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Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi
Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi

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Getting Started with VSCode: A Beginner's Guide


Visual Studio Code (VSCode) has quickly become one of the most popular code editors among developers worldwide. Known for its versatility, performance, and extensive customization options, VSCode offers a powerful development environment for beginners and seasoned programmers alike. This guide aims to provide beginners with a comprehensive introduction to VSCode, covering installation, basic features, customization, and tips for maximizing productivity.


Download and Install VSCode

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to Visual Studio Code's official website.

  2. Download: Click on the download button that corresponds to your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

  3. Install: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system:

  • Windows: Run the downloaded installer and follow the prompts.

  • macOS: Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the VSCode icon
    to the Applications folder.

  • Linux: Follow the instructions on the website to install via a
    package manager or download the appropriate package.

First Launch

After installation, launch VSCode. You will be greeted with a welcome screen that provides quick access to recent projects, new files, and various setup options.

Basic Features

User Interface Overview

The VSCode interface is divided into several key areas:

  1. Activity Bar: Located on the left side, it provides access to
    various views like Explorer, Search, Source Control, Run and Debug,
    Extensions, and more.

  2. Side Bar: Displays the contents of the selected view from the
    Activity Bar.

  3. Editor Group: The main area where you open and edit files.

  4. Panel: Located at the bottom, it can display the Terminal, Output,
    Problems, and Debug Console.

  5. Status Bar: At the bottom of the window, it shows information
    about the current project, such as the current branch in version
    control, language mode, line and column numbers, and more.

Opening and Managing Files

  • Open a File: Click on the Explorer icon in the Activity Bar, then
    click the "Open Folder" or "Open File" button to navigate to the
    desired location.

  • Tabs: Each open file appears as a tab in the Editor Group, allowing
    you to switch between files easily.

Basic Editing

  • Syntax Highlighting: VSCode provides syntax highlighting for a wide range of programming languages.

  • IntelliSense: Offers code completion, parameter info, quick info, and member lists, making coding faster and reducing errors.

  • Code Navigation: Features like Go to Definition, Peek Definition, and Go to Symbol help you navigate large codebases efficiently.

Customization and Extensions

One of VSCode's strengths is its extensive customization options and a rich ecosystem of extensions.

Customizing the User Interface

  1. Themes: Change the appearance of VSCode by installing different themes. Go to the Extensions view, search for "theme," and install your preferred option. Change the theme by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and typing Preferences: Color Theme.

  2. Icons: Customize file icons by installing icon themes from the Extensions view. Change the icon theme via the Command Palette by typing Preferences: File Icon Theme.


VSCode allows you to customize keyboard shortcuts to suit your workflow. Open the Command Palette and type Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts to modify existing keybindings or add new ones.


Extensions enhance the functionality of VSCode. Here are some essential extensions for beginners:

  1. Prettier: A code formatter that enforces consistent style.

  2. ESLint: Integrates ESLint into VSCode for identifying and fixing problems in your JavaScript code.

  3. Python: Provides rich support for the Python language, including IntelliSense, linting, and debugging.

  4. GitLens: Enhances the built-in Git capabilities by adding visual indicators and insights into your code's history.

  5. Live Server: Launches a local development server with a live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.

To install an extension, go to the Extensions view, search for the extension by name, and click the Install button.

Productivity Tips

Command Palette

The Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) is your gateway to all of VSCode's features. Use it to quickly find and execute commands without navigating through menus.

Integrated Terminal

VSCode includes an integrated terminal, accessible via the Terminal menu or the Ctrl+ (backtick) shortcut. This allows you to run command-line tools without leaving the editor.

Version Control

VSCode has built-in support for Git. Open the Source Control view from the Activity Bar to manage your repositories, stage changes, commit, and push to remote repositories.


VSCode provides a powerful debugging environment for various programming languages. Set breakpoints, inspect variables, and control execution flow directly from the editor. Open the Run and Debug view from the Activity Bar to get started.


Code snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns. VSCode includes built-in snippets for many languages, and you can also create your own. Open the Command Palette and type Preferences: Configure User Snippets to customize snippets.

Multi-Root Workspaces

VSCode supports multi-root workspaces, allowing you to work on multiple projects within a single editor window. Open multiple folders by selecting File > Add Folder to Workspace.

Remote Development

The Remote Development extension pack enables you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment. This is particularly useful for working on different operating systems or with isolated development environments.

Advanced Customization


VSCode settings can be customized via the settings UI or by directly editing the settings.json file. Access the settings UI by selecting File > Preferences > Settings. To edit settings.json, open the Command Palette and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).

Workspace Settings

In addition to user settings, VSCode supports workspace settings, which apply only to the current project. This is useful for maintaining consistent configurations across team members. Workspace settings are stored in the .vscode folder within the project directory.


Automate common tasks using the built-in task runner. Define tasks in a tasks.json file, and execute them from the Command Palette. This is particularly useful for running build scripts, test suites, or deployment commands.

Extensions API

For developers interested in extending VSCode's functionality, the Extensions API allows you to create custom extensions. The API documentation and guides are available on the VSCode website.


VSCode is a powerful, flexible, and highly customizable code editor that can significantly enhance your development workflow. By understanding its core features, leveraging extensions, and customizing the environment to suit your needs, you can maximize your productivity and efficiency. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer looking to optimize your workflow, VSCode offers a wealth of tools and features to support your coding journey.

Embrace the capabilities of VSCode, experiment with different extensions and settings, and discover how this versatile editor can transform your coding experience. With a solid foundation and a willingness to explore, you'll find that VSCode can handle virtually any development task with ease and efficiency. Happy coding!

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