A tool to add colorful backgrounds to screenshots.
Coded Mails
A list of free responsive HTML email templates.
CSS Background Patterns
A bunch of cool pure CSS background patterns.
A tiny Javascript library to make DOM elements draggable and movable.
How to Recreate the Ripple Effect of Material Design Buttons
Learn to make the ripple effect of Material Design's button component.
A Collection of HTML and CSS Buttons
A JavaScript library to convert typed text to realistic handwriting.
Preload late-discovered Hero images faster
A nice article on how preloading your images can boost your image display speed.
A CLI tool that corrects errors in previous console commands.
Yogurt CSS
A CSS framework for user interfaces at an atomic level without writing CSS.
smooth DOC
A ready to use documentation theme for Gatsby.
Butter Slider
A lightweight vanilla JS drag and hold slider made for easy setup.
A super small i18n provider for React applications.
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Top comments (4)
Thanks for introduce the Yogurt. Appreciate it.
Great as always!
Thanks :)