DEV Community

Vaibhav Arora
Vaibhav Arora

Posted on

NextJS Starter Kit with NextAuth v4, Prisma, Typescript and Docker

For your next project using nextjs, use this starter kit to bootstrap your project quickly and easily.

Check it out here:


  • NextAuth.js Integration: Seamlessly handle authentication with providers like Google, GitHub, and custom credentials.
  • Prisma + PostgreSQL: Efficiently manage your database with Prisma ORM connected to a PostgreSQL instance.
  • TypeScript Support: Enjoy the benefits of static typing and type safety with TypeScript built-in.
  • Tailwind CSS: Rapidly build your UI with utility-first CSS classes, fully integrated and ready to use.
  • Docker & Docker Compose: Easily develop and deploy with Docker and Docker Compose, streamlining your containerization and orchestration processes.

Top comments (5)

priyanshu__e3788da007da profile image

good work

ultimateutkarsh11 profile image
Utkarsh Rai

Nice one! 👏

abhishek_pandit_888 profile image
Abhishek Pandit

Congratulations on this incredible achievement !!!. You inspire us all to aim higher and push our limits. Well done!!!

dhruv__c619bc913aadc5e3 profile image
Dhruv !!

This really helped me to start a project with next js, Please keep uploading!

mohd_aftab_af658b4741eeab profile image
Mohd Aftab

nice work mate
This is nice to see you following you passion and doing things great.