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Walli Ahmad
Walli Ahmad

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Why to Choose TypeScript over JavaScript : TypeScript vs JavaScript


JavaScript has been a popular choice for developers, but now there's TypeScript, introduced by Microsoft in 2012. TypeScript was made to handle big apps, which JavaScript struggled with. Let's compare TypeScript and JavaScript to see what each offers for web development.

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TypeScript: Solving Big Problems:

TypeScript came about because web apps were getting more complex. While JavaScript was good for simpler tasks, it couldn't handle bigger jobs well. TypeScript fixes this by adding optional typing and compiling down to regular JavaScript, making it usable for both simple and complex projects.

JavaScript: The Original with Limitations:

JavaScript is everywhere, but it has its drawbacks. It lacks static typing and error checks during development, making it tricky for large projects. Despite growing from a client-side language to server-side, JavaScript couldn't handle big tasks efficiently.

Advantages of TypeScript Over JavaScript:

TypeScript has some clear benefits compared to JavaScript. It offers static typing, which catches errors early, making it easier to organize and refactor code. Plus, TypeScript ensures your JavaScript code stays valid while giving extra features like classes and interfaces.

Integration with Existing JavaScript:

One great thing about TypeScript is how well it works with existing JavaScript code. It supports popular libraries and frameworks, so developers can use what they know while getting the benefits of TypeScript's enhancements.

Why Choose TypeScript?

The choice to switch to TypeScript comes down to fixing JavaScript's flaws. With static typing and error checks, TypeScript reduces mistakes, boosts productivity, and makes projects easier to manage. Its familiarity to JavaScript developers and compatibility with existing code make it a smart choice for modern web development.


In the TypeScrip vs JavaScript debate, In my opinion TypeScriptcomes out as a strong contender for building big web apps. Its support for static typing, improved code organization, and seamless integration with existing JavaScript make it a powerful tool. Whether it's for small tasks or complex projects, TypeScript offers the scalability and reliability developers need in today's web development landscape.

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