentralized lending platforms, that can reduce fees and barriers.

Potential Blockchain Technology Benefits for Agriculture

The blockchain is a ledger of accounts and transactions that are written and stored by all participants. It promises a reliable source of truth about the state of farms, inventories and contracts in agriculture, where the collection of such information is often incredibly costly.

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Technology can track the provenance of food and thus help create trustworthy food supply chains and build trust between producers and consumers. As a trusted way of storing data, it facilitates the use of data-driven technologies to make farming smarter. In addition, jointly used with smart contracts, it allows timely payments between stakeholders that can be triggered by data changes appearing in the blockchain.

Blockchain technology also offers a reliable approach to tracing transactions between anonymous participants. Fraud and malfunctions can thus be detected quickly. Moreover, problems can be reported in real time by incorporating smart contracts.

This helps address the challenge of tracking products in the wide-reaching supply chain due to the complexity of the agri-food system. The technology thus provides solutions to issues of food quality and safety, which are highly concerned by consumers, government, etc.

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  1. Agricultural Insurance
    Agricultural insurance schemes are traditionally a well-recognized tool to manage weather related risks. Farmers would have to pay an insurance premium before the cropping cycle begins and receive an insurance payout whenever they experience a loss on their farm.
    The insurer has to bear all the insured risk and farmers can manage their financial exposure to weather extremes, i.e., financial losses caused by weather extremes. In addition, in case of weather threats that systemically affect all the insured farmers, the insurer can further hedge the systemic part of the risk with a reinsurance company.

  2. Smart Agriculture
    A key issue of establishing smart agriculture is developing a comprehensive security system that facilitates the use and management of data. Traditional ways manage data in a centralized fashion and are prone to inaccurate data, data distortion, and misuse as well as cyber-attacks.
    For example, environmental monitoring data is generally managed by centralized government entities that have their interest. They can manipulate the decision-making related to data.

Blockchain technology serves to store data and information that various actors and stakeholders generate throughout the entire value-added process, from seed to sale, of producing an agricultural product. It ensures that the data and information are transparent to the involved actors and stakeholders and that all recorded data are immutable.

> Blockchain technology provides proper solutions for many aspects of e-commerce problems

a. Information security: Blockchain technology provides private key encryption which is a powerful tool that provides the authentication requirements, it can thus link the data of all aspects of planting and harvesting of agricultural products safely and unchangeable.

b. Supply chain management: Blockchain technology could enable supply chain management more efficiently than traditional monitoring mechanisms by lowering signaling costs for each entity. Every link in the supply chain – the producer, the place of origin, the shipping company, the destination, the multi-modal transport, the warehouse, and the final last mile – represents a “block” of information, with the advantage of visibility, aggregation, validation, automation and resiliency.

c. Payment methods: The blockchain provides a digital payment solution with zero rates. Furthermore, the application of cryptocurrency in the transaction of agricultural products will reduce transaction costs substantially.

d. Consumer confidence: Through the decentralized mechanism, the distributed accounting system of the blockchain is time-stamped, so that all information on the chain is transparent and unmodifiable. Consumers will be liberated from fakes and regain confidence in e-commerce.

e. Reduce the cost of farmers: Many agricultural products are produced by households. Due to the low transaction volume and small scale, traditional e-commerce is neither willing nor able to provide services for them, thus excluding these participants from the market. Blockchain technology can greatly reduce transaction costs and incorporate them into the market again.

Blockchain technology enables the traceability of information in the food supply chain and thus helps improve food safety. It provides a secure way of storing and managing data, which facilitates the development and use of data-driven innovations for smart farming and smart index-based agriculture insurance. In addition, it can reduce transaction costs, which will benefit farmers’ access to markets and generate new revenue streams. Despite enormous potential advantages, key limitations remain for applying blockchain technology in the agriculture and food sectors.

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