DEV Community

Utsav Ladani
Utsav Ladani

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Difference between Object.assign() and just assign

As a newbie I saw that some developer use Object.assign() for assign a value to object, and some developer use just assign.

What is the difference between that?

Object.assign() is clone the object.
Just assign assign the address.
Here I give you an simple example

let x = { "a":10, "b":100 }
let y = x;
y.a = 50;

// {a: 50, b: 100}
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Here you can see that if we change the value of y.a then x.a changes automatically, means x and y have same address.

Now for just assign

let x = { "a":10, "b":100 }
let z = {};
z.a= 1000;

// {a: 10, b: 100}
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Here you can notice that we change the value of z.a but x.a remains as it is, means z and x have different address.

In short, Object.assign() is copy the key-value pair ans just assign assign the same address.

Here Link for more better understanding.

Here is a useful link for javascript reference.

Bye bye 2020. πŸ˜„

Top comments (1)

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Utsav Ladani • Edited

Here Object.assign() copy the value of first level's key-value pair, but if your key-value pair's value is object then it will assign by address.
Here is example.

let x = { "a":{c:10}, "b":100};
let z = {};
z.b = 1000;
z.a.c = 50;

// {a: {c: 50}, b: 100}
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Remember this for better understanding.