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A coffee-break introduction to time complexity of algorithms

Victoria Drake on June 06, 2018

Just like writing your very first for loop, understanding time complexity is an integral milestone to learning how to write efficient complex progr...
mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Your article has a few common misunderstandings about what BigO is measuring.

The statement, "Big O notation gives us our algorithm's approximate run time in the worst case", is not true, not even in it's common use in programming. If it were, then a HashMap insertion would be O(n^2) instead of the commonly quoted O(1), which results from measuring an average complexity over a good data set, not the worst case. Similarly, adding an item to a vector is often quoted as O(1), which is it's amortized time, the worst-time being O(n).

It's often misused in programming to mean a tight bound, when it is actually an upper-bound. A simple for-loop can be O(n), but O(n^3) is technically also an upper bound for it. There's a related Ω for lower-bound, and Θ for a tight bound. When we measure an algorithm we typically want the Θ, not O, but this is commonly misused, probably just because we don't have Θ on our keyboards. Big-Oh is a good way to specify a limit, whereas Θ is a good way to measure it.

Your initial diners solution is O(n), not O(n^2). Adding a constant loop, like the 0..3 in this case, does not alter the complexity. That would be 3*N which simplifies to O(n). That is, ignoring the slice and append, which have an unknown complexity here.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Thank you for the response!

You're right that the way the term Big O is used in an informal context isn't completely mathematically correct. As I was writing this article, I had a lengthy discussion with someone who has an advanced mathematics background. We discussed the differences between upper and tight bounds, and amortized and worst-case complexities specifically. Ultimately, the goal of this article is to present the concepts of time complexity in a way that programmers would encounter in practical, daily terms. In terms of the wording, see the Wikipedia entry for Big O notation, which states:

"For example, if T(n) represents the running time of a newly developed algorithm for input size n, the inventors and users of the algorithm might be more inclined to put an upper asymptotic bound on how long it will take to run without making an explicit statement about the lower asymptotic bound."

Ultimately, in practical use, the colloquial "misuse" of Big O suffices. I found that going farther into asymptotic analysis in this article was not helpful from a pragmatic standpoint.

I probably should have mentioned in the article that these things were considered, but not included, so thank you for the feedback! I'll make better note of those things in the future.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I understand that the casual use in coding is is different than math, but saying that is the "worst case" is also wrong for common coding.

We tend to consider hash maps O(1), vector add as O(1), map insert as O(log N), quicksort as O(N * log N), but none of those are true in the "worst case". We use average input case, typical case and amortized case on a regular basis, likely more common than worst-case when it comes to collections and common algorithms.

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software • Edited

It is not my domain of expertise, but assuming I am not wrong, maybe it's worth adding something like this: Big O measures the upper bound on a function. Big O can, but does not necessarily, refer to the running time in the worst case. We can determine Big O for various scenarios, including the best case, worst case, typical case, etc.

Update: I re-read the part of the sentence about this in the article:

Big O notation gives us our algorithm's approximate run time in the worst case, or in other words, its upper bound

I think @vickylai meant that the function would not have worse performance than the given upper bound, so it was a "worst case" in that sense.

However the input was not specified. For example, if we have a (contrived) function that is O( n2 ) for any even number as input, but O( n ) for odd-numbered input, the "worst case" in that sense is when it receives an even number and the "best case" is if receives an odd number.

The use of the term "worst case" refers to two different things in each of the two paragraphs above.

It doesn't always make a difference, but in practice we can't study the big O of any algorithm without some context around input. It's worth keeping that in mind.

qequ profile image
λlvaro Frias

Hello there!

A small mistake i've seen in your post is in the example of giving forks. The initial program is O(n) no O(n^2). That's because the first loop is constant (it is not looping over n).
I suggest you to correct that, because that example, for someone who just started in algorithm analysis, could induce to think that every program with, let's say, k nested loops will be at least O(n^k), when that it is not true.
Out of that, great introduction to this awesome subject that is algorithm analysis!

Greetings :)

mdbkdda profile image

I really enjoyed this article - you have made these concepts a little more accessible. I have always had a hard time visualizing O(log n) and your explanation - reduces the size of the input at every step - really did the trick for me.

Thank you!

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

You're welcome! :) And I'm glad.

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

Great article, took me back to my DSA class. Oh how I miss not worrying about what Microprocessor Architecture to mug up next

pramodkirchki profile image

I really appreciate the time in writing an article like this, while keeping it creative and interesting.
I am a newbie here in analyzing the complexity of the algorithms. But, isn't the last 2 giveForks example O(n) complexity? From the referenced Wikipedia article, there are some examples which are constant time complexity despite having multiple for loops.

Regarding the time improvement that you see, might it be because the second code is somehow cache-friendly possibly?

hepisec profile image

Hi Vicky, great article! However I think your pizza examples still have O(n) complexity although they have nested loops. The inner loops can be assumed to run in constant time O(1) as the number of slices per pizza and the number of pizzas per box is more or less constant.

rajadigopula profile image
Raj Adigopula

Great post. Detailed yet simple to follow. Thanks for the write up.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

I try and make things accessible. Glad that came across! :)

shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine

Hi Vicky, thanks for that article.
I always had a hard time understanding that complex notion of algorithm complexity.
Your article is very detailed and I think that I am going to read it a few more time to better understand all of this.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Great article. And the cover image is spot on.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Haha. Thanks Kasey!

gameguy43 profile image
Parker Phinney

This is excellent!!

alexgalhardo profile image
Alex Galhardo

I loved this post, thanks a lot Vicky :D

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Exceptional explanation! I'm adding this to my list of helpful references.

(Also, you had me at TARDIS.)

nahabiah profile image

Thank you Vicky for this write up, you've made big O very accessible to me 😃.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

That's fantastic news :D

kylegalbraith profile image
Kyle Galbraith

Fantastic post Vicky! The food analogies were quite awesome, although I was disappointed there wasn't one for binary search :).

r3i profile image

Fantastic refresher! It's been a while since algorithms class. Easy to follow food examples that we can all relate to :D

kidme profile image

Vicky this is great work thank you!

rhymes profile image

Just read it (at last :D), thanks for the update and great writing style!

belinde profile image
Franco Traversaro

Great explanation!
And, FYI, in Italy is pretty common for take away serve unsliced pizza. Often you have to explicitly ask for a sliced pizza. ;-)

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

:O That's good to know for when I make it to Italy one day!

Thanks! :)

pavlosisaris profile image
Paul Isaris

Thanks for the article! Very accessible and easy to read :)

kaxi1993 profile image
Lasha Kakhidze

Great Post! Good explanation, thank you

quii profile image
Chris James

Wonderful article

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Thanks Chris! :)

anupamah profile image
Anupama H

This is amazing ! Thanks for taking the time to write this up. You have described a very complex topic in quite understandable terms :-)

robencom profile image

Such a neat explanation of the Big O notation. Kudos!

sait profile image
Sai gowtham

well explained

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Glad you thought so!

kleinetigervk profile image
Lorna Roberts

Thank you so much. I'd heard about its importance in interview questions but didn't know where to begin. This is brilliant! :)

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Glad you find it useful Lorna! :)