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Volkan Ozdamar
Volkan Ozdamar

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Talk like Pythonista 1 - Data Types

In programming languages data types using to represent and understand the value of data.Beside of that , we can decide what operations can be performed on data.Each programming languages has same approaches generally , but it is not standardized and every languages has their data type classification.

In Python , we've got



Any numeric value classified as Number.These numbers has types according to their represented data.These are integers , floats and complex numbers.In Python 3 , the limit is only computer memory for decide to how long data will be represent.However float values are represented as 64-bit double-precisions.


Positive or negative whole numbers are integers.Python using decimal system for all numbers.However if we need to other number systems,we can use prefix with numbers.

Prefix Interpretation Base
0b (zero + lowercase letter 'b') Binary 2
0o (zero + lowercase letter 'o') Octal 8
0x (zero + lowercase letter 'x') Hexadecimal 16

Some examples with integers

>>> 3
>>> 0b10110
>>> -47
>>> 0o5
>>> 0o12
>>> 0x21


Float numbers wider than integers and the are fractional numbers.They have got negative and positive values and decimal point.

>>> 3.0
>>> -24.3
>>> 8e-2

e is using for scientific notation and retuns a float value multiplied by the specified power of 10.

-Complex numbers
Complex numbers are written in the form, x + yj, where x is the real part and y is the imaginary part.


Strings are character sets.We create strings enclose charactes with single quotes or double quotes.

>>> "Hello , World!"
'Hello , World!'
>>> 'This is a sentence'
'This is a sentence'
>>> "I'm a developer"
"I'm a developer"
>>> 'I\'m a developer'
"I'm a developer"

If we need to use single quote , you have to enclose characters with double quote and vice-versa.Either , you can use escape character backslash "\".


Boolean has two value.True or False.We can test boolean values simple binary logic problems.

>>> True and False
>>> True or False

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