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Vikas V K
Vikas V K

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Closures: A breakdown - Part 2

This blog will give another perspective on how closures work, it's continuation of the previous blog. So do give that one a read which will clarify most of the concepts and this will be a cherry on top.

Let's take the same example as in the previous post. But, let's write it down in a different way. The output is the same.

function outer() {

  function inner(a) {
    function cb() {
    setTimeout(cb, a*1000);

  for(var i=1; i<=5; i++) {

  console.log("I run first")

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When the for loop is run, each time an execution context is created of inner function in the call stack. When the inner function is called, function cb is allocated memory and setTimeout is run. Even before setTimeout is run, there's a bond formed between inner and cb as a will be used in the future by cb. So, when cb is stored in the window with a timer attached to it, it also has backpack that has the value of a. When called after a second, it finds a in that backpack and that backpack is nothing but closure. Since inner is called 5 times and each time a new cb is created, the backpacks are different for each one of the cb with different timers.

Now, let's tweak the code a little bit.

function outer() {

  function cb() {

  function inner(a){
    setTimeout(cb, a*1000);

  for(var i=1; i<=5; i++) {

  console.log("I run first")

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Take moment and guess what will be the output. Run it using an IDE and take a look. You'll get an error saying a is not defined. When cb is ready to be executed, it cannot find a because its not in its parent function scope. cb and inner are totally different functions and they have no relation. That will only work if you pass the value of a to cb and define another callback function inside the inner function. Then you are sending the value into the scope of cb.
And that's all about closures.

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