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From Gears to Code: A Mechanical Engineer's Journey into the World of Software Development




The engineering field is vast and diverse, offering students and professionals many opportunities to explore. In today's world, many engineers find that the skills they learned in one engineering area can be applied to another. This is the story of one mechanical engineer who made a massive leap into software development. And I am proud that It was me.




I had always been mesmerized by how things functioned. As a child, I would take apart my toys to see how they were put together and try to assemble them again. As I grew, My curiosity shifted to how bikes and cars work and how a refrigerator could work. This inquisitiveness led me to study mechanical engineering in college, where I learned how to design and build machines that could solve complex problems and got to know how the machines work.

I took an Internship at a government corporation during graduation, where I worked on designing, optimizing assembly, and non-destructive testing. I loved the work, but a question haunted me while using software for design. How do these commands work? What goes behind this software that made my job easy digitally? I started exploring other engineering areas and discovered it was a building of coding. That was my first baby step toward coding.
At first, I found it challenging to transition from mechanical engineering to software development. But I learned the basics, picking my first programming language, Java. I heard that Java is the hardest to understand. I want to challenge myself with the hardest. Gradually I learned the basics from the W3 schools website.
Along with this, I learned scripting languages, built a website, and deployed it on netlify. Though it was not a responsive website and not entirely written, I was happy with what I learned and implemented. My ability to think analytically and solve complex problems was also helpful in programming.

With this knowledge, I could clear the interview and get placed in a top MNC. There they gave me training in Core Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Microservices, and DBMS. It was hard at first. Despite the challenges, I was determined to transition to software development.

My experience in mechanical engineering gave me a unique perspective on problem-solving and helped me to think creatively about software design. I quickly became an invaluable member of the team and was able to solve real-time problems in my assigned projects.




I deem that pursuing your passion is always possible. I took a chance and made the leap from mechanical engineering to software development, which paid off. I made myself open to new opportunities and the value of transferable skills. My ability to think critically, problem-solve, and visualize complex systems helped me progress in a field that initially seemed foreign. Not to boast about myself, but anyone can successfully transition to a new domain with hard work and dedication.

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