DEV Community

Maks Vozbraniuk
Maks Vozbraniuk

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You don't need "Auto Rename Tag" extension anymore

"Auto Rename Tag" is a very popular extension for VS Code, having almost 14 million downloads. It is designed to make renaming paired HTML/XML tags easier. The extension is not only useful for HTML but also for JSX, which used in React.

In version 1.79 VS Code introduced new feature "Linked editing for JSX tags".

With linked editing, when you change an opening JSX tag VS Code will automatically update the corresponding closing tag.

So you don't need to use an extension to rename HTML tags. You can simply enable this feature in the VS Code settings.

The feature is off by default but can be enabled by setting:
"editor.linkedEditing": true


VS Code update 1.79
"Auto Rename Tag" VS Code Extension

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