DEV Community

Visavilwa Daisy
Visavilwa Daisy

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100days of code

*100 Days of Python: My Journey

Over the past 10 days, I’ve explored key Python concepts, gaining a strong foundation in the language. Here's a quick recap:

Day 1: Set up Python and learned the basics—variables, data types, and printing outputs.

Day 2: Focused on strings, working with slicing, concatenation, and string formatting.

Day 3: Mastered numbers and operations like modulus, exponentiation, and floor division.

Day 4: Explored lists, learning to add, remove, slice, and sort items.

Day 5: Worked with tuples, understanding their immutability and how to access and unpack data.

Day 6: Learned about sets, their unique elements, and performed set operations like union and intersection.

Day 7: Delved into dictionaries, using key-value pairs for data storage and manipulation.

Day 8: Used conditional statements (if, elif, else) to control the flow of programs.

Day 9: Practiced loops (for and while), iterating over different data structures to automate tasks.

Day 10: Put everything together by solving exercises combining strings, lists, loops, and dictionaries.

This journey has been a great start, and I’m excited to continue learning and applying Python to real world projects

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