As if you have followed my blogs my famous blog was about creating a File Sharing website using simple javascript

How I Created a File Sharing Website using Simple JavaScript
Varshith V Hegde ・ Oct 5 '22
Why this blog?
First of all , I thank all the community who made that blog a great success. Also ,it was my first blog that made top 10 in the trending section. I am really thankful to all of you.
When I made that blog there were many suggestions from the community.
So I want to get direct suggestions from the community to make my website better.
This is a open source project and you can contribute to it.
What is the project about?
github link: []
Any Share is a simple, lightweight, and fast file sharing service. It is written in Javascript and uses the Firebase platform.
- Upload files
- Download files
- Delete files
- Share files
- View files
- Secure file sharing
- Any Share uses Firebase to store files. It uses Firebase Storage to store files and Firebase Realtime Database to store metadata of files.
- When a file is uploaded, it is stored in Firebase Storage and a unique ID is generated for the file. This ID is used to access the file.
- The metadata of the file is stored in Firebase Realtime Database. This metadata includes the url to the file and the unique ID of the file.
- When a file is shared, the unique ID of the file is shared. This ID is used to access the file.
- Receiver of the file can access the file using the unique ID of the…
- Please suggest some of the features that may be added
- Project is open source on GitHub create a pull request
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