DEV Community

Virej Dasani
Virej Dasani

Posted on

I made a VS Code theme!

I always wanted to have my own theme for my favorite code editor, Visual Studio Code, so I made one!

Meet Hydroxy

  • It is a dark theme with an awesome color scheme
  • It comes in two flavors to match your taste!

Hydroxy Screenshot

Hydroxy Original (above)

Hydroxy Screenshot

Hydroxy Alt Colors (above)

- Hydroxy is available to download on the Visual Studio marketplace or directly from the extensions tab inside VS Code.

You can also check out Hydroxy on GitHub

Here's how I made it

  • I found this YouTube video. It pretty much shows you step by step how you can make your own VS Code theme!

A rating on the Visual Studio marketplace, a star on the GitHub repo and any feedback is highly appreciated!

  • Check out some of my other projects and follow my socials from my website!

Top comments (7)

virejdasani profile image
Virej Dasani

Glad I could be of help!

laxedo17 profile image

thanks! It's nice, I am torn between your theme and the one which was my favourite until now, which is Celestial (also Outrun meets Synthwave 84 looks nice to me). I prefer true dark themes, are easier on the eyes for me.


virejdasani profile image
Virej Dasani

Glad you liked my theme πŸ˜„

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria

Is it available on OpenVSX?

virejdasani profile image
Virej Dasani

Working on that right now, I'll let you know when its available.

rbseaver profile image
Rob Seaver

Well done! I just installed it and it's quite agreeable to the eyes :) Thanks for the contribution!

virejdasani profile image
Virej Dasani • Edited

Thanks mate, I'm glad you liked it πŸ‘
If you could give me a rating and/or a review on the visual studio marketplace I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance!