Experienced developers will tell you after graduating from boot camp your first job will most likely be as a junior developer.
This is utter nons...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
after reading the first 5 points i think, what an stupid Developer write this shit. I scroll directly to the comments. then i read Kaidis comment and scroll back to point 10 and I have to say good jocke, you had me @daniel Warren.
Hopefully there is number 10, I was shocked by giant functions...
and not for other points? LOL
I stopped reading at this point, I jumped to comments directly lol
hahaha i was getting nervous while reading through so I hit Ctrl + W, then I came back and finished the lecture 😆
Hahah, it was a scary joke
I thought it was obvious after #1, haha.
Well... I read too many things to assume that 😂😂
Excellent trolling. I started off just skimming, and when I read the part about editing your node_modules I thought, "surely this is some sort of typo." The Functions section gave it away, and the spaces thing was hilarious.
A coworker and I always debate 2 vs. 4 spaces (he's in the 4 space camp). As a joke, I suggested going rogue and doing five just to prod him, ha. Thanks for the read. I thought it was very obviously satire, but now I'm not so sure, haha.
I also cracked at #3 since I've been struggling with a co-worker who always justifies his awful practices and lack of adherence to project's styling decisions with: "Code is art, i have my own style" 😂
Couldn't you compromise on using 3 spaces?
No spaces is the new 4 spaces.
It's a classic Poe's Law situation.
Team Two Spaces, all the way.
Brain: explodes
The opposite of number 10 is do exactly what I just said lol which create an infinite loop
the opposite of 10 is 01 which will be a loop that runs only once... i don't catch the joke 😅
The loop would be going back to through it all, but with the inverse reasoning of what you just read then getting to 10 and doing it all again. Thus, an infinite loop 😉
Damn 😂 i organized it in my mind as a dataSource from 0 to 8 then the 9 (which is the point 10) negates the rest 😅
Well done. The only piece I can disagree (maybe agree?) with, other than #10 is #6. There are a lot of great developers advocating and using "trunk-based development." The overarching theory being that merges can suck, so do them more often and smaller.
To do the practice right you would pair program so code review happens in real-time, do TDD so everything is tested, and make many small commits, any of which would be production-ready. You can use feature flags or branching by abstraction to hide functionality. If you're interested you can read more at trunkbaseddevelopment.com/. I'm not presonally doing it yet, but working on moving my team that way.
Instantly scroll down when I saw #1 😂😂😂
lol 😂
I ended the reading at the second point...I said serious, WTF!...hahah
My favorite is still this one 😂😂
Ofc, there wasn't 'April fools' in the title at first 😉
Mate, I was about to go bazooka on your ass until I read #4 😂
Is it bad I've spent the week writing an XML serializer?
Lol, you had me at point 1. Brilliant.
You had me in the first half ain't gonna lie 😄
I was preparing counter arguments as I read but luckily I was patient enough to finish because after the last one I did a remove command line mentally for those lol
You should know readers have enough going on in their day to be playing your mind twist games.
Amazing, you made my day! Thanks for this! 😂🤣
Great Post! Love it!
You got me there. I was reading with my eyes getting wider in disbelieve on every paragraph. Nice one.
With advice like this I hope to never use one of your libraries.
Except for last point.
Haha good one or maybe I should say these 10 ones... and I think the worst enemy of a good developer is this arrogance of thinking that they are superior in everything
ahahah very good! Number 10.
Checked your profile and went; yeah right!
You really are a writer.
you had me on the first half of #1... ngl
Don't know much about #1, but when I read #2 and #3, I already sensed that this post will be sarcasm. 😂
😅 you got me, i was about to type a mean comment till i saw "Do the opposite of everything I just said"
Too bad, I dumped all the coffee allotted for me today. It was too much fun for me, it made my day.
You better put a TL;DR at the top and put number 10 as number 1. Nice piece. However documentation point is definitely controversial, at least in the context described ;)