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Supercharge your Windows Development: The Ultimate Guide to WSL šŸš€šŸ“Ÿ

Boris Martinovic on November 21, 2023

Hi! Iā€™m Boris! Iā€™m a software engineer working professionally in insurance, teaching other developers, and speaking at conferences. Thro...
srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Not only VS Code but Jetbrains Suite supports WSL 2.0 and development is really fun. I hope to see more improvements and the WSL 3.0 Release.

Awesome work šŸ™Œ

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brads profile image
Bradley Oliver

Awesome write up. I've been using WSL since its first release as dual-booting and (as you mentioned) Virtual Desktops just were not cutting it. Only thing that is throwing me for a loop here is I have never actually ran a GUI version of any linux app in WSL I was under the impression it was primarily a terminal thing. Sure you can access file explorer (but permissions are always complaining on my end) but how the hell did you RUN dolphin file manager? Installing it on WSL does not place that app within the programs menu anywhere and you didnt mention a command in the terminal to actually 'run' a graphical user interface of any specific App so did I miss something?
Excellent work!

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic • Edited

First of all, thanks for the kind words!

I just installed it via apt with
sudo apt install dolphin
Afterwards, it just showed up in my start menu. If you don't see it there, just run dolphin in WSL and you should be seeing it. It could potentially do with the version of WSL/Ubuntu. Check the link for more info on how to update.

infomiho profile image
Mihovil Ilakovac

Developing on Windows with WSL makes you want to switch to Windows šŸ˜‚ It's such an improvement!

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

It is better for sure with WSL!

araaranomi profile image
Ara Ara no Mi

How so? I have WSL but to me development isn't as good as just using Windows.

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martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

I might have made a blanket statement there. It's not better everywhere, of course.
If you're developing with for example .Net, it doesn't make much sense to use WSL (although it's a valid option, if one is using it) and it might be slower experience.
If you need to do things that just work better on *nix environments, it is usually a better experience, at least for me.

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Super detailed!
Thank you for posting it!

shubham7894 profile image
Shubham Guleria

Can you create a guide for lamp stack on debian in wsl. I was facing issues with mysql installation when i tried it.

fernandezbaptiste profile image

Really nice write up - thanks!

nathan_tarbert profile image
Nathan Tarbert

Installing Linux on Windows is a must :)

Nice article!

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Finally, the comprehensive guide to WSL on Windows. This will be of help to so many devs starting out their journey on Windows!

martinsos profile image
Martin Å oÅ”ić

Thanks Boris, I found especially useful the part with VSCode!

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

Thanks! I figured it would be nice to have an all-in-one article for this topic.

vincanger profile image

Nice work, Boris. This should come in handy for a lot of devs!

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

Thanks, I hope so!

damian_cyrus profile image
Damian Cyrus

What about using SSH? Do you set up separate for Windows and Linux or do you use Windows/Linux only? It look like you use Windows as main system for credentials, so I guess SSH is also on Windows? How do you set this up?

I switched to wincred, too, but I still have to separate my signed commits on both systems.

oyal profile image

May I ask how to install it to the D drive?

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

By default, you can't install it to any other drive except C. There are some ways where you can move it after installation, but I can't attest to anything as I always had it in the default drive, so I'm not too comfortable recommending anything like that.

xbandx68 profile image
Andrea Bandiera

If you have the Home edition, Hyper-V is not supported.

martinovicdev profile image
Boris Martinovic

As far as I am aware, it is supported. Check this:

bytemaster profile image
Byte Master

But... Linux.