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Search through over 100 billion images, verify your identity, mint your image on the ETH blockchain and get a PDF certificate!

In the digital age, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that images and other online content are properly protected and verified. With so much content being created and shared online, it’s not always easy to know if a particular image is authentic or if it has been tampered with. That’s where VerifBox comes in. VerifBox is a cutting-edge image verification solution that uses blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) technology to provide a secure, permanent, and tamper-proof record of image ownership.

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One of the key features of VerifBox is that it provides a complete PDF certificate at the end of the verification process. This certificate contains important information about the image, such as the transaction identifier, transaction timestamp, metadata, certificate number, smart contract address, and QR codes. The certificate is an essential proof of ownership and provides peace of mind for both the image owner and any third parties who may need to verify the image’s authenticity.

Before the verification process begins, VerifBox quickly and easily verifies the identity of the image owner. This is done through several methods, including phone number and email verification, self-copyright confirmation of ownership, crypto wallet authentication, and reCAPTCHA analysis. All of these methods work together to ensure that the image owner is who they say they are, and that the image is truly their property.

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Once the image is verified, it is stored on the IPFS the InterPlanetary File System, a decentralized and distributed file system that allows for permanent and secure storage of files and data. The IPFS is a peer-to-peer network that ensures that files are stored in a decentralized way, without the need for a central server. This eliminates the risk of a single point of failure and ensures that the image can be accessed and verified for eternity.

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In conclusion, VerifBox is a powerful and innovative solution for verifying the authenticity and ownership of images and other digital content. With its use of blockchain and IPFS technology, VerifBox provides a secure, permanent, and tamper-proof record of image ownership, giving both image owners and third parties the peace of mind they need in the digital age.

Start now with VerifBox

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