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godown: A New Approach to Download Management

In our digital world, efficiently managing large file downloads is essential. As a regular user of IDM and JDownloader2, I've noticed some areas for improvement, especially with larger files. This inspired the creation of "godown," a Go language-based download manager designed to streamline and enhance the download process.

The Challenges with Current Download Managers

One key issue with many current download managers is their handling of large files. They often use multi-part downloads, breaking large files into smaller segments. This method, while effective for small files, becomes less so for files over 1GB. The process of merging these segments post-download can be time-consuming and often requires significant additional disk space.

In addition, the user interfaces of IDM and JD2 can feel dated and cluttered. This, combined with limited options for customization and functionality enhancement, inspired a rethink in how we approach download management.

How "godown" Addresses These Issues

Godown focuses on three main areas:

  1. Efficiency in Download Speed and Space Usage:
    Godown streamlines the download process by streaming data directly into the file. This method involves creating an empty file, establishing multiple connections for different file ranges, and then streaming these ranges into the correct locations in the file. This approach ensures that the required space is allocated upfront, reducing the need for additional space. A local SQLite database is used to store minimal operational data efficiently.

  2. A User-Friendly Interface:
    The UI of godown is built using Go,, Svelte, and TailwindCSS. This combination aims to provide a modern, clean interface that's easy to navigate. serves as a lightweight framework for integrating the Go backend with a responsive frontend.

My design principle is that in most cases, less is more when it comes to UI. That's why the design is focused on being minimal, while having a button to toggle for more detailed information when needed. One of the main inspirations for the UI is this image on dribbble by Maciej Kałaska:

downloader ui inspiration

  1. Customizable Addons: To enhance functionality, godown supports addons via gRPC or REST API. This makes it easier for developers to create addons in different programming languages, allowing for greater customization and expansion of the tool's capabilities.

Current Progress and Next Steps

The core downloading functionality of godown is in place, and work is ongoing to refine the UI and expand addon support. Future plans include further enhancing these features and exploring new ways to improve the download management experience.

Your Feedback is Welcome

I'm open to your thoughts and feedback on godown. Your input is valuable in shaping this tool to better meet user needs.

Open Source Plans

When godown reaches a more developed stage, I intend to make it open source. This decision is rooted in a commitment to community collaboration and sharing the benefits of this project with a wider audience.

Godown is an effort to bring efficiency, ease of use, and customization to the forefront of file downloading.

Top comments (1)

syxaxis profile image
George Johnson

Interesting but might have been good to see some of the more interesting code snippets. I too have found that products like JDownloader2 are over complicated, trying to be too many things to everyone, trying to make everyone happy often results in no one being happy. I often use "Free Download Manager" which has an almost insanely simple interface but the simplicity is what makes it work so well.

As someone who codes Go and often pokes about on for public domain radio plays, I was looking for some interesting Go code as a starter to build my own simple downloader just for personal fun, so I'd certainly be interested to see a proper solution with all the bells and whistles.