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Kevin Pennekamp
Kevin Pennekamp

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How to create a scalable and maintainable front-end architecture

Modern front-end frameworks and libraries make it easy to create reusable UI components. This is a step in a good direction to create maintainable front-end applications. Yet, in many projects over the years I have found that making reusable components is often not enough. My projects became unmaintainable, as requirements changed or new requirements came up. It took longer and longer to find the correct file or debug something across many files.

Change needed to happen. I can improve my search skills, or be more proficient in using Visual Studio Code. But, I often not the only one working on the front-end. So, we need to the setup of our front-end projects. We need to make them maintainable and scalable. This means that we can apply changes in the current features, but also add new features quicker.

High-level architecture

In back-end development, we have many architectural patterns we can follow. Two concepts currently used are domain-driven development (DDD) and separation of concerns (SoC). These two concepts add great value to front-end development. In DDD you try to groups of similar features and decouple them as much as possible from other groups (e.g. modules). While with SoC we, for instance, separate logic, views, and data-models (e.g. using the MVC or MVVM design pattern).

We expect modern front-end applications to do more and more of the heavy lifting. With this added complexity, bugs are becoming more frequent. Because users interact with the front-end, we need a reliable architecture, that is both maintainable and scalable. My preferred architecture at this is modular and domain-driven. Note that my vision might change, but this is my preferred approach at this moment.

High-level scalable front-end architecture

When a user interacts with our application, he or she is directed to the correct module by the app routing. Every module is completely contained. But, as a user expect to use one application, not a few small ones, some coupling will exist. This coupling exists on specific features or business logic. We can share several features between modules. You can put this logic into the application layer. This means that each module has the option to interact with the application layer. A good example is a setup requiring to connect to our back-end, or API gateway, through the client-side API.

When looking at a project structure, we can follow something like shown below. All code for the application layer is in the app directory. While all modules have a directory in the modules directory. Reusable UI components (e.g. tables) that do not rely on business logic are in the components directory.

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The remaining directories hold our static assets (e.g. images) or helper functions in lib. Helpers functions can be very simple. They can convert something to a certain format, or help to work with objects. But more complex code can be present in the lib directory. Working with schemas or graphs (e.g. algorithms to check for loops in directed graphs) are no exception.

Many use something like CSS-in-JS or styled-components, but I prefer plain-old (S)CSS. Why? We can solve many UI problems using CSS and HTML and no JavaScript. For me, this becomes easier to do when we apply the concept of SoC. Also, maintaining CSS in one place makes it more maintainable, as you duplicate less. This requires a solid CSS architecture. Although I will discuss this in a different blog post, my CSS architecture is based on Harry Roberts' ITCSS.

Filling in the application details

With the high-level and project structure, we have made a good start. But, we need more details on various aspects to implement this front-end architecture. First, let's look at a more detailed architectural diagram, as shown below. In this diagram, I have zoomed in on the application layer but also zoomed in on a module. The application layer is the core of our front-end application, so let's discuss this first.

Detailed architecture of a module

The application layer comprises two parts: a store and a client-side API. The store is our global application state. This state holds data accessible by different modules at the same time. Even when the data is not needed on the screen, it will persist in the store. As you can see, every update request that goes towards the store can go through a chain of logic. This is what we call middleware. This is a pattern used in for instance Redux. An easy example of middleware is the logging of incoming requests of the store.

Sometimes, the incoming request for the store needs to be enhanced with data from an external service. With Redux, we use a Promise to handle this call. This can be our back-end service, but it can also be a public third-party API. Something it suffices to only use the browsers fetch API for a single purpose REST-calls. When you want to use the same API for various calls, it might be a good idea to create an API client definition.

A basic API client handles external requests, responses, and errors. You can even make it such that it can provide you information about the request state (e.g. loading). More complex API clients handle a lot more though. Some APIs connect through a web-socket or even connect to a GraphQL API. In such a case, you have a lot more configuration options, as illustrated below.

Anatomy of an API client

In more complex API clients we get the possibility to alter all outgoing requests through middleware (e.g. add authentication headers). The response can be altered using afterware (e.g. changing the data-structure). After altering the response, we store it in the client's cache, which is like our application store. The difference? The cache only handles incoming API data, while we can put any data in your application store.

Many front-end applications will have a dedicated back-end service to talk to. Be it an API gateway on top of a Kubernetes cluster with many micro-services, or a single monolith back-end. But sometimes we need to connect to different external services. With this architecture, we can create many API clients. Each of the API clients can have a cache, middleware, and afterware. Different parts of our application should be able to interact with each of these API clients.

A corresponding project structure for the app directory can be something like:

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Two of the directories inside app should sound familiar by now: api and store. These hold all the related to the use-cases described already. The config holds static definitions and configurations (e.g. constants) used throughout the entire application. A schema describes a specific data structure for JavaScript objects. This can be used both when using TypeScript or JavaScript. All generic schemas for the application are stored within the schemas directory.

The pubsub is a great example of a feature that can expand the basic architecture of our front-end. We can use the pubsub for module communication or for managing scheduled jobs. As it can be critical for the core of the application, it lives within the app directory. Last, we have the index.js file. Within this file, we can add all functions and constants from within the app directory. This means that the functions of this file as our entry-point towards the application logic.

Architecture of a module

With our application layer described, we only have the modules left. The detailed architecture diagram already shows the internals of a module. When the application routing points towards a specific module, the module determines how the routing should continue. The module routing determines which page should be shown. A page comprises a lot of UI components, which is what the user will get to see on the screen.

A page in this context does not differ from a UI component. It is a big UI component. But, other modules can interact with components (and actions), but not with pages. The only way how pages from different modules can interact with each other is with nested routing. This means you put the module routing inside a page from a different module.

Components interact with the application layer through actions. These actions can come in different formats. They can be plain JavaScript functions, Redux related functions or React Hooks. Sometimes you have small utility functions specific for a module. In that case, you can put them in the actions directory, or you create a dedicated utils directory for a module. The module structure for a project is shown below.

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Like the application layer, we can have static code (e.g. constants or schema definitions) that is only relevant for our module. In that case, we put that code in the config or schema directories. When working with GraphQL, we can have query and mutation definitions. These should be in the gql directory (or a directory with a similar purpose). While working with an application store for this module, add an interfaces.js file. This file describes how to access data in the store.

The index.js acts as the index.js of the app directory. Here we describe all the components, actions and constants accessible for others.

Module communication

Not every module needs to have all the directories and files as described. Some modules, for instance, do not need pages, as they only comprise components and actions. A great example is a 'files' module. This module can combine components and actions for viewing and uploading files. An example is a drag-and-drop area for files that uploads the result to a blob storage. This could be a reusable component. Yet, the actual uploading of files depends on the service we can use for it. By combining the UI component and the actual action to upload a file, we create a small contained module. The moment we combine components with business logic, we convert them into modules.

But how can other modules use the components or actions from the files module? The index.js file of a module describes which components, actions, and constants are accessible for other components. So we could use the file drop-zone or the upload action from the files module. But, sometimes we have to choose what we are exposing to other modules. Will it be an action, or are we combine the action into a component?

Let's look at the example of a user drop-down. We can create an action that provides us all the users we can select from different modules. But, we now need to create a specific drop-down in all other modules. This might not need much effort to have a generic drop-down component. But this component might not work in a form. It might be worth the investment to create one UserDropdown component that we can use. When something changes around users, we now change only one component. So sometimes we need to choose what to expose: actions or components.

Using a PubSub

One advanced pattern that we can use between components is the use of the pubsub. With this pattern, it is not possible to share components, but we can share data. The diagram above shows how it works. Again, this is an advanced pattern and only use it if you want to go a micro front-end route, or when you need it.

UI component anatomy

One last detail level is missing still, and that is the architecture of a UI component. In a previous blog post I described this already. When you look at this anatomy, you will see some concepts back that we apply on a bigger scale.

The UI component anatomy

The front-end is the first point of entry for our users. With our front-end projects growing in features, we will also introduce more bugs. But our users expect no bugs, and new features fast. This is impossible. Yet, by using a good architecture we can only try to achieve this as much as possible.

This article was originally posted on

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Top comments (33)

ceceliacreates profile image
Cecelia Martinez

Wow, great write-up! Thank you for going into so much detail and the graphics, they make things so much clearer.

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Thanks for your nice comment!

riccardomessineo profile image
Riccardo Messineo

Great post,
I love how you introduced the pattern without attaching it to a specific frontend framework.


vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Thanks! That was also one of my goals when starting this article. Good to see that it is also noticed

wbern profile image
William Bernting

How scalable is one redux store for an entire application?

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Hi William,

My first tip would be not to depend on only one thing. It was one of my own bigger mistakes made in the past. I choose a technology and tried to apply it as much as possible, making my own life even more difficult.

That aside, state management is difficult and many different solutions exists. I do not think there is one solution you can choose for a big front-end application. You should always question yourself: do I need this state on application level, or is it only required in a more scoped environment? Some examples you can use for state-management techniques, than can be combined are:

  • Redux for your application state, mainly for sharing data between different parts of your application. Here you can also manage errors and request states (e.g. loading) with a proper reducer design. You could for instance create a generic reducer setup for CRUD operations (only the name will be dynamic), making it more scalable;
  • Redux for application settings and configurations that only need to exist on the front-end;
  • React Context on an application level for maintain states around for instance small configurations, like language. Choosing only Context, you make it only dependent on React, making it more sharable between projects, but also within the project. Otherwise choosing a correct big store-design would become more difficult. And React Hooks made this a lot easier;
  • Use the cache from API clients, if available. Apollo Client for GraphQL is a great example of a client having this. This might be sufficient for your state management;
  • Use React Context for module state. Sometimes you just need state management within the pages of a module, and nowhere else. Maybe you have a complex page with a lot of nested components, all working on the same object (or objects related to each other). Or you need to maintain a state of requests you need to send when clicking save (e.g. creating and updating multiple objects), just to keep front-end and back-end consistent in data. In such a case, React Context might be the better way to go. Personally I often combine it with a reducer (using React.useReducer), which are similar to Redux reducers. So it is like lifting one reducer up into your application and apply it more scoped. The biggest advantage of React Context here, is that you can combine state with functions, both that can be used by any component living within the context.
  • Use a Reducer for individual API calls. I used to call every API through redux, as I could easily manage states of requests (e.g. loading, successful executed, or did we get back an error). But if this is the only goal for using Redux, than just create a generic function you can use for outgoing calls, that uses a small reducer. Robin Wieruch has a great article around this, using Hooks (

In summary: yes, Redux can be used for application state and it can be scalable. You as a developer just has to make the decision where which part of the state needs to live, as not everything needs to be in the application store.

wbern profile image
William Bernting

Good answer.

nadeeminamdar profile image
nadeeminamdar • Edited

Great article, Kevin! I was wondering which tool did you use to create those schematics. They look clean and simply awesome!

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Thanks! I created them myself in Figma

fiammettas profile image

Hello! I agree: the schematics are awesome. I am trying to reproduce something similar with Figma. Where did you get the icons?

Thread Thread
vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Pfoe, long time ago, but I believe I downloaded some .svg's from fontawesome, and played around with stokes instead of fills.

hermogenes profile image
Hermógenes Ferreira

Great article! I'm facing similar situation and, even though I usually follow this pattern, I'm interested to know if you already had experience making each module a separated repo. Something like micro-frontends as we have for backend

alkafaiz profile image
Faiz Alkautsar

Good article! I pretty much understand the concept but still have one question; in what condition should we start separating the code into module? Thanks

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Imagine an application to manage public events, something like an enterprise version of meetup. Users are in this case those who create and manage the events. They can create programs, determine if the events are closed, configure website, etc. However, there is no Active Directory or anything available. So users and their authentication details are managed by the same backend as all other aspects of the application.

In the front-end, this is very good example of a contained module. We have to be able to create, edit, delete and read basic information of users. Handling of sending authentication emails etc. is being done by the backend. But why is this a good example of a module?

Lets assume we are building a front-end for a back-end by using standard fetch-requests, or use something like the library axios. We are also using a single application store is used for state management (e.g. redux). And for good times sake, it is a single-page application (SPA).

On the highest level, we are going to point our router towards the user module, the moment someone browses to /users/?…. At this point, our module can handle the nested routing for us, the application router does not have to do anything. In the module, we have an overview page on the index (e.g. showing a table of users for address /user), but we also have pages around create, edit, and maybe also for your own profile (as this might differ from a standard edit page).

To make these pages work, the module also handles all the CRUD requests towards the back-end, assuming they follow the same structure (e.g. they point towards the same endpoint group). This configuration of these fetch-requests, is also part of the module. But the responses of these requests are handled in the application state when applying optimistic UI. The module handles where and how this part of the application state looks.

Now assume we are in another part of the event-application. We want to change for instance the owner of an event. So we need a searcheable dropdown users. To fill this dropdown, we need to use atleast a get-request from the users end-point of the back-end. You could handle that in the page where it is located. But you can also create a UserDropdown component in the user module. This component can directly use the fetch-request already configured in the module. Furthermore, it can use the application state configured in the module. It can use existing users in the state to pre-populate the dropdown already. This way, all the logic and UI logic is handled inside the user module, and not scattered throughout your application and your code base.

isotope2011 profile image
A. Tope Adekanbi

This is very useful. Thank you for explaining these concepts and good examples. Much appreciative.

dongyuhappy profile image

pretty good

atomtm profile image

Great article ! Any demo project you would recommend to investigate the architecture design described ?

lorenzotrojan1 profile image
Lorenzo Trojan

This is great, thank you so much! Only thing that is missing here, is a small demo GitHub repo to really put things together, but otherwise amazing stuff!

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