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Create EC2 in AWS

How to create a new EC2 Instance in AWS
From the instance menu ( left navigation menu) click Instances and click the
Image descriptionLaunch instance button.

Step 1- Give the name and tag

Image description
Step 2: select the Operating system.
Step 3: Create new key pair and download it.
Step 4: Enabled Allow ssh and HTTP traffic in the firewall(security group). Alternatively, user can enable this from the network security group.
Step 5: Configure the storage information(Default should be fine for learning purposes).
Step 6: Click the Launch instance button.
New instance will be created.

Image description
Step 7: Identify the public and private IP address.
How to install Apache2
Step 1: Click the “Connect ” button on the top right corner.

Image description
Step 2 : in the console type : sudo su
Step 3: apt install update
Step 4: apt install apache2
Step 5: systemctl start apach2
Step 6: systemctl enable apache2 (This is to make the Apache to automatically start when the server start).
Step 7 In the browser, type the public IP address and watch whether the Ubuntu home screen loaded.

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