
Cover image for QR code component solution
Fatahi Showunmi
Fatahi Showunmi

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QR code component solution

Table of contents


I recently completed a challenge on Fronted Mentor [QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor (

This challenge was to build a QR code component and get it to look as close as the original figma design.


My process

I started the project by understanding the several sections in the design. I also developed a plan to segment the design and accord appropriate classes and id to each section where necessary. Then, I started the development phase.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox

What I learned

The first thing I learnt was that practice make perfect. Knowledge can only be solidify through practicing the things you know.

Continued development

In my future project, I would like to work on projects using the best practices in development.



I sincerely appreciate Fronted Mentor for this opportunity to practice our skills and become a better developer.

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