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Cover image for BUG HUNTING ON scrapeAnyWebsite (SAW)
Johnbosco Umeh
Johnbosco Umeh

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BUG HUNTING ON scrapeAnyWebsite (SAW)


This project was carried out to explore the ScrapeAnyWebsite (SAW) App. A windows application designed to extract various data from any website. The app is meant to help users gather and organize data from the web efficiently. Download the app Scrape Any Website and explore


The aim of the exploration of this web application is to explore its functionalities to detect bugs, usability issues and possible inconsistencies in the app with core focus on bug severity in usability, performance and security to ensure delivery of quality product to end users.


Exploratory testing of the app for functionality, user navigation, UI issues, performance and data security and other vulnerabilities.


Windows 11
SAW desktop app 2.0


In the course of exploring the web application, the following were detected with the more detailed bug report available here

UI and Presentation: The general presentation of the app page, navigation and presentation of its data is not clear, not user friendly and is not totally dynamic as it is not possible to scroll down to see the ending part of the page.This will pose a serious issue of usability for the users.

Invalid URL handling: When setting up website to scrape, the app accepts any url typed in including invalid url without being promptd to enter a correct url. This poses a functionality and performance issue as user will not be able to scrape the website and returning back to correct url add to frustration for the user.

Option to analyse Scraped Data: After inputting all neccessary information and scraping websites, there is no means of analysing the data because the values provided by the app are url, status, date, code and size. This prevent users from fully utilizing the potentials offered by the app posing a functionality issue.

Browser Option Switching: Switch the browser option of the app from internet headless browser to Chrome via chromedriver did not produce any significant difference in data scraping and/or presentation of the scraped data. This makes the app ambiguous in functionality and can lead to user confusion.


The SAW app is a great tool that offers the service of scraping websites for users in order to meet their needs, however, the app needs some fine-tuning in terms of the bugs detected in the course of its exploration. This will enhance it functionality, usability, security of users data and general performance. For a more detailed report on the bugs detected click here

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