If you're just starting out and looking to build a variety of applications, including web applications, RESTful services, and microservices, Spring Boot might be a more beginner-friendly choice. It has a large and active community, extensive documentation, and a wealth of resources available for learning.
1. Search the project
I used github to search related project and starts>50, forks>50.
After reading the README and About(It is more important than I thought before), I picked some projects.
2. metasfresh
At first, I found the metasfresh project which do open sourse ERP-Fast, Flexible & Free Software to scale your Business. This repo is a good open source which has 2.8k issues, publish a stable Release every Friday and it's has own Community Forum.
So I found the installation and tried to install the docker and Docker Compose Plugin.
The installation provides the link to install Docker Compose Plugin, but I could't find my Mac version, so I searched and got the doc which says "Docker Compose is installed as part of Docker for Mac. So if you have Docker for MAC, you have Docker Compose."
I tried to update my docker-compose.yml, but when I ran docker-compose build
, it threw the error docker-compose build
validating metasfresh-docker/docker-compose.yml: (root) Additional property search is not allowed
After several hours of searching, I still couldn't resolve this issue. Considering my limited familiarity with ERP and the complexity of this long-standing project, I have decided to temporarily set aside this project. I will revisit it in the future once I have gained more experience with Spring Boot.
3. Online-Strore
This project looks much simpler and suitable for a beginning, has 19 contributors, 20 issues and updated 18 hours ago.
So I tried to click the START.MD, but the link does not found. Luckily the START.md was easy to found.
I tried to run docker compose -f docker-compose.services.yml -p online-store-services up -d
, but it seems I need a .env
file to set it, but I couldn't find enough information to set this .env
file. I just wanted to give up this project.
4. E-commerce-project-springBoot
This project is a web application Java Based Beginner level project To developing the e-commerce website to Buy/sell the Food Item which use the Spring Boot to build the back-end part. And the project forked 279, Stared 265.
After the previous twists and turns, I nervously began its installation:
- Open the project in your IDE and change the working directory of the project since Spring Boot doesn't recognize the views. I tried to do according to the first two steps "Click on the "Edit Configurations..." button in the top right corner of the IDE Click on the JtSpringProjectApplication configuration", but I can't find the "JtSpringProjectApplication configuration".... Luckily, I found the way to solve it: when create the project, choose JtProject and choose the Maven, then I can find and set the configuration
Configure the database connection in application.properties file.
At first, I used db.username=root, but it throws
Connect failed: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
, at first I set mysql again and again, but it still didn't work. I created a test connect mysql and got the same error, luckily, I found a solution and it worked when I tried to used another mysql account. ```
package org.example;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://";
String username = "wym";
String password = "*****";
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password)) {
System.out.println("Connected to the database successfully!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println("Connection failed. Error message: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Hello world!");
Then I met another error, boolean cannot be converted to java.sql.ResultSet. Luckily, I found it's a "select" command, and changed it from stmt.execute() to stmt.executeQuery() worked.

Then I met another error, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'db.driver' in value "${db.driver}. After a lot of searching, I found my db.driver version is not compatible with my mysql version 8.0.31 in `pom.xml` file, so I set the mysql-connector-java version. One more thing, I need to reload my Maven project.

Finally, I could run my first Java Spring Boot project finally. I create the [issue](https://github.com/jaygajera17/E-commerce-project-springBoot/issues/38) and [PR](https://github.com/jaygajera17/E-commerce-project-springBoot/pull/39) to fix the bug and update
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Check out this repo.