DEV Community

10 Podcasts for Developers in 2019

Vaidotas Piekus on January 18, 2019

There are very few good things about having a commute to work every day. Dev podcasts is one of them. You can learn something new, keep up with the...
jerodsanto profile image
Jerod Santo

Thanks for including The Changelog and JS Party! 🎉

If you like those, there’s a non-zero chance you’ll appreciate most of the stuff we publish. That’s why we have a master feed. ✊️

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

Thanks Jerod! And thanks for the hard work on Changelog stuff!

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack

Great list of shows, looks like I need to add a couple to qit

Also, I've got to throw Coding Blocks out there. It's my favorite...but I'm quite biased. ;)

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

Adding it to my pod catcher, I am always looking for new stuff :)

dotnetcoreblog profile image

Also, I've got to throw Coding Blocks out there. It's my favorite...but I'm quite biased. ;)

I'm biased towards The .NET Core Podcast for much the same reasons, I think

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him) • Edited

Is it bad form to plug myself here?
I just launched

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack

As a dev podcast addict and maintainer of a dev podcast search engine, I appreciate it very much!

Subbed and ticketed!

lavieencode profile image
Nicole Archambault

I have a great podcast too, geared toward new self-taught developers (a demograph that is often overlooked in podcast topics). It's called La Vie en Code, and it's on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/Google Podcasts/Soundcloud/Stitcher. :)

Also, you can take a look at the episodes and notes here:

treddson profile image
Taylor Short

nice list but no base cs!?

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

ahh, it almost made it! I think it is super for some passive learning on cs fundamentals!

gabypentin profile image
Gabriela Amundarain • Edited

Command Line Heroes should also get an honorary mention for presenting the fundamentals of OS culture in such a fun way, tbh!

jonxtensen profile image
Jon Christensen 🐋

I feel kinda bad jumping on this thread :-), but when you've got 70+ episodes of your own podcast, and it's not in the list, you can't be held responsible for your actions! I just posted our most recent episode of Mobycast here on

Our formula is no guest interviews so that we can get deep on topics and have show-to-show consistency. We talk a lot about the realities of building and operating software in the cloud and cover stuff that doesn't get talked about in online classes.

d1p profile image
Debashis Dip

Great list 😍
For python developers, I would suggest Talk python to me which is a really good show focused on the python changes, ecosystem and the people behind it. What I love most about this show is it is well informative, calm and nicely organized.

vaidotas profile image

I totally agree, I listen to it occasionally too, even if I am not doing any python at the moment. Quality guests makes that show for sure.

timothep profile image
Tim Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇫🇷🇩🇪

Is it too late to plug my own modest contribution? I host the devjourney podcast, where I highlight the diversity of journeys into tech. And we just passed the 100 episodes mark 🥳

adamcosi profile image

Full Stack Baby...

Don't forget Full Stack Radio by Adam Wathan, one of the best podcasts out there IMO — solid contributor, vast breadth of topics and a good cohesive relationship among all episodes.

logicmason profile image

Two more I really like:

  • Techzing, which often meanders into the personal lives of the Justin Vincent and Jason Robers and how they juggle contracting, side projects and raising their kids. They've also gotten some incredible guests on the show.
  • Fullstack Radio, in where Adam Wathan basically picks the brain of anyone and everyone whose software he loves. It's much more technically focused than most the podcasts on this list, somewhat like Changelog.
azazqadir profile image
Muhammad Azaz Qadir

I am surprised PHP Roundtable is not mentioned here. A lot of other great coding podcast channels missing from the list. I would suggest to take a look at these channels as well:
Voice of the elePHPant
PHP Roundtable
Laravel News
PHP Architect
Code Pen

hdennen profile image
Harry Dennen

+1000 to Soft Skills Engineering.

henrygbc profile image
Henry Bravo

Great list, i'll add RealTalk Javascript from John Papa :D

ld00d profile image
Brian Lampe

I've been listening to Developer Tea lately. It's not very technical, but it's more about the life of a developer professionally and personally.

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

Oh yeah that is a good one! Sometimes you just want to take a break from super technical topics and enjoy people having conversations and sharing thoughts.

vikasyadav72 profile image
Vikas Yadav

Amazing list!

nuclearnic profile image

Nothing from Jupiter Broadcasting? Coder Radio & Linux Unplugged are awesome

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

Looks like I need to add it to my ever expanding listening list! Thanks for the recommendation

jethromay profile image
Jethro May

I'd like to add the Laracasts podcasts by Jeffrey Way are great too:

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Software Engineering daily!!! It is one of the podcasts I listen to have general knowledge of the trends in software.

bhupendra1011 profile image

for vanilla js stuff, this is good one :

theianjones profile image
Ian Jones

I love the Change Log and The React Podcast 😍

We (at put out a podcast that I listen to regularly as well. I think you all would like it:

gareth064 profile image
Gareth Doherty for sure. Learned so much from these guys.

benprofit profile image
benprofit • Edited

Love this list! Darknet Diaries is probably my favorite out of the list but episodes aren't released as frequently as the others.